

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Dream 'Star of David Stone and Shekinah Glory' 9th July 2019

Before laying down on the sofa, I had put on.a youtube video, soon afterwards sleeping. The video might be significant as the subconscious mind filters and can bring forth information while in sleeping. Even so, the dream experience is as explained, as recollected.


It is daylight outside.  I am a rear seat passenger in a car looking out the left hand window. The vehicle turns left around the corner. I did not see the driver of the vehicle.

Noticing the front and then side of a modern style detached house. The land looks like it had been recently cleared, or a new build. Perhaps demolition of an older building took place before.. The long attached garage - seen as turning the corner, appears as if an extension.

Momentarily I see a glimpse of a man inside what I have thought is the garage - the door was open. I cannot see clearly,  yet he is wearing a light (cream) hat. I could not see his face.

Next I am inside a small narrow room - like a hallway painted white. On the left hand side there is a white shelf with a bottle with pale blue liquid. The room appeared to be freshly painted.

Next I am inside a large empty room - no other people can be seen. Then I notice a man is walking near the side door to my left as if entering the main room. He then goes through a side entrance on the left from where I was sitting.   I did not notice or recall other details of the room..

The impression of light colour or white seats - just a side aisle where the man was walking is recalled - not sure 100% if revealed symbolism to my subconscious mind or actual physical form. From this I am given the impression I was inside a House of Prayer.

Still in the main room, I am sitting on a chair at a small white table with my hands in a bowl. My focus seeing my hands with the same colour blue liquid as seen in the bottle. The pale blue liquid appeared to have a shimmer and moved with a thicker density than water.

My hands were partly immersed moving through the blue liquid sticking on the side of the white bowl. Visually it appeared sticky yet easily removed with my palms from the side of the bowl and also from my hands and fingers.

The physical feeling was 'comforting'...

Next the young man is walking towards the side door on the left of the room - I follow him (carrying a Byzntium purple colour cushion I was sleeping on in reality at the time of this dream)

Next I am in a smaller room facing a STONE with the STAR OF DAVID engraved with a circle.  Visually the stone was a bell shape outline with a narrow top and slightly curving outwards to the bottom. I did not know if an altar, HEAD STONE - CAPSTONE came to mind also.

The colour of the stone appeared light grey.  I did not look around or see anything or anyone else. The impression given, it was situated precisely for a reason, in this location.

NEXT, seeing two upright beams of white light in front of the stone. This light was not blinding white light but the white light and distinctive two beams seen side by side appeared as one.

Then Next 'as if' stepping back. looking on -- the light took the shade of a pale creamy yellow colour as if presence of a spiritual being was being made manifest in the room to the person present.

Nothing else was seen - nor any other person in the room, I did not see the man again. I could still see the Star of David engraving on the stone behind the light, yet the light came in front of the stone and manifested into this room - wherever the building is situated and established,

I do not recall any more about this dream.

The light seen is as discovered in this image. In my dream the light was as if a spiritual body was present  and standing tall. The rays of light were initially white an came from above.


When writing this article OSMOSIS came to mind while thinking about my hands being in the liquid. The gesture was as if washing my hands and cleaning the bowl.

It is written about Osmosis

1) a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one.

2) the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.

Remaining in the awareness when this dream took place I was listening to a lecture on on a youtube channel might be connected with this dream.  

They key points in the analysis of the dream:

New house of prayer - possibly built on land where a previous house of prayer was established..

Star of David connected with Israel and House of Israel. The building is connected with Israel and the tribes of Israel also the Star of David with the House of David.

The light that comes from God appearing in front of the sotonewith the symbolism clearly identified with the Star of David and House of Israel. 

Man wearing a head covering - I did not see as a kipah and yet it might have been. The man was wearing the head cap inside the building 'extension'. 

The Olive Tree Branch is written to be GRAFTED IN...came to mind, as writing this, and the extension to the building is like another graft connecting and expanding a building.

Three predominant colours in the dream, white, pale blue and purple.

The colour purple is actually named Byzantium Purple. 

Seeing the Shekinah Glory in front of the Stone with the Star of David engraved -it is assumed the Shekinah Glory would not be revealed any differently than written in history.

The reason the Shekinah Glory is revealed written too.

The MAN who prays to God is significant too. 

When God hears the prayers of His Servants - if he is praying to be guided in the right way. He will be expected to be divinely guided in truth.

This was a Lucid dream as if awake in the experience..

