

Thursday 22 August 2019

A Call For Peace (2012 - 2019)

These words were penned several years ago.


There is a place on other lands
With peace and calm; no noise from war
No screaming, shouting, fear or terror
No need to suffer; cry of moaning no more
There is a place called home in heaven

The plea for help; a plea for hope
While soldiers put down their guns again
Will they return alive from this pointless war
No suffering, no hate for all this is caused
By soldiers presence in this endless war.

Why are they fighting to protect other lands?
Why are they killing children of man?
There comes a time we must face the truth
This war is pointless if this is the plan.

There is a place on other lands
That brings hope and peace for all mankind
The pain and suffering has got out of hand
The need for peace and healing calls sometime.

Millions of people wait for the chosen few
Who negotiates war for the chosen few?
God did not say for man to kill
We were all given laws and only Free Will.

Why did we lose our trust in Him?
Our Holy Father promised we would suffer with sin
The heart in strangers has barriers from fear
The eyes of victims hides so many tears

What will the future bring in this unholy time
More hate, more fighting, killing dividing nations.
Only we can stop this pointless war
The healing of humanity begins near and far.

Our call for peace has been given out now
We must work together for peace to heal too.
We must begin to see our Sister and Brother
And how we bring so much hate to others.

How can we feel even fear from neighbours?
Have we brought this all on ourselves?
We have forgiven time and time again
Can we let go of remember trust?

There is a far higher power far above us
The Father of all fathers, the Father of light
Who waits patiently above to hear our voice
The prayer of the meek and lowly not ignored.

How far have we come from our loving self
To want from this land and yet destroy man
What have we done; what have we given?
What do we need to do to be forgiven?

In this time there is more suffering and hate
People are dying; children alone with no one left
Everyone knows loss of family or friend
In the wars over land that are never ending.

The reason we sleep is our feeling of safety
While in other lands bombs go off with shooting daily
Is this so we are protected - yet peacefully sleep?
Yet terror is where people fear and weep

We cannot understand unless we see for ourselves
The truth of someone's reality here or another land
How can we know the mind of another man
When we do not know the mind of family and friends?

There comes a time when choices must be made
The reason for divide is greed and hate
The war must end now - not escalate.
Let's unite together; say 'No more war' before it is too late

The time for peace and healing has been called
United together we can make a stand - not blame another
Gathered in prayer for peace and healing - hand in hand.
Touching hands and hearts with friends and strangers -
    Yes even with people from other lands.

Copyright © Pauline Maria 2012 - 2019 All Rights Reserved

For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10)

Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly. (Psalm 85:8)

In recent years the name 'Olsen' was given by the Sprit of the Lord. Nothing else. When looking on the internet I discovered an inspired painter 'Greg Olsen' that day.

believe this painting is the inspired work of Greg Olsen.  Sharing this with no Copyright infringement intended.

In 2013 Jesus visited a little boy in England who looked much like this little boy in age and size. I also believe Jesus made his living presence known in this land for a reason - also so scriptures could be fulfilled especially regarding children in this land.

Jesus said: 'The thief comes only to steal and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.....' (John 10:10-11)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

'The Lost Sheep Of Israel Will Be Found' - Message 20th August 2019

In the Lord there is precision. When we are truly wiling to follow in obedience - we do not have a tyrannical God whipping us with chains that our skin is bleeding in pain, it is different. Very different indeed. God will bring us to our knees to pray and return back to Him.

This message was interrupted by a telephone call that could not be ignored. It could not be ignored because the telephone keeps ringing audibly. This - with my focus on God - is an example of an interruption He allowed with a purpose. It was a call from the government.

The interruption time will be identified...Then continuation of the message, part 2 is with praying again and asking if there is anything else I am meant to know and write down.

Message: 20th August 2019
Start time: 10:04 am
End time: 10:10 am

Holy Spirit dwells within the clean vessel if the vessel is clean and purified. 
The mind, heart and soul are purified and with this the Lord Almighty will impart his message to you:
'Go here', go there, go see someone and speak to that stranger next to you' - has reason and purpose.
You are instruments of God's messengers on earth to reach those who are close yet do not see or hear. 
You are validators of truth, kindness and care.
Expect the unexpected when a stranger reaches you and answers a prayer.
I the Lord have many helpers who give because they are called to give and provide a need in the time of perfect precision. 
You meet who you meet because you are meant to but remember beacon of faith not. to forget who you are serving however meek.'

