

Thursday 16 November 2023

'Be with me wherever you go' - Message 14th November 2023

At times, a short message is given unexpectedly to take notice of.

These initial words came forth thinking about Jesus ...then praying to focus on any further message as documented. What is given is written.

Message date : 14th November 2023
Start time: 14:19
End time: 14:45

'Be with me wherever you go'

'I know you are hurting and when you are suffering too. 
But I also know when to Bless you and the ones who are suffering the most think they are alone.
As long as you have me you are not alone and with me you will not suffer alone.
It is your perception of the world and people around that fuel your suffering and yet, when you are focused on me my child, how can you suffer when you are loved so much?
You seek the love of one who cannot love when their heart is not open in me to feel me and the flow of love through them.
In me and through me all of you are loved and all of you are connected in love.
The Father of all did this my precious ones that you may know the love of the Father through the Son; and through the Father and the Son you will know the love between one another that flows; 
Not as gestures but by the Spirit of Truth within that lives to love above all things.
For love is the healer, the reconciler, the comforter and the force of protection of the immortal soul; that you are never far from God the Father or the Son in your thought and prayer.
You need something and so ask for it and when you do not get what you want, you blame God.
Do you not know that God is the knower of all your needs and wants and what will bring emptiness; and what will bring fulfillment too.
The want of more is never satisfied and then you must get rid of everything because you have too much.
The want of more is distracting from what is most important.
Who are you and what can you give to the world?
Your purpose is already known but you have forgotten.
Who are you in the Lord?
You think you are not good enough for the role - who decided that?
If God in His infinite plan wants to choose you for a purpose then it is for a reason and His purpose too.
There maybe seemingly better people, more eloquently spoken - yet God looks at the hearts of all.
You are chosen for a purpose
Consider that you will grow and learn more with your purpose.
You who avoids doing something believing you are not good enough - if the Will of God is in it, your will will align with it eventually too.
Resist your destiny and you will force the hand of God in a way you can never imagine.
Sometimes people will learn very hard lessons, that they may be presented again with the opportunity to realise;
Your insecurities get in the way of the work that needs to be done.
And you arrogant ones - you know who you are. 
Put away your egos for the ego is a persona that deceives all.
Your ego is deceiving you if you believe you are above the LORD
So the humble Son was born with nothing and the Wisdom of God flows through his Spirit from the Throne of God to the hearts and minds of the children of God.
All that wait, need wait no more.
The Lord waits for you to speak to Him and the Lord will guide your steps when you seek him in truth and ask to be guided accordingly too.
Anyone who tries to elevate themselves as an authority over the Lord is not.
Many are the false prophets seeking adoration and praise.
The Lord Jesus your King only ever sought the Glory of God.
Do not be deceived people.
You are my family, my friends, my sister and brothers in love - 
For as long as the Lord lives God is the King of all nations and the world created; Father of the universe - Father of all souls.
He is come in all humility in prayer and worship.
Fear of the Lord is wisdom
For all who go against Him will suffer
And all who persecute and cause suffering to my holy ones - made holy for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of truth are to repent immediately or suffer the consequence.
Of the lowly ones, many found the Lord and choose to renounce the world.
Many willingly help others
But if there is distraction from the Lord their purpose is wasted.
Kill the ego and embrace the Spirit of Love and divinity within'

Saturday 4 November 2023

'They do not want to listen to reason' - Message 4th November 2023

The following message is written exactly as it was given, with my prayer focus included after the initial words and instruction to write as shown is shared openly here.

Message date : 4th November 2023

Start time: 15:02 pm

End time: 15:29

'Pauline, will you write for me dear? 

(Lord what do you want me to write for you?)