Describing 'like liquid latex' came to mind, never seen or felt before,  I did a search on the internet knowing there are many shades of blue and found one that is similar (latex gloves)

This blue is the same as seen on the long light blue clothes worn by women seen in a mediation during prayer for healing in 2011, A group of spiritual sisters wearing pale blue and white - one speaking to the other women.

The blue gloves seen are symbolic and might be also connected with regards to prayer, pure intentions, and being able to see in a dream so clearly, God revealed this to see.

The man entering into what was seen as a private side mirrored with my experience in entering the private room at the side. No other people were seen in the building.

The House of David is established. The House of Israel is identified too.  

For the Spirit of God to appear and be revealed, we can expect He would do so in ways written too. We are also reminded of our prayers and God seeing and listening.

We have been given this reminder as this is written:

“But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you. (Matthew 6:6)

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)

The Shekinah denotes the dwelling of the divine presence of God.

Two white light rays were seen as one, I thought about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - three persons - also the manifestation of God. An angel is a messenger of God.

it is written:

And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were filled with fear. (Luke 2:9) 

The divine presence was making living light presence known to be visibly seen. I recall Zehariah had an experience that is also documented in the Holy Scriptures, as it is written:

The Gospel of Luke states that while Zechariah ministered at the altar of incense, an angel of the Lord appeared and announced to him that his wife would give birth to a son, whom he was to name John, and that this son would be the forerunner of the Lord (Luke 1:12–17).

The video channel, when listening to at the time of this dream - falling asleep almost straight away is identified and named: 'The Olive Branch Called Out in Fellowship.

Symbolically the House (of God) and stone inside on a corner location, again brings the reminder of the Cornerstone and the Star of David (Star of David). It is written about Jesus:

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” (Revelation 22:16)

The washing of hands in water has featured in history. In this dream experience, the liquid was not clear water and looked like liquid latex - or as I imagined this to be.  -

Even so the analysis of this dream could be far more extensive and yet the most significant parts are explained and seeing a a location and inside a building. 

With the Holy Spirit within, this would allow what is Spiritually revealed from God to be seen in this way. This would explain when it is written 'The Spirit of the Lord took me to see' - 

It is also written, 

For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree. (Romans 11:24)

But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, (Romans 11:17)

Biblical prophesy and the new covenant is written. Warnings are written too and what is happening in this land that is contributing to destruction and death of masses of people is not Holy.

It is written: "Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, (Jeremian 31:31)

House of Israel - Tribes of Israel and Star of David featured. 

The God of ISRAEL is written. 

When you pray with sincere heart, God is listening..

Peace be with you 
Pauline Maria

Tuesday 9 July 2019

'I am Here Now' Message July 4th 2019

Personal Revelation Message

The message is written as given word for word.

Message : July 4th 2019
Start time: 2:30 am
End time: 2:53 am

'You see there is nothing I have told you before that did not happen as I said it would. So hold on now for the road is rocky ahead. 
I am here now and those who love me see me and those who reject me do not.
I reveal myself to whomsoever I want and hold back to those who are not ready to accept the Grace of Truth.
By circumstance you were saved by the Grace of Truth by the Almighty who took pity on you for your pitiful state. 
I hurt to see you suffer and fall and this took place by the decisions you make. 
Choose the right company and you will be blessed.
Choose company that challenges you - you will both learn something and heal that which is not.
Choose wisely your decisions for time and energy and set your boundaries for you will be hit hard with anger at one who can manipulate you no longer.
Hold onto me and know I have saved you from the enemy snare of trickery to influence evil on those close to you. 
Love and mercy, love and mercy. Feel love and show mercy for all can know the truth of me when they see my broken handmaiden still loves despite she is hated and rejected.
I singled you out for a purpose as others are given a purpose, but  I do not tolerate hypocrites causing souls to be lost in my name. 
You know when to back away and when your job is done.
You are my Holy Orthodox Church - not alluring the innocents to be snared and taken away in trust.
As the children have seen me where you are - look how time has passed
I did not forget the child who needs my love and assurance and the little girl bringing smiles will not be able to be taken away from me that easily.
Pauline I told you I will grant you rest and this was not understood. 
The enemy of the people is active in your land and yet there are those waking up. 
Do not be part of the ignorant loyalists who reject Your King and The Father Almighty and resist being put into discussions to trip you up about spiritual matters by those who do not want to learn and understand. 
You have been given certain understanding and you have years of study to expand learning. 
Now to put all that learning given to you to make a positive difference was stunted over and over again.
Well my dear I am here now and my people who are called by my name are who they are. 
Nothing can stop the truth even if the truth is denied.
And my people are the Inheritance of The Lord to bring the Jews and Gentiles back.
This Kingdom will be restored and transformed and all peoples will know God The Father sent me and I am the Son born who loves my people.
I do not lead my people to slavery and I do not oppress my people.
I do not worship false idols and I do not teach this to do.
If anything the people have been warned over and over again.
You have been tested and your ethical approach to have work that is paid will not allow you to harm anyone at all.
When those who hate me hate you it is to hurt me and this hatred provokes The Father Almighty.
Bear with me in this situation just a little longer for I will rectify the wrongs and never will the God mockers rise again. 
Your land is filled with hard hearts that will be softened and many will weep.
Those who hate me will gnash teeth.
The Lord God Almighty will not be defied.
I am His Son and I obey His commands.
I return for my people.
Who loves me does not deny I live and I died for my people and was raised again. 
I am the resurrection and life giver to all'

