The choice of venue for the NATO summit was precise. The meeting of minds and decision makers sat down together at Cardiff Castle in the Great Hall.
A Hall is tradtionally the seat of the Magistrate.
C astle being the home of a Monarch - Prince of King.
In the case of Wales no longer being a Kingdom - it is known as a Principality. This is with The Prince of Wales ttile that has evolved from being King of the Britons.
The title The Prince of Wales is given by the Queen as a gift to the herir to the British Throne. Diana was given the title The Princess of Wales and she would have been crowned Queen, although this was not meant to be. And in light of all that is happening, there is a lot of activity taking place on earth now.
We do not know the truth of what is happening...
Woke up today thinking about 'the ring of steel.'
This is a situation that is meant to be grabbing people's attention. If this was not the case, it would not be having so much coverage and with several articles every day.
The ring can also indicate a ring of power.
The Prince of Wales title is a position of power.
Hotice how close the photographers get to capture scenes (remember that there have been a few journalists killed reported recently and this was also filmed from close range)
Quote Hard fight: Kurdish Peshmerga fighters took up positions yesterday during clashes with the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) on the front line at Buyuk Yeniga village
Al-Sham (ISIS) The Sham (ISIS). - Sham - false, bogus a thing that is not what it is purported to be and the name being used ISIS while making people think, evidently has no legal or divinely given authority,
Quote: Big players: President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron pressed fellow NATO leaders Thursday to confront the 'brutal and poisonous' ISIS terror group that is wreaking havoc in Iraq and Syria -- and urged regional partners like Jordan and Turkey to join the effort as well
One of the scriptures I was guided to yesterday identified Jordan..As we see Jordan and Turkey are also regional partners....the identification is being drawn to see what is written in the message 'to confront the brutal and poisonous' ISIS terror group.
We see a situation of people wearing suits who are deciding military action, while there are people on the ground wearing various military uniforms.
Quote :Orders: The Kurdish Peshmerga forces have been fighting ISIS extremists since its insurgency began
What is the real reason for all this fighting.
The people who are using the convert or die policy - who is the overlord that is making this decision. Who is toe gain from anyone belonging to any group - other than to become puppets and pawns in ongoing power games in this world where innocents are killed.
In the creation of a New World Order, how is this happening?
The report includes the following information:
''White House officials said they did not expect NATO to commit to a military mission against the group during the summit. Still, they raised the prospect that the end of NATO's combat mission in Afghanistan – an effort that has consumed the alliance for more than a decade – could allow member states to focus their attention elsewhere.
'What you see the alliance doing at this summit is looking at more than one direction at a time,' said Douglas Lute, the U.S. ambassador to NATO.
Indeed, the threat posed by ISIS overshadowed some of the NATO summit's official agenda, which was intended to focus on celebrating the Afghan drawdown of troops and constructing a rapid response force on the alliance's eastern flank that could serve as a deterrent to Russian aggression. Obama and European leaders met with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in a show of solidarity with his embattled nation.
Beyond direct military action, the White House said it was also seeking commitments from allies to send weapons, ammunition and other assistance to Western-backed Syrian rebels and to Iraqi forces.
Germany moved in that direction Thursday, with the government announcing that it had sent a first planeload of military equipment to the Kurds in Iraq's north, including helmets, protective vests, field glasses and mine-searching devices.
The German government also said it had decided to send assault rifles, ammunition, anti-tank weapons and armored vehicles to the Kurdish forces, but it hadn't yet set a date for the arms deliveries.
In between summit sessions on Afghanistan and Ukraine, Obama and Cameron also sought support from non-NATO nations that partner with the alliance. The president and prime minister held separate meetings with Jordan's King Abdullah II Thursday, and both plan to meet Friday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Obama has said repeatedly that efforts against ISIS would be successful only if the U.S. had support from neighbors of Iraq and Syria.'
Quote: Dramatic: Aircraft from across the NATO alliance, including two US F-15s and a Canadian F-18, performed a spectacular flypast over South Wales as the two-day summit began in earnest'
In a reported 22 plane fly past including the Red Arrows, seen photographed here are three jets. As this is now taking place in the United Kingdom, recalling a dream that was shared - from a few years ago. Walking with Simon Cowell in 'Acton' London, his then girlfriend fiance Mezghan Hussainey walking behind us several feet away. I looked up to see suddenly these types of fighter jet planes appear from the thick clouds above, turn around and return again to be unseen - they were also silent. No one would have known they were there.
Waking up I thought of the battle in the heavens...
Acton = Act On - Mezhghan Hussainey is from Afghanistan where thre has been miltary activity taking place for years. Afghanistan is also home to buddha monuments, the great buddha standing was being used as target practice and reported to be destroyed.