'My people are perishing through lack of knowledge.
They do not want to listen to reason and are falling for the traps the enemy sets because they are distracted from the truth in their hearts.
Take heed little ones:
Your master teacher did not tell you to go to war and kill your brother and sister in the Lord.
Why do you suffer?
Did the Lord not warn you what will happen if you forget your Lord and God of all creation.
My dears, I gave no one permission to rule over my family and my family by adoption are mine by choice.
Let them come willingly in humbleness and brokenness if need be, but let them come and do not prevent them lest you make the Lord your God angry with what you have done.
Set my people free from the chains of ignorance and slavery by deception;
How all you that seek to rule over the children of God have not even mastered to tend to your own children in the Lord.
The mother who loves her child in the Lord loves other people's children.
Yet the ambitious women without love in their hearts are ruthless and competitive to the end.
Rather a loving mother who does not expect her child to be anything other than a loving human being, she hopes her child will make the right choices so not to fall into the snares of the devil.
The beautiful harmonious souls that found love and tranquility have done so by the Grace of God and it does not matter if you are rich or poor. 
The love you hold in your hearts is the wealth you carry with you into eternity.
Share your love, compassion and prayers to include those who have lack; 
for many are chosen for a purpose of light and love bringing forth a testimony of the impossible being made possible for all to see.
If you are ignored, you will be noticed;
And if you are injured, your heart will know healing to give and bestow on others who can relate.
If you know success through effort and grow the seed of an idea into something beneficial for others - then do not hide the way.
The seed will grow with tender care and attention need.
The enemy will destroy what is good, but the Lord equips you to start again and again.
And the more you are put down, oppressed and crushed, the Lord builds the inner you until you no longer give your power or fear to anyone other than the Lord God Almighty, The Creator and your Maker.
Why do you want something that you do not want or know?
For in every role of responsibility, there is a duty of care that must be upheld for the whole realm hangs on this. 
As in the courts that perpetuates injustice - there is no righteous king.
The one who boasts of wrong doing to my people, what evil he allows in his heart that he forgets who he is.
Do not be eager to be the devil's helper for your gains will be short and never satisfy you.
Your heart, mind and soul are like a ground as in heaven and on earth.
For as long as you seek to do good in the nation of the Lord, seek to be guided in the right way.
The Lord knows the steps you will take and when you need to rest.
Woe to those who deny my people their rights for your gain was more important than their right to life and to live freely.
You plummet them all while watching a war rage on.
You are no different than the ones who oppress my people and keep them poor.
If your life is not purposeful for the greater good - is your life purposeful at all?
You may be a parent if a child, working to provide in an honest way...
This is the greater good for the preservation of your soul too.
But woe to those, that they are oppressed and prevented to do the Lord's work in the way they have been chosen.
The broken vessels are not useless ...
They will bless my people'

Update: Praying for Global Peace and Healing.

 It seems a long time since writing here, although I am trying to maintain the focus now of personal revelation, learning through this, it is with being guided in this way.  Today a new message was given.

Also I will not be offering any personal opinion on wars and rumors of wars in the world as these are already written about in the Holy Bible. 

Forgive me, also recently I was unable to write. The fact is with undergoing surgery on 6th October, with a duration on very strong painkillers, I was whacked out and clueless to what was happening - also without watching television even reading the news about this. 

If anything it was just another blow...and I wonder, what else is happening that our world with constant negative media propaganda that is distracting from something much more; most important. 

That is not to say I was not asked for my opinion by someone visiting. The only inclination I had was 'it is political'; also saying 'it is possible this is connected to the lessons in ancient history as in Moses time.'

Despite this, with our prayer, we can all focus on Global Peace and healing...because there is a multilayered healing need in this time. 

However, I ask reaching out to every mother, please do not teach children to hate, no matter what circumstances. Do not even teach children to despise another parent if you are together or parted for this will be causing tremendous turmoil within that will surface later on.

Grief weighs heavily on the hearts of multitudes of people who have lost loved ones under various conditions. We all feel pain in the same way..Our tears are the same. We all bleed red blood...we feel helpless to resolve something out of our hands. Is this how God draws us near?

Since the day of my surgery up to these days I had a few visions that I hope to share at some point. I am still exhausted. One surely offered personal assurance of Jesus watching over what is happening here. 

With the others visions including seeing Jesus, that made me realise the most important message of all - His return. When we are given a little at a time for a greater understanding, if we do not grasp the message it is not time yet. We must be patient if learning in this way.  More will follow so that we can better understand any message. 

This is a time where we can seek in our own private space to pray and ask to be guided in the right way. We can pray and ask the Lord to watch over and protect ALL of His people - wherever we may be. 

God has scattered his people in history for His reason.

Above all; let us pray for peace and healing..healing for all in need.

When people are busy with their lives and distracted, also when suffering and under pressure, with demands and so much external influence that does not allow space for stillness within, not everyone finds time to sit quietly and contemplate. Not everyone is praying from their heart and calling out to God, even seeking true repentance and forgiveness of sins. No one is perfect. Many do not feel worthy.