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king, and that thou mayest know the thoughts of thy heart. (Daniel 2:30)

For my eyes have seen your salvation (Luke 2:30)

Not finding a scripture with 2:53 instead  it is written 53:2 (with the opportunity to see and read what is written to expand and reinforce our understanding. We are given again the reminder that God looks upon this earth at all the children of men...)

God looked forth from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there were any man of understanding, that did seek after God. (Psalm 53:2)

Independence Day is commemorated 4th July.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Sunday 7 July 2019

Jerusalem Tower of David Joshua Aaron & Aaron Shust - NONE LIKE YOU

A flow of discovery took place following my experience seeing Jesus - assuming to be at the City of David, Jerusalem by the symbolism revealed and stone wall.

The day I heard this was surely meant to be
Joshua Aaron & Aaron Shust sing their new song 'None Like You'. Live at the Tower of DAVID in JERUSALEM
It is written:
Confessing Christ
I tell you, everyone who confesses Me before men, the Son of Man will also confess him before the angels of God. But whoever denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God. And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
(LUKE 9:8-10)
There is something significant in history that is relevant to these times..actually many yet sharing this today. 
…So Moses spoke to the Israelites, and each of their leaders gave him a staff—one for each of the leaders of their tribes, twelve staffs in all. And Aaron’s staff was among them. Then Moses placed the staffs before the LORD in the Tent of the Testimony. The next day Moses entered the Tent of the Testimony and saw that Aaron’s staff, representing the house of Levi, had sprouted, put forth buds, blossomed, and produced almonds!… (Numbers 17:6-8)
And something else is written too:
The Levitical priests—indeed the whole tribe of Levi—shall have no portion or inheritance with Israel. They are to eat the offerings made by fire to the LORD; that is their inheritance. Although they have no inheritance among their brothers, the LORD is their inheritance, as He promised them. (Deuteronomy 18:1-2)
The LORD is their inheritance. The LORD is Our inheritance.

The words are clearly written : HE'S COME AGAIN

The name Joshua...and Aaron twice highlighted.

The emphasis on Aaron is identified in scriptures.

What can we learn about the Biblical figures. 

It is written '

"Joshua" is a rendering of the Hebrew language Yehoshua, meaning "Yahweh is salvation"."Jesus" is the English derivative of the Greek transliteration of "Yehoshua" via Latin

Just to share another documented experience. One day a few years ago 'the name of Jesus' was being argued about and yet He had made his name Jesus known to children locally. He also said He is The King - (in the heart of the United Kingdom) However there is distraction away from him.

Knowing in my heart and soul He had a Hebrew name, I asked like this 'Jesus what is your real name?' - not expecting a reply. Audibly I heard the words in majestic tone YAHUSHUA. 

Aaron was a prophet, priest and brother of Moses.
A descendant of Aaron is an Aaronite, or Kohen, meaning Priest. Any non-Aaronic Levite—i.e., descended from Levi but not from Aaron—assisted the Levitical priests of the family of Aaron in the care of the tabernacle; later of the temple.
The Gospel of Luke records that both Zechariah and Elizabeth and therefore their son John the Baptist were descendants of Aaron.
The role of anyone called and chosen to serve God is not for one people..We must always remember God is for all people even if people reject him out of stubbornness, ignorance and egoism
BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS....for they will be called Children of God. (Matthew 5:9)
Communicating truth by song, what an opportunity is given, here in this location - Jerusalem where the name is called CITY OF PEACE...a chosen location for a reason....

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. (Revelation 21:2)
Thus says the Lord: I have returned to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem shall be called the faithful city, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, the holy mountain. (Zechariah 8:3)

At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord, and all nations shall gather to it, to the presence of the Lord in Jerusalem, and they shall no more stubbornly follow their own evil heart. (Jeremiah 3:17)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you! (Psalm 122:6)

And that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. (Luke 24:7)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Davidic Crown Coin Minted Israel: King Jesus

A few days after 'seeing Jesus' I saw this article.