Telephone call....

Part 2

Start time: 11:28 am
End time: 11:54 am

When the winds change they change direction and the sun will shine on cloudy days when the sky is cleared will a beacon of light of heavenly rays.
You do not see with your naked eye and yet the Lord covers and reveals; he suffers not and heals.
Lean not on your own understanding that the ways of the world will cause many corrections in society and the way of war, terror and fear will not bring peace. 
Stand firm in your faith knowing Your God loves you and a precious child of God is not forgotten by Him.
The lost sheep of Israel will be found and gathered again one by one.
The timing of the Lord is when the timing is ready and the domino effect will be seen when all that has been built that is to deprive and hurt my people will come tumbling down.
Your Lord and God can move hearts and souls of those willing to serve Him in truth rightfully.
Even sinners repent when they see and understand the rewards of holy station are far greater than lofty roles.
Your humbleness and brokenness is with calling you. back to your holy role.
You thought you were not good enough to study Law.
My dears you are to know your Rights in the Lord Almighty and Christ the Son is not one to be forced when done wrong. 
The loving father will nurture his child and take away his pain and sorrow when he knows he has done wrong. 
The loving father comforts his son; and the son who is comforted comforts his wife and children.
In a time of suffering fear and hate so many people are suffering and the level of abuse is risen to the point there is only one way. 
The return of rule with righteousness and a compassionate caring people will be a shield from more harm. 
Reach out in your hearts to those who  are lost and vulnerable and be sure the Lord your God and His Son will reward you in heaven. 
Children of God you serve in His Kingdom as builders and establishment of righteousness. 
Rule with love. 
All who deprive people of their rights and delay to correct their mistakes - they will test you and you will have two choices to make. 
Respond with kindness.
Respond with vulnerability of your contrite and broken heart.
You will not give in so easily my child and you who do not give in ne standing for what is right. 
Your body in pain and weakness is with a spirit made so strong despite the opposition you face. 
You sleep - your soul never sleeps.
You see what you are shown.
You feel the vibrations with your physical body.
You are still alive.
The heart beats for as long as your Lord keeps it beating but woe to the murderers and those who deprive my people so they will not be taken seriously. 
The faithful have fought a long battle of survival in these times.
The selling of drugs and substances that numb the senses is a war game.
The Lord Almighty Rules and Reigns.
Who can say they have His heart and mind?
Who can claim to know His Son?
The instruction to Love and pray unceasingly
You draw close to your Lord and bind your soul to Him by choice.
When you are ready you will see.
Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.
Seek pure hearts in My Kingdom.
Pray my Son
Pray for my people that they may return in righteousness.
Pray that all can be saved from a fate that will never recover.
Pray this world is not destroyed.
Pray the children will know love abundance.
You are Loved so love more.
This is Orthodox Spirituality.
Be Spiritual with love and bless the nations.
Divine Love will Bless all.'

Sunday 18 August 2019

'The Word Of The Lord' Message 14th August 2019

Message: 14th August 2019
Start time: 14:04 pm
End time: 14:31 pm

'The word of the Lord'