As the Lord has been patient with us all...we must learn to be patient with each other too. Everyone is learning lessons and none of us are exempt from this. It takes time to gain perspective in learning too.

One of the lessons Jesus presented in history were of people being possessed by demons. The demons are not the people...Yet if people choose to do evil and seek to harm others, they are surely misguided. 

Very easily people can be misguided to turn on each other for an agenda that there are no winners...the people are not valued at all. The spiritual battle taking place is impossible to ignore in these times.

The enemy of the people is battling for our souls...and we who are called out and chosen for a specific purpose, even if not yet known, might suffer horrendous attacks from other people. It might be with unexpected outbursts.. Peace loving people are being provoked to react.

There are reasons to cause the stirring up of hate and divide

Jesus called the demon to come out of people...

When we are told not to be unequally yoked, if we keep the company of believers we can pray together and for each other too. If you are alone,  drawing to Jesus you are not alone. The Lord hears you pure heart.

May this world raise up a generation of healers and peacemakers filled with loving compassion and care in their hearts - because no one in their right mind wants to cause others to suffer.  God help us all.

We must all do our part, regardless of any personal struggles. 

Peace be with you

Pauline Maria

Saturday 23 September 2023

Simple Spirituality: Faith consolidated by prayer

Spirituality is simple - Faith is consolidated with prayer

We make a mistake to over analyse, compare, ask opinions, to ignore the most natural innate gift we have been given - that no one taught us to do. The right to pray is enshrined eternally; our God given right!

With every prayer, we acknowledge the source of focus. With every prayer answered, our faith is being consolidated. When we pray for understanding, when ready, wisdom is given.

Over the years I have documented personal revelation experiences, as this is also my learning experience. If I had already studied the scriptures and knew what was written, I would not be convinced to know for certain there is something more...that my prayers to God are in someway answered too. Mostly I ask to be guided in the right way. 

A young lady told me quietly 'I do not believe in God' and it was not my place to say you must or even to try and convince her of the far greater power identified as God Almighty.

Instead intuitively I asked: 'Have you ever been in a crisis or situation you felt in danger and cried out to God to help you? 

A moment later she replied: 'YES!;

Sometimes we may forget but our soul knows God.

In remembering God we can pray...

In thinking about God our bond is strengthened. 

When we forget to pray, perhaps a situation is created that the only way to seek shelter from the Most High is with pray....and that we survive and pull through crisis and endure with strength in difficulties - our prayers are heard when answered.

The approachable God the Father, exists and can be called out to - we can talk to, open our heart to, seek comfort from and confess our sins, repent and seek guidance and protection too.

If your life has brought you to face difficulty and great sorrow, God knows and does not ignore the tears and suffering in our heart and soul when we are alone in our struggle too.

Divine Wisdom cannot be bought...

God cannot be blackmailed or manipulated ...

It is in our most private times with deep soul searching that we are more likely to seek assurance if there being something more..Are we on the right track, especially if our former life plans are blown apart and the only foundation to get by each day is focus on God to pray the right way. Being forced to take one day at a time, is what it is..

Trusting in the Lord is with being trained accordingly.

In the Lord's Prayer we say 'Thy Will be Done' Lord,

Becoming an instrument of the Lord is with relinquishing the want of power and control over anything and anyone - however, we all have responsibility and duty to do right by everyone.

Along the way, people may appear who are deeply religious and serious about their life in prayer, This might be a priest or rabbi even a nun who relinquished all worldly ways. 

When insight and wisdom is given by the Holy Ones, it is timely.

When validation is given - it is meant to be given with grace.

We are travelling through this earthly life either caught up with earthly things and somewhere taught to accept a social status with egos assuming importance over one another.

However once we acknowledge our soul and essential being within - divine wisdom is given and inspiration flows that we might even doubt at first...yet it has a greater purpose.

What did Jesus in the world but not part of the world.

It is written:

'They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world'. John 17:16

Once we learn to take notice of the clear message given in our soul, never to cause harm or suffering. or loss, destitution or death to anyone - all the other nonsense loses its hold on us.

When certain words spring to mind particularly relating to prayer, faith and especially with Jesus and God Almighty - identifying God the Father, take note and go and read what is written.

When revelation is given - first there is preparation to listen.