Sanhedrin Mints King David Coin to Usher in Davidic Dynasty

This really did not surprise me - not seeing the connection at first. Then realising only days before Jesus revealed himself to me - I wondered...and could not ignore the connection.

It is written: 'As the next stage in the Messianic process, the Sanhedrin of Israel released a new coin honoring King David in preparation for re-establishing the Davdic Dynasty. ' 

The Trump-Cyrus coin has been issued, with following President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  The new coin is symbolising that an upcoming era is dawning. 

The coin was issued the day after the holiday of Shavuot.

According to Jewish tradition, Shavuot is a significant time when King David was born and also died on the holiday. 

On the holiday of Shavuot, Jews read the Book of Ruth that identifies her union with Boaz, with their being the grandparents of King David.

Ruth was the first person who recognized God is the king,
The coin bears the name of David and the image of a crown
The rebuilding of the temple has been of significant debate and speculation. There has appeared to be a matter of urgency as it is connected in time with either before; when the Messiah will appear. 

Being ready...and not being too late.

The above article was published around the time of my dream/vision experience already explained, seeing Jesus standing on top of a wall. I was standing cloae at a lower level on the ground. 

Sometimes names stand out for a reason. President Elect Donald Trump (Trump, was he to make a noise as a trumpet...what is he announcing?) The role of President Donald Trump is with his significant role including the announcing the waiting for the arrival of the Messiah...perhaps. 

What is ignored that we are meant to take notice of?

Identified in the article 'Mordechai Persoff established the Mikdash Educational Center'. Marketing the coin holds significance with this new project having a greater purpose.

The name Mordechai was revealed in prayer with the role of Esther with the Jewish people - In prayer cupping the Holy Bible, I opened a page to what stood out immediately as if I was meant to take notice. This is the understanding given 'if anyone harms the Jews they shall surely come to ruin'. 

In the beginning of seeking understanding of what I am meant to know, I asked in prayer to be guided in the right way; Immediately afterwards the following words were given simply:

'Crown of David' 

Typing just this in Google I was taken to a scripture.

For this is what the LORD says: David will never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel, (Jeremiah 33:17)

Another recent scripture discovery read Psalm 35:25-26

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Dream/Vision: Jesus Standing On A Wall (Israel/Jerusalem)

...While mislaying notes about a recent dream, this experience was shared on Facebook and what happened since. Any experiences 'seeing Jesus' are documented to refer back to.


Jesus was standing on top of a wall built with stone. He was looking down to me a lower level standing on the ground on the other side of the wall; looking up seeing him.  He was not smiling. He seemed serious and thoughtful. He did not speak. He was wearing white with no head covering.

In this experience it was daylight outside and bright with the blue sky above him. His long white clothes were clean. The material appeared thin. He was seen as a man in the flesh.

His brown wavy hair appeared cut just above his shoulders. His hair moved as if by a gentle breeze. I did not focus on his feet but have the impression he was wearing sandals.

His skin tone on his face copper - lightly tanned, He did not have dark skin.

The stone of the wall was pale sand colour with orangey colour 'cement' holding the stones together. This colour may have been this hue due to the positioning and sunshine. It appeared much darker in comparison with the pale coloured stone. The stone wall was level at the point Jesus was seen to be standing.  I was positioned, as if at a location standing near to the wall.

No other people were seen, or the surrounding area. 

My focus was only seeing Jesus, the wall and clear blue sky.

Some words came to mind while writing this:


Jerusalem wall image in the public domain.

'Validation, Validation, Validation' came to mind again too.

God will validate what we are meant to know - such experiences cannot be planned and seem beyond human analysis/reasoning. However, the Holy Spirit within can be revealing too.

Validation: What is shown and revealed.
Validation: What is written
Validation: ..., and what comes to pass.

This is the understanding that seems apparent with revelaiton.

There are certain promises made by God to His people.

One of the promises that Jesus is returning to His people. 

By this experience and the timing, came as a reminder to hold onto the truth revealed and what is written in the Holy Scriptures that validates that Jesus is alive.

However, also something else revealed to take notice of that.

Everything has reason and purpose. Everything has timing.

While reading an article written for a Jewish audience, it referred to a prophesy of Jesus appearing to Israel in the year 5773. This year corresponds with the year 2012-2013.

This dream/vision experience was seen very clearly, just upon waking; also 'as if' Jesus was on location somewhere.....The very first impression with this experience

'He is Here...He is revealing himself to His people now'.