'The word of the Lord comes when it is needed to preserve humanity and the human condition has fallen into abyss. 
So soft are the steps as he who serves the Lord with all his heart and soul.
Never will his mind be taken away and shaken for the King Almighty is tried and tested eons ago.
Go forth into the world my love and my broken hearted who have been wronged. 
Go forth in truth for you are given the Lord Almighty song.
You will sing for joy when the evil one is fallen and you will no longer sorrow for what is lost. 
You are given hope to the material world - when your soul is preserved forever more.
My children you will be washed clean from impurities and poison in your hearts due to bitterness, hurt and hate. 
I will show you who is mine and who is not. 
Let them see your heart and let them show you theirs.
My people do not destroy life at will. 
I do not let them do this in the wicked world there is. 
Let your hearts be softened my people - not want more at the cost of your own soul.
I will provide for you and I will deal with the enemy as before.
I will reprimand and discipline my children and then they will know I am LORD. 
I will forgive their iniquities who turn around from wicked deeds and I will return what is stolen for I am the Almighty and if I do not give back what is lost and gone, I will return more than before. 
Who will deprive my people of a home and land to live on?
Who will deliver the Lord Almighty of His Woe because I will show the arrogant who Rules and Reigns.
By my word all things stand and all things fall.
By the earthquake all will feel and be scared and by the opening of the earth buildings and men can fall. 
By the lava cities can be buried and by the crushing of a mountain, the valleys are no more. 
Behold I will make all things new in my way to preserve my people. 
The remnant few - who will join them in humility?
Who will keep their silence in the face of the Lord?
Who will humble himself to see and to listen to instruction? 
And who will impart the word of warning and comfort today that is given?
Stop your nonsense of competing for there is One LORD and One Maker. 
The Creator of the Universe wanted to create a perfect race and a people He can call His own.
A father fails his child too often today and his father failed his son. 
The Father God Almighty did not fail anyone. 
There are no excuses. 
Run from evil and wicked ways.
Turn your hearts and minds to the one who loves you.
Humble yourselves and clothe yourselves in righteousness towards everyone. 
Do right by your neighbour as you would your best friend.
Look after the elderly and frail because one day you might be this way. 
Sow seeds of righteousness and good deeds that they may sprout and flower. 
Expect nothing back from who gives to you because giving comes as energy flow. 
Will you line the pocket and fill the basket of food to one who has none?
Do you care about your mother and grandmother?
Who brought you into this world so that she could fulfil her mission?
Do you value your wife? 
Do you know the Lord God of all pared you with people to learn your lessons?
He has prepared you to be husband and wife and chosen the most terrible deeds to cut people apart so their soul connection cannot endure.
Do you know the Father Creator and your Maker loves you beyond what you know?
He does not play games and He does not lie and cheat His people.
When you trust God and walk the steps He guides you on, He will make all things right.
Relinquish your will. 
Relinquish your ways of unrighteousness and remember beacon of faith, when your life goes wrong, The Lord God Almighty is correcting your way and bringing you to what is right in His eyes.
Do not feel sorrow. 
Wipe the tears of your eyes.
Ask your Lord and God to help you and guide you.
He will.
Listen to Him who loves your soul.
He returns to bring His children home again.