The first words that had me go looking to what is written were just three CROWN OF DAVID - while sitting by the computer I just typed 'Crown of David Bible' on Google to read more.

Our spiritual journey is our our own.

We can be spiritually connected however, who you are connected with and look up to might be a block to your progress and even distractor from your own unique purpose in God's Kingdom.

We are all with unique gifts and a purpose however sometimes we are misguided and even distracted from what we are called to do....what we are long equipped to carry out faithfully.

Never compare yourself with anyone else or consider yourself to be less worthy in the Eyes of God for over the course of history, the most lowly, broken people were chosen to inspire faith.

Wealth and riches might enhance material gains yet these cannot be taken with us when we leave this world. The Wisdom of God is given without cost ....

You can be rock bottom and your world totally fall apart, yet while in your prayer crying for help and comfort, it is in this lowliest place the Lord draws near to His Child.  

When you pray...take notice of what you are asking for.

What do you really want and need?

What are you really seeking?

The Lord knows everything in your heart already.

It is written:

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.; Jeremiah 33:3 

Peace be with you

Pauline Maria

Multitudes of people are hurting - Message 12th May 2017

Thursday 14 September 2023

Queen Kate vs. Lady Gaga Born Brave Foundation

Queen Kate vs. Lady Gaga Born Brave Foundation 

There is a saying, red and green should never be seen except on a Queen. 

Because of the content I am going to include other information that is revealed from the images that are shared in the original article. These insights concern everyone.

Recent pictures show Kate Middleton dressed in green - wearing McQueen and also wears Beulah London. Heavily promoted Kate is 'admired' by the masses. She does not promote peace or justice. People describe her as a fashion Icon/ She is a model for clothing brands.

Kate Middleton was pictured a wearing floral crown in the Solomon Islands. 

Kate Middleton cannot be accused of deception because she does not say anything. One of her husband's titles is ruler of Scotland. People in Scotland 'believe' they are free and independent!

Lady Gaga is with the reminder of Queen's song title Radio Gaga.  

Lady is a Noble formal style of address showing respect. 

Lady Gaga dressed in a very smart green black and gold jacket, teamed with black tights and very tall black boots. She is also wearing dark glasses and a hat. The photograph is identifying her as coming out of Shamrock Social Club, on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood.

Lady Gaga with friends show on her wrist a Peace sign tattoo.

Lady Gaga pictured with long blonde hair and black dress split high to grab attention. She has a Unicorn Tattoo on her thigh. Curling German script on her left arm quotes poet Rainer Maria Rilke. 

This is also revealing more information. Briefly:

Finding this 'In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write?'

Rainer means Advisor - Maria relates to Amira - the Arabic and Hebrew meaning Princess. A Princess in ancient Israel and Arabia by Right.

A Unicorn with a golden horn is featured on the British Crown crest. The Golden Horn connects with the Bosphorous in Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, where the Ecumenical Patriarch of 300 million Orthodox Christians resides. We understand from this that the British Crown is connected to the Golden Horn. A bridge connects Asia and Europe with Istanbul uniting two continents. 

The Crown of Asia is identified in the Holy Bible.

The other day I was looking at an image of the Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries to share this is timely. Here the Lady with the Mirror with the Unicorn shining a reflection. The Unicorn a mythological creature, has been associated with ancient Greece and Asia.

There are laws that need examining because God never said he will kill anyone who did not follow him. God has not said 'to me' anything about stoning women - especially who speak out about violations. 

Christ made a point to prevent women being stoned. 

Lady Gaga does not want to be like anyone else - she is promoting individuality as a way of being. She sets an example to show, it is OK to stand out from the crowd. 

A very talented woman with a powerful voice, makes a very clear message that she wants to make a positive difference and is doing so in her choice of way. 

Lady Gaga does not seek support or acceptance from anyone. She invests fully into her self and her creative expression. She has earned her following, even if her critics do not understand her.

Loyal fans look to Lady Gaga who is the highly creative individual

Living on the edge is with sometimes taking risks. 

Lady Gaga has a growing fanbase who see her as “Mother Monster,”

To change the future, we need to lay the foundation now for seeds that will blossom in the future.  Teach children the right way, encourage their growth, learning, healing and individuality. 

Children have a voice. Listen to the children's truth too.
There has been a time when children were silenced, told they were to be seen and not heard. This has changed now. The children today are born to be the teachers and leaders of the future.