Listening to a Jewish rabbi speaking, He spoke of the Mashiach returning and remaining hidden.  

Assuming Jesus was seen in Israel - in the City of David, this experience has demonstrated how he is revealing himself and to other people who will have the same experience.

Jesus is a descendant of David so this particular land and location is connected with him and his ancestors - this being revealed as so to consolidate precision of prior truths.

Is something else happening on this particular land today?

There is now a growing community of 'Jews for Jesus'

Some time ago I had a vision, while resting with my eyes closed. Two angels were descending with a long white dress from the heavens. Rushing to see what is written in the scriptures - 'New Jerusalem is identified as coming down from heaven like a bride dressed for her bridegroom.

Then since, this identified as an art installation - a white wedding dress raised up over the tower of David, is reported in this article.

This came to my attention by watching videos of the Holy land.

Jesus being related to David is  written in the Holy Bible:

How is it possible to be in the Heart of England, facing Jesus in another geographic location, Israel? I have never been to Israel or Jerusalem to draw from memory.

I have never studied the scriptures or been indoctrinated with religious teaching - however, I am curious to seek the truth, clarity and understanding when wanting to learn more.

For instance when words came to mind, I seek what is written using Google search adding 'BIBLE' amd if these words were found in the Holy Bible scriptures are easily identified like this. 

While sleeping the soul does not sleep. This is a mystery,

In the course of ancient history, people were given visions and messages in the form of divine revelation and instruction. Revelation has been gathered and documented in books in the Holy Bible.

The soul is not limited to the physical body. Our body houses our soul. Our soul can travel through time and space...there is no limit in geographical location. The Holy Spirit within reveals.

We are invited 'to hold on' and look to Him in these difficult times. 

It is also written HE WILL WIPE AWAY OUR TEARS...

There appears to be great distraction for the return of Jesus.

God can draw His People to see and reveal whatever we are meant to see at any time. If we are called for a specific purpose, and made a promise to God this will be.expected too.

The scriptures write 'Everyone will see him'.

Jesus said He will return. He is the validator of truth.

 Jesus Christ revealing himself to many people now.

The Teacher is teaching with precision spiritually.

The Holy Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit of Truth.

We are instructed to become like little children - be receptive to learn with pure hearts and pure intentions too.

Jesus said 'Blessed are those who have not seen yet believed' - no one is excluded and there is no competition. However the spiritual attacks and difficulties faced are not easy to bear.

 Christ conquers and has conquered...with His LOVE!

The scriptures are written to validate and contemplate.

The Spirit of the Lord reveals whatever God wants us to see. The Spirit of the Lord within Jesus allows Him to reveal Himself to whoever - even if we do not know the reason.

Because this dream/vision revealing Jesus on location somewhere, I assume people connected with this location (tribes of Israel) would know he is returning and maybe expecting him.

DREAM/Vision Analysis - looking at what is revealed

Jesus is revealed as being alive ...again.

He is standing on top of the wall 'in a physical location',

He appear very much alive and in the flesh.

The land He is standing on is connected to him, 

The Holy Bible writes Jesus is a descendant of David. David was the chosen anointed King of the United Kingdom of Israel. The City of David is named specifically.

He stands alone - on a higher level. He stands tall.

He looks down (towards me) He makes himself known and can easily lift people up to be face to face.

He appeared humble and strong. He dressed simply.

He did not wear a crown or head covering: prayer shawl.

His clothes a thin weave material in appearance. The impression of a warm climate was assumed with this. The sky was bright blue above him.

His brown wavy hair appeared to move, suggesting a gentle wind. This detail provided insight that 'he is here somewhere' where the wind is blowing gently.

The wall has structure, I do not know if this is an old wall uncovered, or rebuilt, or a new wall built on the foundations of the old. I did not try analyse this at the time; nor seek to..

Reading, there has been excavation work in Israel recent years.

Jesus is something to do with the wall. He is the wall.

The Master Builder - He is the next level of building

'Of the Temple' comes to mind

Remembering there is scripture about 'the cornerstone'

'“‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone’?' (Luke 20:17)

Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? (Matthew 21:42)

This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. (Acts 4:11)

Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: ‘Whoever believes will not be in haste.’ (Isaiah 28:16)

Something else to think about with what is written.

And he will become a sanctuary and a stone of offense and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (Isaiah 8:14)

It is also written:

As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5) Image result for temple ruins city of david

Finally it is written:

He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

A Temple in the Lord - Read more Ephesians 2:17-22

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria