

Friday 27 December 2019

'Never be ashamed to mention the Lord God Almighty' Message 26th December 2019

Personal revelation message

Message: 26th December 2019
Start time: 22:36 pm
End time: 23:01 pm

'Hear me dear one
Daughter, you are strength dressed in weakness in a tired body strained with stress. 
Your soul soars to the mountains while your feet rest on the footstool placed at your feet.
My holy ones are blessed with My Word and my consecrated ones blessed at birth.
Let the ones who come to me with clean hearts and minds and pure intentions - I wait for them.
I wait 2000 years or more for my righteous ones to return to me again and they will; 
For the door will close to those who condemn the Lord of My choosing;
For the Son of God was blessed and consecrated at birth and blessed again and again for My people.
So who rejects him where you live?
For I tell you the truth - Many do without shame of remorse. 
There is hatred towards God who are those under the influence to do wrong;
For the blind sheep might mean well at the start - 
All fall short of the Glory of God and so reject Him who was born ruler of the nations with righteousness and Justice in his heart and soul.
For without the Lord God Almighty, who can say they have right to rule over God's people?
The ambition is great and devious ways all foretold.
The antichrist denied his maker and the demonic spirit takes over in rage and lust for power causing collapse of all that is standing righteously established from before.
The Lord will strip away the wealth and expose the characters for who they are and He will flood the waters like never before that they take notice.
Excuses they give over and over not seeing what is going on.
The Holy Christmas of sanctification is lost and the party with spending like no other is lost on those who cannot comprehend this way before.
There is no love for the people or sense of duty in the Royal house for if this is the case there would not be self serving and self promoting like never before.
Wickedness is thriving in this time and generation; lawlessness too.
There is no care for the people in the system that rejects the Lord. 
They who say they serve me are silent on the multitudes of deaths taken place in the land where you live. 
It is deliberate.
But never be ashamed to mention the Lord God Almighty as you are guided in this time and situation.
All who have denied me are already known.
Their confession and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit foretold; 
And the predatory men who seek to violate and violate some more are disgusting in the eyes of the Lord of Hosts. 
Oh they love to be seen respectable and important when inside they are vipers and opportunists on their prey.
You will know all by their fruits and when you feel sick to the stomach in the presence of the demonic influence - leave.
The end has come for a chapter in your life - swiftly and necessary.
Be patient until the Lord calls you again for you will be called to serve in another mission.
Your humbleness is with brokenness and your weakened state has to be.
The slave drivers in your land have no regard for the law nor justice in righteousness.
My people are not slaves to the unrighteous rule who steal from my people.
You shall not bow to them or serve them - you who are my people.
The false idols want to be seen as important yet they lack something to show they are not. 
The ambitious gain in the power game is enacted on the world stage.
The elite want to be elite.
My elect are my chosen ones called for a purpose.
This year you will see change like never before exposed.
There will be dramatic changes and everything that was taken from you was planned to be.
Let the Lord reveal His humble servants and look to those who are sincerely serving the Lord in the Holy Spirit in truth. 
Be at peace within waiting for him'

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (Matthew 22:36-37)
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Wednesday 25 December 2019

The Christ Child: A Nativity Story | #LightTheWorld

Christmas Greetings,

The 25th December, Name Day of Christos, Christians commemorate of the birth of Jesus Christ. The reenactment of the Nativity endures to this day,  everything has reason. In this time 'God cannot be eradicated' from minds and hearts of people - when souls are moved in Christ.

'This new depiction of the Nativity story recounts in beautiful detail the sacred events found in the Bible about Jesus's birth over 2,000 years ago. Journey with Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Witness the awe of the shepherds in the plains of Judea. Feel the joy of the wise men as they kneel before the Light of the World – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ'

Sherrie Spencer writes:

'This was done so reverently and beautifully that the Spirit easily touches our hearts and whispers to our souls Christ really was born. This is not a fable. Christ lives. We may even shed a few tears as we feel more of the full meaning. Thank you for helping us remember Christ, the Savior of the world at Christmas time. May we humbly come unto Him.'