Born Brave foundation is to empower young people. 

To be a public figure is with the opportunity to make a profound difference in our world and to be a positive influence in any chosen area with a purpose beyond to fulfill.. 

Lady Gaga has gone through her own personal difficulties and overcome tremendous personal challenges to reach her goals. She recognises bullying as being harmful and why young people are not realising their personal potential/ She is spiritually connected. 

What is most profound is the Born Brave foundation is a joint partnership set up with Lady Gaga and her beautiful mother, who has been supportive in her daughters process.

There is nothing stronger than a mother and daughter team. 

Lady Gaga recognises the powerful role a Mother holds. 

Unconditional love, support and encouragement can help transform lives. Not everyone has a mother they are close to or feels loved and supported. This is why the greater community in the world we live in offers the opportunity for all who have love in their heart to share their love.

People who do not believe in theirselves with their innate gifts, being part of their own uniqueness are not always encouraged in their expression.  In these times we are seeing an immense burst of creativity and expressive voices speaking out now. 

Lady Gaga is revealing she has a huge heart that cares, yet cannot take the role of a Holy Mother. Perhaps this is why the Mother Monster name came about, just a thought to consider.

Lady Gaga has shaved her head that reveals a tattoo. 

We are all born with a higher purpose, not everyone will discover this - with being distracted. When/if people take positions as leaders and assume roles of rulers over people, they can only lift people up as far as their understanding allows. Not everyone wants to lift people up.

Not everyone truly knows the inner world of other people.

Some time ago I wrote about the Chi Rho symbol being connected to Jesus Christ. Chi, the Universal life force energy is healing energy . RHO is another way of writing Rhesus O negative. 

This particular blood group is also known as the universal blood group, however this blood group cannot accept blood of a different group. The blood mystery is for a reason./

All blood carries life force energy. We hear of the blood of Christ as being physical, spiritual and symbolic - as when drinking consecrated wine in remembering him. 

The other day I was thinking about the thousands of crucifixions, the punishment for treason. One man who was born to be king was never given honor, high regard or forgotten all this time. 

Attempts to silence the truth, even with muslims being told it will be safer not to associate Christ with God. It is with the willingness to understand why this has been told to people - that we can grasp, being a Christian and follower of Christ carried much risk. People had to be brave.

The Chi Rho symbol with the Crown of Victory. 

Saint Paul wrote to the Galatians. While Christ built his church on Saint Peter, Saint Paul is also vitally connected. As Christ has said, 'I am the Alpha and the Omega' - all truth comes from God and with this, anyone who is appointed as a messenger of God, is always going to lead people to the truth. There is no conflict in this and so Pauline Christianity was established (Saint Paul)

Just one year military spending, could fund 300 years of United Nations programmes to benefit people. When people pray for peace, this must require we do out bit.

...we are all instrumental in assisting healing too.

Lady Gaga was photographed recently wearing a long green gown and wearing a 'full crown' of flowers to show, by example a message that might be hidden in what she is wearing.

On 12th September 2012, Lady Gaga posted a picture and tweeted the following message. as the reason for sharing her head saying, “I did it for u Terry. I’m sorry about ure mommy. She has princess die, but were all princess high.” (im memory of her friend Terry Richardson's mother)

It is through loss, grief, psychological trauma and emotional healing that by praying in private many people find their way through prayer and even be strengthened by this process. 

Sometimes the world needs to learn of those who have overcome dark times and living with love, prosperity and growing despite what held people back - to be inspired by this.

There are people claiming to be clinically trained healers, therapists, coaches and even educators. Yet it becomes a concern when these people are tellng others to ignore their feelings.

If anything, we need to acknowledge our pain to heal our pain and by doing this is to realise we are not the cause of our pain....often we become stuck because the light cannot be seen ahead.  

Sometimes people experience the most horrific violations yet somehow find their way out of darkness - find their voice after being silenced and scared to speak out - then everything changes.

The Born Brave Foundation is a reminder that this is a foundation stone that has been laid down that is widely accepted and legally recognised. It takes courage to speak out. 

Some people are bold and go on stage. Many people are not. 

We can also use the internet to express our inner truth too.. 

Dare to be take of the mask and be who you are.

After a time, people on the healing path and empowering others are living their live with this purpose. There are people who are knowingly serving to help uplift the condition of humanity.

Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right....

To use this in a way for the greater good is a gift. 

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

Killer Storm Katie - The Duchess Pub Roof Blown Off (March 2016)

Killer Storm Katie - The Duchess Pub Roof Blown Off

 After my previous article about seeing the crucifix with someone wearing a gold coloured halo - and Jesus face appearing in 'shades of grey' interpreted to write about this, the following day, an article was published in the Daily Mail. It is just from this I am going to share from today.

Storm Katie
is reported in the Daily Mail news with images

Firefighters clear away some of the rubble strewn across the road and pavement after The Duchess pub in Battersea had its roof blown off

With bricks on the floor, we forget how easily buildings can fall. 

When someone blows their top - this can means they are raging +angry. While we can never know the truth about what is happening behind closed doors, is something ado with the Duchess?

Reports Storm Katie ripping off the roof of The Duchess Pub

Pictured, Jason Flemyng outside his pub The Duchess, in Battersea, south London

The landlord British Actor Jason Flemyng seen outside the pub, while side by side another photograph has shown the pub painted in a different colour...Is there another entrance?

The roof exposed bare - is like the unfinished pyramid.

With structural repairs needed, is there any more to this?

Pictured, rubble is strewn across the road outside The Duchess pub in Battersea, south west London

The above photograph took my attention after shown in a vision, As I recall the day before a scene as if looking from the right hand side above to where the triangular facia is missing. Strange.

The following photograph took my attention for I wrote about this some time back seeing this foam appearing in Queensland Australia, also in Scotland and South in England. This foam appeared after the Diamond Jubilee when have to be honest, thoughts were perhaps God is washing this land.

Natural phenomenon: Max Butler-Cole, aged 9, plays in the unusal foam during stormy weather at Newhaven beach in East Sussex

Some people might find these suds as novelty - I recall at one time writing of this being reminded of fairy liquid and while it has changed to different recipes, the suddiness was reliable.

A crown is featured on this...and two flags too..

Here seen is a wall fallen as if lego would be more sturdy. Whatever is shown here, I think is just the start of what could be seen happening later on but this is happening for a reason. As with the landslides and sink holes being blamed on fracking and global warming/climate change. We can also consider if
those who exert power over people and nature with earth connected in some way.

Walls coming down...terratorial barriers being broken down.

This car in Gravesend, Kent, narrowly avoided being smashed by a fallen brick wall after last night's heavy winds

In a video titled 'Ferocious winds batter and shake Irish Coast of  Mullhaghmore' - the term ferocious seemed rather dramatic....meaning 'savagely fierce' The name Katie is identified in this too.

Thanks to their thick woolly coats, a flock of sheep brave the snowy weather conditions in the Peak District near Buxton, Derbyshire

In the Peak District the sheep are standing peacefully.....

With God's Providence what is being revealed with this?

Perhaps the Duchess will not be wearing The Crown.

What happened...the full moon passed..what else took place?

Pictured, winds rip scaffolding covers to shreds at Portsmouth's Anglican Cathedral

This is the Portsmouth Anglican Cathedral covered while the scaffolding has been placed for works. It was ripped to show the upper parts...'The protection covering is torn and reported so we can see what is going on in the news. We could speculate but might never arrive at the truth with this.

Queen Elizabeth II is Supreme Governor of the Church of England.  It has been said the Queen was set aside by God for her selfless service - others say she was chosen by God for her role.

A divine appointment - there is more to this mystery hidden and yet to be revealed when the time is right to better understand. As more is revealed we can observe and connect the dots.

Several photographs are published...Lastly this one.

Walkers on Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh take selfies as they enjoy the view of Edinburgh Castle, after most of the UK was battered by winds

Walkers on Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh take selfies

Legends and mysteries of history....

King Arthur is associated with the Round Table
... and there is the search for the Holy Grail -  

It has been long promoted in time gone by that William would be quite happy living a quiet life without being King....but could both William and Kate give up their titles in truth - really?

With fame, adoration and a lifestyle that comes with the titles, could they really give everything up and lead ordinary lives. Many extraordinary people see themselves as lesser beings.     

The engagement announcement of William to Kate Middleton was announced in the Throne Room of St James Palace official residence - senior palace of the Sovereign...

What was really going on when David Cameron went to the House of Lords asking for a lesbian Queen and child born by sperm donor to succeed in Royal Succession to the Crown?

Anyway I thought it quite interesting that the roof was blown off and the front facia of The Duchess Pub and wondered if God does not approve..(with wizard wand waving too) Also I am concerned with the increase of heavily armed police - Who do they serve in truth? Who do they protect?

A storm is often associated with arguments...Fury is not.

Killer Storm Katie was named in the headline capturing the attention of readers. At the time there was more than one article reporting this storm/ While I just clicked on the link to see the Duchess Pub roof and frontage removed thinking...has God revealed this in a vision a few days ago?

Perhaps to keep trusting him - after all God is The Boss.

Not everyone believes in God or even a higher power.

There are a great many people who will serve some sinister decisions that are detrimental to masses of people and I guess these are times of tribulation we have been warned about. 

Queen Elizabeth II made a solemn promise to God Almighty when she took her coronation vow. This same God is the one I reinforced my promise in front of three barristers and a district judge in London - to then experience planned legal corruption, losses and blocks to progress..

God is My Witness as I am His too!

Is this not what happened to Jesus injustice that was to cause his death and prevent the Kingdom of God thriving in our world...with people being free od Godless rule...sic

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Monday 11 September 2023

Multitudes of People are Hurting - Message 12th May 2017

On this day 12th May 2017 'the breaking of dead wood branches' came to mind - the sign when we need to prune the dead wood,

If dead wood is cut off and burned it will turn to ash.

A tree branch overhanging part of my property, Asking the neighbour if he would prune the branches, he responded as if not to hear me several times...I tried different polite ways to ask. When I offered to get someone else to do this, he reacted warning me not to touch the tree or I will know about it...

The following night I had a dream with him climbing partly up the tree that is in his garden. He was clinging hold of the branch but did not have a saw in his hand. Odd dream.

The next day my other neighbour said he climbed up on the garage roof clearing off all the tree debris -  this had gathered from the overhanging branch from the tree in his garden. (update edit: Summer 2023, the neighbour began to process of cutting down the overgrown tree)
As many times before with prayer, often a message would follow immediately afterwards. Penning down the message given, it is written word for word as given and now shared openly.

On 12th May 2017, at 15:00 and ending 15:21 this was given: 

You see, I have shown you how I am with you always. How amazing to see the surprise on your face when you discovered the roof had been done. You did not expect that did you?
So the timing was for many to learn lessons in the time including you.
Your dream showed you a dead branch and breaking this off.
There are two and yet the living branch is for a reason, so let it be.
It took  humility to clear the garage and the right thing to do.
Your neighbour has become hard in his circumstance but he will discover doing right by strangers and the most unlikely will reap rich reward.
Be patient with the people around you. They are learning lessons. So are you.
And if I want you to see more I will show you when you are ready to see.
How instrumental you are in the Holy Spirit.
There will be some work taking place and perhaps you will be approached.
Listen and do not be defensive and help out when you can to those who ask this of you.
Ask the neighbour for their support and offer kindness and small gestures.
You will see they like you and bring this side of generosity of people who have become insular in their ways.
You can do nothing about those who threaten and intimidate or those who manipulate to gain what they do not even want.
There is so much work to do dear Pauline. So  much to do to sort your house internal and internal and the clear the rubbish from your mind and heart too.
You do not need the distractions of hurt and drama when you have so much to do.
Write for me dear one. Write for me in all you do, all you learn and the healing path is the right way to go too.
So many people hurting, multitudes of people are hurting and the pills do not help.
The job does not help.
The feeling rational mind that is processing their own hurt or pain and hearts is what you can write about. Lead them onto the healing path without pills.
Lead the people to me and I will lead the people to the Father.
Point the people  to the Throne in Heaven. Did they forget?
Indeed they will seen forget those who led them astray and away from safety.
Such an ignorant mind set on wanting the illusory position that is non existent, to feed the ego, when the position in the heavenly realms he can never gain.
I come and go as I please and the Father is sending me back for my people.
I have a wife to watch over - a bride who is mine and my obligation in the promise of betrothal is to marry her and take care of her as she will take care of me.
When I left I did not leave her knowing she was not loved. I assured her she was loved by me and the Father of all souls.'

These messages are documented as my spiritual learning and progress with validating certain truths and what is written in the Holy Scriptures too. They provide spiritual guidance too.