Thursday 1 August 2019

'Who Will Deny The Lord God Almighty' - Message 30th July 2019

Message 30th July 2019
Start time: 16:44
End time 17:11

'When the winds change the seasons change and when the seasons change new life begins it's journey from a seed planted in the ground and a tree taking form.
What you see above does not always mirror below but what is above is a reminder of what is below ground.
In the heavens there is a celebration with the realisation the Messiah is come and will come to people. 
The people are ready in the land of promise yet the system is not that fights against the Holy Order of Truth.
You did well to endure so long in suffering yet it is not over yet. 
The distance to the finish line is made known.
You do not need to run or sit to conform to Godless rule for they will not be going anywhere at all. 
The lesson presented to you as a child and made known to you in your early adult years you teach and gave life hope to the most important lady in your life.
Your spirit is not your body and your soul is expressed in truth in the Lord Almighty. 
Yet your body is weak and your mind very tired now with the enemy snares that expose them all.
Decision time to cut ties and move forward even in weakness or to endure that which zaps your energy with pointless dialogue.
Your intention to be open in truth met with those who reject the truth and the doubters in faith. 
This is not for you to try and change as you know.
All will come to the truth when they repent from manipulation and agenda and they will know the Spirit of the Lord too. 
I am that I am and can express my truth to whomsoever I choose and you my child find yourself in this predicament not of your choosing, I know.
I am the I am and ancient of days the one and only Lord of the heavenly realms.
The Lord of the Universe is the Father of all souls and creation of all that lives in nature and natural form.
There is attempt to defy the natural order and already condemning those who bring the reminder of the divine order. But this will not stop the divine plan as it should
When the ricochet happens for all that is done to the detriment of my people - Who will stop it?
Who can stop it?
The social climbers who oppress my people are like ants that can be squashed. 
The leader crushed and a new lead will form. 
Yes you are mother a leader or follower and neither will this be expected of you.
A mission was given long ago to love humanity and even in pain to love for love above all is the greater healer to broken rejected souls. 
In a land where people are trained to reject and hate the foreigner love cannot thrive and flourish.
The people where you live are many who do not feel deep love within their being and the lack of love is why choices might satisfy a whim.
Love is not manipulation and demands.
Love is acceptance of life and the miracle of life born.
The season of seeds for fruits is with planting, nurturing and pruning - yet you have done something different. 
What is meant to be left alone you have left alone and what was excess and too much weight to bear you trim off.
The Lord will use his helpers to trim off the excess so the fruits of the Spirit can flourish.
The misery caused by struggle is leading so many people to death - yet there are blocks and obstruction to cultivate lands, still not for long now.
The meek will inherit the earth and the lofty will fall. 
The benevolent wealthy will do what they are guided to do - but the perverted abusers will surely reap what they sow.
Woe to those who pollute the waters and expect tax on food. 
Woe to those who deprive the poorest of people their rights and access to justice too. 
Face the judge on earth that you told mass murder is taking place. 
Show them how injustice destroyed lives- yet where is justice do you know?
My child your Jesus comes to you in Spirit and in truth. 
To the mockers and scoffers he does not. 
To those who despise the people - this right He does not
Child of God promised and consecrated at your birth and baptism who will deny? 
Who will deny I chose a broken sinner with a heart of gold?
Who will deny the Lord God Almighty in your land?
You did not.
Tell them this. 

"A Promise Made Long Ago" Message 22nd July 2019

Personal Revelation Message writing word for word as given.

Message: 22nd July 2019
Start time: 18:34
End time: 18:58-59

'My dear one who suffers for righteousness
You are a sinner reformed to be holy to the Lord Your God to serve in the spiritual realms that call upon the Servants of God who are prepared.
You are long prepared for your role. 
You did not want fame and did not want to be a target of hate but your name will be known and you will be hated by those who are not my own.
A promise made long ago my child secured your inheritance with me and the scriptures write.
You know nothing of your ancestry when this is hidden and the noble values you have innate within your being - Where to they come from?
From My Son nobility shines not Titles and science; Not laughing in the face of the Lord Your God while people perish where you are.
My child, my precious child tell the children they are loved and tell them there is a Father who will never wrong them and let them down.
My dear one as fragile as you are, a rose is beautiful and each petal delicate. Yet for the time the rose will flower in blossom it endures unless battered by the storm. 
My child the roots do not perish because long before the rose flourishes the roots are established. 
So it is with you and many other people.
Take off your shoes and walk on the ground you live.
Let the earth energise you as you focus on me and the earth will be nourished.
Tell my people to return to nature and respect the natural order of life. 
The abomination that causes desolation has no regard for life. 
The deliverer of Israel I am and the people of wrath are not all who reject God.
The political climate is changing with the seasons and life will be lost again.
They who have no regard for life have no regard for your own. 
Many in your land are the cause of death and sorrow.
A pattern happened before and people are blind.
They do not want to see and do not want to know. 
There is want for more by those who have plenty where people next door are perishing to their death. 
There are not enough vehicles to deal with the deaths.
The isolated reports do not all tell the truth. 
A seed is planted - the subconscious understood. 
I told you before there cannot be awakening of everyone to enlightenment for the eyes would see and be shocked at what is happening. 
You struggled with the court of injustice in your land; so imagine how people trained to trust will be when the illusion of lies and deception is stripped away.
The soul is not regarded in the land you live by those who climb a social ladder.  The want of more and promise of pay for gains satisfies. 
So my people for centuries have suffered oppression and self denial yet in depression pray; and in self-denial came quickly to understand Christ the Son of God for who He is. 
The men were asked to become like Christ but the hatred towards women is not their fault. 
A mother's role is not to be underestimated, A fathers role too and yet if they did not stay around for long or perish in war, who is the Father of the children of your God?
Well the Father sees and knows what goes on.
He rebukes, disciplines and corrects His children.
He lets people climb high who neglected their loved ones and at the top of their ladder there is nowhere to go.
The rush for pills for symptoms is a distraction from questioning what is my body telling me in this time?
You feel sick with what is happening. 
Your heart is breaking with what is happening in the world
You struggle to breathe because the war mongers and those who hate Your Lord and King choke you with what is going on.
You inhale limited oxygen yet you survived
I kept you alive for your purpose.
Prepare the way for Him, My Son and Your King'