Direct video link

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Friday 20 December 2019

'The Lord of Grace Gives Abundantly' Message 19th December 2019

Message: 19th December 209
Start time: 10:54 am
End time: 11:20 am

'Let the Word begin
And so it is as in the beginning of time;
The Word created everything and through the Word all things came into being.
But the Spirit of the Lord, the Lord of Truth and Spirit of Truth, the Son of Man was born to be He who would one day rule the Nations.
The suffering suffer and the perishing perish and you who are ill will be ill because of what is happening. 
Turn to me my children and see the Lord of All Creation did not change; 
And He who formed you in your mother's womb formed you with His mission accomplished too.
The Lord prevails over all Courts and all Governments; 
And if the Courts and Governments fail you - look up to the heavens for there is The Throne high over the earth where man cannot reach, unless he is called to his purpose.
Why do you not know the Lord of Truth has never forgotten His people?
The Lord of Truth will validate His Truth and yet who seeks me in their quest for more and ego competing?
The mind of the masses is distracted to conform  and see the world in a cloak of materialism.
What if there was nothing to buy and nothing to do?
Where would your focus be now?
Will you think of me?
Will you contemplate life and the reason for creation as you know it to be?
My friends and children The Lord does not give you tasks to distract but a mind and heart to positively create and sustain life. 
The quest of giving is beneficial to those who appreciate but the gift out of obligation is not well received as it is known to be a token of misplaced energy.
If you go through your home and belongings, what you have there is energy.
The clothes you wear carry energy from the point of being made. 
You will throw away the valuable without realising and keep that which has no value at all. 
Are you influenced?
Do you have misplaced sentimental value in something that was a symbolic gift? 
You bring sweetness to a home with your heart in kindness and care and the gift of sweet is symbolic.
You give a sweet to consume and remember you by; yet the sweetness of life is often forgotten.
Let your words and deeds be with the sweetness of love of Lord Jesus Christ My Son, Yahushua who is the Lord of all Nations.
They seek to rise up against him in this time because the passion runs high to be seen and praise.
So who are the lowly handmaidens I have chosen and who are the humble gentlemen with Prue heart and pure intention to all?
For I tell you unless they purify their heart and intention, the world will plummet into darkness some more. 
The world has become a dangerous place for innocent women and children;
Young boys are vulnerable too.
If anyone taken from my wing of Salvation to cause him to fall - so they will fall in the river of blood or the river of tears.
'No regret' they say who harm my children.
I see what happens in their corrupt courts but they do not see the Lord of Creation in the final Judge over all.
There are many violations and the greatest of all is to deny my children to live in peace under the umbrella of the Lord who loves them all.
'Have Mercy' they say, 'Have Mercy' and then everyone laughs in their face.
'Have Mercy' they say and feed the children; and they laugh as the people tumble and fall.
'Have Mercy' they say who are perishing to death - that death becomes the easiest option because the struggle to survive is too much.
The people in the wicked generation are surely divided.
The Lord will have Mercy on whom He will and there will be many cries for joy and gladness; and there will be many who gnash their teeth.
Want not more material possessions; for the Lord of Grace gives abundantly;
His truth sustains the world as you are called to remind the world of the Lord of Creation who loves His people.
Turn to Him before too late'
Peace be with you

Pauline Maria

Orthodox: If Someone Asks You Why Do You Fast?

Our faith in God is individual...
Our prayers and walk with God is not done by anyone else. 
When instruction is given; while there are people who fast, others do not, It is vital to realise that there is great effort to turn people away from God. When that does not work, the enemy will turn people away from discovering the truth of what is relevant to know. 
As people of faith in God you are never alone... even if you live a distance away from anyone else. As our prayers are sent up the rays from heaven come down and the invisible mystery of walking in faith with focus on God is with the assurance Jesus gave... 
God is not a myth; Jesus not a myth. The man was recognised by the imperial authorities to be THE KING of the Jews and an Israelite by birthright, before crucified. When Jesus resurrected He is still The King. He said He will be returning too. 
The God of Israel is the One who made His living presence known to multitudes of people. Instruction was given. The Spirit of God - The Ruach Ha Kodesh is not rejecting .... 
As the growing number of people turn their hearts and minds with focus on God and on Jesus Christ The King, the unity of people to God through Jesus Christ is growing here too. 
There is no shouting or competing...just a faithful people. 
The Holy Spirit guides...
Orthodox Abbot Rafailo of Monastery Podmaine in Montenegro, tells you how to answer if someone asks you - why do you fast?
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

'I The Father Sent a Penniless Son ' Message 13th December 2019

Personal Revelation Message.

Message: 13th December 2019
Start time 18:39 pm
End time 19:08 pm

'Be calm - Listen
I never have let down My People even to this day.
Everything I promise has come to pass.
Every warning given has with reason and the same lessons that passed are presented again and again.
Now move on when you learn and progress to your call in service for the one who calls you knows your soul and serving role.
Remain blind to those who seek to harm and stumble your growth; yet your spirit soars with me your Lord Eternal.
Who can stop what the Lord has ordained for His children?
The rebellious ones rebel and there are those who think they are clever who are not.
Who knows the way of the Lord and His plan except those he reveals it to?
As each holds a tiny piece of the grand plan; each holds the key to the door of salvation. 
What belongs to you cannot be used by anyone else.
The Lord your God knows who is sincere and who is not.
He knows the foolish mistakes made from insecurity too
There is wickedness today to cause stumbling; but the Lord will raise up a mighty banner to strengthen His people and this is proclaimed.
Your Lord did not forsake you in this time and your patience will be rewarded.
The enemy snares are traps that will not benefit those who play games and injure souls.
You see who is your friend and who is your foe; and who is injuring those I sent to you and you to them.
Let the people of God proclaim His name and yet do they know the Lord of Salvation?
They want of something that comes at a cost of short falling to goal of liberation;
And the Love of Christ is not with manipulation and blackmail.
My dear one, you trusted when alone and you stood the test of time - but who will come now?
There will be those who say in time 'We believe her now' - but they did not seek the Lord their God and your God in truth.
The worldly ways have captured their minds; and yet who will come to know the way long foretold cannot be rushed - as you were brought forward to see too
The Lord of all Creation does not manipulate and spin lies to confuse,
He has shown what is happening to create confusion and how it is done.
The way you have been shown is to be patient to receive understanding. 
The word is given - the understanding afterwards.
The layers built on the foundation of truth have to be built on the Christ for He is the returner of all  souls to their home.
The ego falls and the want of more will be the deciding factor to what people will do.
It is written in the soul of man not to sin if their heart and mind are rightfully aligned with the Father.
Temptation will come and he will be swayed like a boat on choppy waters.
If he is taken by his passions the boat will turn over
He will need to swim to survive and the waters are deep with no safety net. 
The Lord will test him for if his heart is pure and repentant, he will be given another chance of salvation. 
My ladies who are single and did not find their spouse are many who play the vanity game.
The peacock flutters his feathers and all look on knowing there is one to capture attention.
The competition is fierce and destructive.
The games are nasty and cruel.
So many broken sisters who have fallen and tripped up -
Is this the way of the Lord intended?
They did not trust the Love He gave to their intended as the search for a greater provider took hold - so I the Father sent a penniless son.
Who loves him?
 True love is the essence of the soul and not financial provision.
True love comes and then everything else comes together as it should
If your life is with venomous friends - they do not want your happiness.
The way of love is not with murky waters and game players.
So love with your heart and essence of being.
Wish all love, 
Pray and let love rule your essence of creation'

Immediately after this message more words received were written as they sounded - looking afterwards what could be discovered that might relate might validate..

'Alamatie siri patakame quinto sou mertino quando solo me ami in tuto.'

Alamati - relating to signs and symbols semiotics
Siri - wealth fortune
Patakame - Patak - NZ building on stilts used for storing provisions
                   Ame - Soul
Quinto - firth born - fifth position
Sou - very small amount of money
Mertino - Murtino - village of Macedonia
Quando - when
Solo - alone
Me ami - Do you love me?
in tuto - entirely - securely, in safety without danger

Semiotics: The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation

What is significant about the fifth generation born?

Over the generations scriptures have been translated. There are people also taking notice of signs; with Divine Providence at work - God's intervention in the universe.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria           

Monday 9 December 2019

'The Lord Be With You Day and Night' Message 9th December 2019

Message: 9th December 2019
Start time: 6:49 - 6:50 am
End time 7:10 am

'The Lord be with you day and night

Sweet one, sweet child of mine, Mine is Creation and all that is created of the Lord belongs to Him. 
The world is conquested and the rulers laugh yet they do not see their fall.
The Lord is coming. 
The Lord is coming
Many shout with joy and elation yet they do not see and do not know when, or where or what time.
People are feeling something in the air yet they cannot see the invisible presence right before their eyes.
You capture on film the rays from heaven - yet who made this happen?
It is I the Lord of all Creation who causes life and life to end.
Your broken body is still standing not strong, yet the Lord scolds all who injure you. 
You are meek now, not as before
You understand humility now, not as before
Put into practice what you know
Be bold, be meek and be humble
The Lord waits for the unrighteous ones to cause righteous justice where they did you wrong. 
'They will not' is what they will say behind closed doors. 
'Let's delay a little longer and see what the Lord will do in his anger' they think.
They think I am angry at you while my people perish to their death.
My dear they do not know whom the Lord gives Mercy because they do not know Me the Lord of Creation. 
You came as a child with no one else to turn to.
Is the Lord God going to reject a repentant sinner?
But he who continues to err and blame will not get away with what he has done.
The lawyer disappoints over and over again.
So imagine my child, will the Lord your God open the gate to heaven for them?
The Lord is Merciful to repentant sinners and not to those who repeatedly injure.
I will be right in all my proclamations as disclosed too
Your Lord is trustworthy and true.
Your Lord speaks and you listen to The Word given to you
Now go and read the scriptures to see what is written too.
I the Lord God will come and dwell among My people and they can meditate on My Word day and night.
They who reject me and My Word will not be guided by the Spirit of Truth. 
My people repent. 
Repent before it is too late
Come to the Lord your God and Creator and see the life He will give you is blameless.
Not war, causing suffering, loss and death.
There is not one in the English government who does not know what is going on.
Not one of them is without knowing my people are being killed in the land you are living in.
Many are scared to say anything and do not want to be singled out.
I broke you completely; to the ground you fell; broken in your heart and physically weakened.
You my child stood in your lowliness crying out 'No war, No war' and you cried out because of the injustice you faced not just for yourself; but for the multitudes of people in your land being robbed by the corrupt system.
They would rather deny you justice and the right to survive and live in peace serving Me, than to do right by you and the Lord who is their God too.
One day they will be begging for help in their calamity
Will I listen to their insincere cries?
They want more and more and there is no goodness to give; and the one who claims to help does not.
The people are led to slavery by a cruel regime of stupidity, violence and bribes.
My Kingdom will be built on righteousness and not the scolded scoundrels.
I will lift my people up and they will know I am Lord'

Of the message times, these scriptures are identified:

Jesus the Bread of Life
Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died.This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that anyone may eat of it and not die. (John 6:49-50)

For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. (2 Corinthians 7:10)

My shield is with God, Who saveth the upright in heart. (Psalm 7:10)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Wednesday 4 December 2019

'My Glory and My Light Shine For All To See' Message 3rd November 2019

Message : 3rd November 2019
Start time: 7:12 am
End time: 7:35 am

'My Glory and My Light shine for all to see who are mine.
Many reject Me and the Spirit of Truth of all ages.
How come you are sad who has seen so much and given so much grace in this time?
The enemy hates you and the more you are hated you are loved by Me Your God.
"Lord have mercy" they say and then hurt My people;
And you bad tempered one in your frustration and weakness, lean onto Me your Lord and God.
Lean onto me for I did not abandon My children and those who are called and chosen in My Name.
Your love is pure but your heart hardened with hurt. 
Pauline you have to relinquish this hurt for your suffering is great in this weakened state. 
You want to run away and escape to a new land  and new life but nothing will change, just geographical location.
I will fetch you the plan of the nations call so do not worry about the future; because where you are I am in your presence and those who attack you in My presence are scolded for what they have done.
Warned are those who harm My anointed ones and you were consecrated to Me at your birth.
You have a rival all your life. Not one or two but continually so this is nothing new.
Where is your husband; your spouse now?
Can you not see what is happening?
Your life is one continual sabotage to prevent your happiness and success
Who will you trust with your greatest treasure?
Who cares about My people in your land?
Many are the traitors to the Lord Almighty and many do not know who to serve.
You cannot serve the false gods in your land who will be pulled down from their lofty stations.
What duty they do is use, abuse and exploit when they can.
What little love there is for the lowliest of people they displace by their station; and what shame they have knowing the Lord God does not look upon the lofty with favour.
Brave is the maiden who speaks out; and another who stands up and opposes rape; and another who speaks about miscarriage of justice; and another forced to be a prostitute to pay her way. 
Shame is all he who corrupts the law; and oppress and violate women and children from the highest station in your land to the lowliest scoundrel in his violent ways.
None is good when they plot and scheme to exploit the most vulnerable women where you live. 
There is disgrace in the lofty House, disgrace in the nations and not one will work for justice in your land. 
Not one will serve justice in your land and the media will make this known in the papers.
They are silent while the great disgrace comes upon the lofty House. 
Do you think the Lord your God looks up to the randy Prince? 
He is disgusting in his ways and disgusting is his wife who has no remorse for her gain. 
I show no favour to the lofty.
They are not esteemed in my eyes. 
My people perish through lack of knowledge and they trust traitors who cannot do right in these times.
The end is coming soon;
The end of an era and they will rise up and lock horns to be powerful in their game of manipulation.
My dear, My dears; my sweet tenderhearted children:
Look up to the throne in heaven because your Abba Father is not a traitor to your souls.
I came again to make My living presence known to My people; My children and My broken hearted ones most of all.
He comes to you to know the truth;
Your God, your Lord and King loves you all
Remember this.
I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy
Who can say they rule above the throne in heaven?
Let the shame be felt as you have known.
Wipe your tears my children I hear you'