Afghanistan is also home to Royal Tombs. Inside one of these tombs has been found a Princess crown and a small gold figure of Aphrodite to show the connection. Also what was found is a ring with the name Athena. So this ancient historical land has far more significance; The Buddha was born Royal - Spiritually Enlightened and a Wisdom teacher..
Isis might have been connected with Athena in her time. When 'crowns are stolen' and blatant God mocking of The Royal Law...who is THE SHAM ISIS TODAY?
Through all this media report, this is highlighted.
There are intelligent minds who seek a higher understanding to avert war..and there is a prophesy in our world of another great war and yet this has happened before. Has each time the beleiving people seen this as the end times? The difference is in this time, there are many signs that are documented in the Book of revelation ie water turning to blood red, dead fish, birds, frogs earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, poisoned water, plagues...
What is truth is simply put for anyone to realise - even if what appears hidden cannot be clearly seen. There are people in our world who want to rule as gods and yet they are not. The hunger for power for gains to be made from war and conquest has no real meaning in the end.
There are people who are living now who in a meeting, and series of meetings have discussed agenda and identified problems to be addressed and WE DO NOT KNOW THE TRUTH of what has happened and beendiscussed behind closed doors because we are not there. All we know are reports that are made in the news and documented by journalists.
Globally innocent people are being killed - who cares?
England is home to the injustice system ..Who cares?
Actually there are people who do...Who are they?
Do officials want to serve a godless man/woman?
Queen by the Grace of God implies 'Chosen by God'
The Sham ISIS is not Chosen by God...Who is she?
Are officials waking up and breaking free from this?
Masses of people are enslaved by a system that is in place. Today humanity are in danger from the royal overlords who planned their agenda long ago. And it is very easy that a child can be born to be the head of a global empire that has been gained by war and deception.
Officials have said this land is ruled by dark forces.
All it takes for evil to escalate is for good people to do nothing....the problem is we do not know who are the good people and who are not. We do not know what is written in anyone's heart and yet, there are surely many people now who are rethinking what they are doing and where they are heading....especially people who have sold their souls for gain.
Barak Obama is a Lawyer. He took an oath of office as a lawyer and as a President of the United States of America. This was done on the Holy Bible. Only God knows if this man is sincere. Michelle Obama appeared in a dream, since validated. She is not reportedly present in Wales at this time The focus of President Obama's role is significant now.
The Resolute desk was a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880 and was built from the timbers of the British Arctic Exploration ship Resolute. Franklin Roosevelt had a small door built for the gap to prevent people from seeing his wheelchair. Many presidents since Hayes have used the desk at various locations in the White House, but it was Jackie Kennedy who first brought the desk into the Oval Office in 1961 for President John F. Kennedy. It was removed from the White House only once, after the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, when President Johnson allowed the desk to go on a traveling exhibition with the Kennedy Presidential Library. After this it was on display in the Smithsonian Institution. President Jimmy Carter brought the desk back to the Oval Office, where Presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush used it. It is currently in use by President Barack Obama.'
Resolute or Resolute Bay is a small Inuit hamlet on Cornwallis Island in Nunavut, Canada.
Resolute - having or showing lots of determination.
Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, running unsuccessfully for the United States House of Representatives in 2000.
With Prince Charles, Camilla and William all being given honorary law degrees, they are NOT divinely appointed to be Kings and Queens or Emperors either. Therefore perhaps to maintain the system, honoary law degrees were given to allow the laws for profit to escalate.
President Obama held a position to REVIEW THE LAW. He EARNED his law degree and served accordingly where not only has he worked as a teacher of constitutional law, He Chose to be a civil rights attorney...While people can change their path very easily, this man has taken an oath to God to uphold Justice - This is his unbreakable promise to God.
People are told not to take oaths...but in the oath of office when taking to God is with taking the role of responsibility accordingly to serve HIM. They are instruments who ultimately for the good or bad, will bring about the fulfimment of God's divine plan. America is where a great many people are open about being beleivers - the dollar writes IN GOD WE TRUST!
President Obama sitting at the Resolute desk in 2009.
The Captain of the Ship is seen working from his Ship.The captain of this ship is a lawyer who can sign laws as has been shown 'with multiple witnesses' when this is done.
The meeting in a ROYAL CASTLE in WALES - with also Cantons being in Switzerland and Canton Depot being named in Wales, is all relevant. The Great Hall where Royal Law can be reviewed and discussion of Civil Rights can be addressed too. Just a thought!
Constitutional law is the body of law which defines the relationship of different entities within a state, namely, the executive, the legislature, and thejudiciary.
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO 'is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. NATO's headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium....' read more in the link below,
Learning and sharing - Please keep an open mind.
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No Copyright infringement intended
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