Scriptures are identified with the times: 

34 The disciples did not understand any of this. Its meaning was hidden from them, and they did not know what he was talking about. (Luke 18:34)

33Pilate went back into the Praetorium, summoned Jesus, and asked Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”  Are you saying this on your own,"  Jesus asked, "or did others tell you about me?" “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed You over to me. What have You done?”… (John 18:33-35)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

"Let the Word Begin" - Message 11th July 2019

Message: 11th July 2019
Time start 10:23 am
End time: 10:47 am

'Let the word begin'

'Let the word begin because I am the one sent by man of God to break the bonds of the wicked.
I am the Son of the Almighty and My Father Rules and Reigns over the nations.
I am the Son and heir to all things.
I will do wondrous things but not for trickery and deception.
I will lift up the lowly and crush the seed of Satan and I will do My Father's Will as instructed to.
No more will the wicked and those who hate me rise up and pretend to my people for I did not give permission to rule over my family. 
The Father God Almighty did not give permission to rule over my family and my family are gathered in faith and by the Ruach HaKodesh for all to see.
They will praise my name because they know I love them and they will serve me as helpers in my Kingdom in righteousness because the wicked do not.
The Hope of mankind has gone out in the world and He is here but who seeks him?
Who seeks the Lord of Righteousness?
Who seeks the Prince of Peace?
Who bows their head in shame for the wicked deeds and suffering they cause to my people?
Well I tell you The Father God Almighty, My Father and your Father hears their pleas and cry for help/
Do you think He will allow the wicked to continue their ways forever?
Watch and see what he will do to bring all to their knees in repentance. 
But woe to the wicked who continue to kill my people and the prophets and messengers so wicked rule can endure.
Woe to those who deprive justice to the orphan and the poor.
Woe to those who sanctify the unholy and condemn those made holy washed clean by the word of the Lord God Almighty.
Woe to the wicked for all their deeds will return on their own heads.
Execution is too soft punishment and instant freedom from this life with momentary shame and shock to the people.
I do not justify death as the Father forbids killing and you who plot to kill more people are dead already in your soul.
My son's and daughter's are children of God promised under my care and protection.
They will not kill people.
They will not work to compromise their soul for the wicked to laugh as people perish.
The Father God Almighty hears the prayers of the righteous.
Pray to the Lord God Almighty my people. 
Pray and call out to He who implanted the seed in your mother's womb. 
Pray to the one who gives you life for until your life is over there is work to do.
Do you know your prayers for your people, your community and for all who live on the land you dwell are not ignored?
Do you feed the poorest of people or leave it to someone else?
What if you had no food where would you go?
The Lord provides - not greed survives.
My helpers are everywhere but tell them to confess my name openly because many will not. 
Let them know who cause homelessness and death they will reap what they sow. 
And let them know that God gives His Grace and the Spirit of Truth flows to all He wants to; but the desolate who might be rich do not have this Grace.
The bloodshed poured to maintain My Kingdom is to be no more.
I do not need murderers in My Kingdom and those who serve injustice by their core. 
Where is righteousness holy people?
Where is repentance for your sins?
You want money but you do not want God and if you have God you do not want wealth that is stolen from my people.
You thrive as a Kingdom on robbery and not on the Lord's Grace.
Do you look up to the Throne in heaven?
Do you seek Yeshua Your King?
Who do you serve?'

 Scriptures identified with the times as written:

Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” (Mark 10:23)

A fool finds pleasure in wicked schemes, but a person of understanding delights in wisdom. (Proverbs 10:23)

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" (mark 10:47)

“Can anyone withhold the water to baptize these people? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have!” (Acts 10:47)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria