The social experiments that take place are with maintaining structures that are not working in the people's best interest and yet Scotland had something long ago. Ancient history that is tied to the Holy Land. In Scotland the Stone of Scone is situated - the Coronation Stone. In Scotland Kings and Queens have been crowned in Stirling Castle. Stirling is a currency and measure of Silver, so what is the truth.
Back in 2012, I had a dream of being on a summit somewhere looking over a vista point. There was in front of me a large silver saloon car with a huge dark red £ sign painted on the window. Waking up I thought 'Silver' 'Pound sign' 'Sterling Silver' - is Sterling Silver returning again as currency? With Stirling Castle having undergone restoration - perhaps there is something to this.....
Sharing some images and the article below is found in the link.
Pictured a man in overalls exits Jamestown Parish Church - when another photograph shows there was graffitti outside 'Vote Yes or Else'
With St. James Palace being the Sovereigns residence in London, the Queen is put in a position that she cannot be ignored. She is after all Head of State (but the structure in place has ensured that her heirs and successors are identified - even if they are not a divinely appointed monarchy).
Quote: First minister of Scotland Alex Salmond is pictured arriving to have his say near his home in Aberdeenshire
Quote The Saltire flown alongside a Union Jack in tatters on Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh ahead of today's vote on independence
With William being made President of Lands in Trust taking over from his grandfather, Duke of Edinburgh, his name including Arthur is no coincidence. Scotland was named after Scota an Egyptian Princess and so this ancient history, came to pave the future. With Queen Elizabeth also said to be of the House of Wettin, connected with Portugal, Scota is connected with Portugal too.
A big sign in Edinburgh is pictured 'Vote NO'
The Monks of Pluscarden Abbey arrive to cast their vote at Miltonduff near Elgin in Moray, north Scotland
It was Lord Elgin who arranged with the English establishment who assisted with ships to transport the Acropolis Marbles from Athens. There was no receipt - stolen marbles stolen crown! With numerous requests to return them this has been refused. So when Muhammad Al Fayed has spoken out about Scotland he did not do so without having some reason to learn about and understand.
'The Scotichronicon describes how Scota, a sister of the Egyptian PharohTutankhamen, fled her family and landed in Scotland, bringing with her the Stone of Scone. According to the chronicle, Scotland was later named in her honour. The tale is disputed by modern historians. Al-Fayed later declared that "The Scots are originally Egyptians and that's the truth."
Quote: Yes supporters Peter Quinn, 45, and Elizabeth Tervet, 34, from Maryhill in Glasgow tied the knot after casting their vote on referendum day. A couple in love seen in their eyes and wish them a lifetime of love together.
Quote: Yes supporter, 83-year-old Isabelle Smith, said she has fought for independence for 50 years. She said: 'We are going to win. I can feel it in my bones' (for 50 years people's voices have been silenced? Who really cares about the people?)
How much investment has gone into confusing people, taking away their rights and liberties and yet this is one vote that is specific for a specific purpose. If the government is using psychological games to manipulate people and their decisions, when ignoring the people they are unfit representatives.
There is no illuminated flame on this statue of liberty and yet it is clear that Lady Liberty is being shown here for a reason. In New York, on Liberty Island, Lady Liberty holds a stone tablet with the reminder of people of the law, and the rights of the people. There are some laws that are unbreakable.
In reading about Alex Salmond it is written:
During the prolonged parliamentary debates in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq he voiced strong opposition to the UK's participation. In the aftermath of the war, he lent support to the attempt of Adam Price, a Plaid Cymru MP, to impeach Tony Blair over the Iraq issue. Salmond has gone further than many anti-war politicians in claiming that Blair's statementson the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were consciously intended to deceive the public. He has also claimed that Blair had made a pact with George W. Bush "to go to war come what may"
Salmond was elected by the Scottish Parliament as First Minister on 16 May 2007, and was sworn in on 17 May after receiving the Royal Warrant from the Queen and taking the official oath of allegiance before judges at the Court of Session. Under section 45(7) of the Scotland Act 1998 he became Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland at the same time. Salmond is the first nationalist politician to hold the office of First Minister. He reduced the size of the Cabinetfrom nine members to six, and said he would seek to govern on a "policy by policy" basis. In order to concentrate on his new role as First Minister, Salmond stood down as the SNP group leader at Westminster and was replaced by Angus Robertson
Was this oath of allegiance to The Queen - or to the Queen, her heirs and successors, because there is concern with the younger generations waving wizard wands - justified.
Having written more on this article and it has been lost, perhaps what is most relevant has already been written and included here. What will evolve from the decisions made overnight, time will tell. However the people in Scotland have been given choices and I hope can break away from the beast system. With officials in England stating this land is ruled by dark forces - who has made a pact with Satan?
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No copyright infringement intended.
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