To add to this message. November 2022, a new neighbour moved in. He noticed some problems with their adjoining garage walls. A roof leak from the side of the neighbour who refused to prune the tree years before. While on our adjoining wall, a car crashed into the pillar and with the damage our wall needs to be rebuilt. The driver and former owner showed no intention to sort it out. 

The former neighbour said she did not care about the damage on my side when getting quotes.. She also did not declare this the new owner before purchase.  The crash happened days after the surveyor did his report....Anyway this incident brought my new neighbour to reach out to me to discuss the damage and he asked if I will contribute to the cost. Of course I said yes.

One of the most significant lines in this message is this:

'Be patient with the people around you. They are learning lessons. So are you.'

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: Dream/visions people dying, gold city, gold throne, indigo eye 

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Wednesday 6 September 2023

Dream/visions 1) Old people dying 2) Gold City 3) Gold chair 4) Indigo eye (Oct - Nov 2021)

The following dreams/visions occurred on different days:

1) Seeing old people lay dying in beds  24th October 2021
2) Standing at the gate entry of a City of Gold - 25th October 2021

3) Gold chair - throne seat - 28th October 2021

4) Seeing dark indigo eye symbol - 11th November 2021

Notes shared openly here are as recollected at the time.


Observing in a room what may have been a hospital or nursing home. The walls were plain with pale green colouring. A row of four beds were lined up all occupied with people .

The people were all grey haired and grey faced faced. Their mouths were open. They were seemingly covered just by a sheet on the hospital type bed with their faces exposed.

They looked like they were dead or close to death. The beds were in a row (death row came to mind). Their faces were not covered by sheets.  I deduce from this the people were still alive.

With the impression someone else was there, I did not see anyone else or any more - only what was revealed to see.  This main focus was to notice and record in writing.

The impression I had these being forgotten people, or had no visitors.  No outsider would have been at ease how these people were being kept behind closed doors.

Also I did not know where this location was, if here in UK or somewhere overseas. The room was a cold old clinical type setting. There was no homely feel whatsoever in the room. 

The overall impression from the dream/vision: people are dying in hospitals and care homes with no visitors. 

In reality, no one was granted entry to visit during COVID. 

Not only during official lockdown durations, at times of COVID outbreak at the time of writing, visitors are still being instructed not to attend in residential care homes. 

We will never know the truth about the residents care or what takes place behind closed and sometimes locked doors. However there are people within who are not silent about concerns.

Vast numbers of people have been devastated at not being able to say goodbye to their loved ones in hospitals and care homes. There are also people wondering if their relatives were put on the 'Liverpool Care Pathway' historically, helped to die prematurely. A retired nurse spoke about this - she was furious and refused to be part of this, bringing cups of tea and cake to patients..

The most valuable care for our elderly, disabled and/or clinically vulnerable comes from loved ones: family and friends. We will have peace of mind in doing what we can, while the people dependant on medical and residential care, will know at their most vulnerable they are not abandoned..  

Regarding Care Home concerns. The Guardian reported on ethical concerns brought by the healthcare professionals who were exceedingly concerned.


Standing front of a huge dark ornate open gates at the entrance of a city. One man was standing outside near his right hand gate post. No one else was seen in this experience.

Looking past the open gates from a few metres away, straight ahead a huge gold building was seen with a dome roof and what can be described like ancient Greek/Roman pillars in the frontage.

The building dominated the view past the gates, that it was not possible to look beyond this. If I had entered into the gateway then perhaps I would not be here today to write this.  

The dream appeared as if being in the very early hours before the sun was shining. It did not appear to be day light or night time - Yet the gold building was shining moreso in its splendour.

The entrance was with open gates. They were not locked closed.

The man had brown wavy hair. I cannot say it was Peter, Jesus or someone else. It was not an angel having also seen angels revealed in dreams with their wings seen clearly too.

Revelation 21 writes of New Jerusalem is likened to pure gold 

It is indicated Saint Peter is the guardian at the gates of heaven 

Regarding the City of Gold, Revelation 2I identifies 'the Holy City,  new Jerusalem and promises made to people.  One of the promises is that 'there will be no more death'.

It is not my intention to try to influence people to believe in God when they do not. Still as with my own learning, if we remain open minded and willing to read what is written in the scriptures - for certain I was surprised to learn that even warnings are given about human rights abuses.


At a location somewhere, I am near to a chair/throne seat made of gold.

No one was sitting on this chair - I did not notice another next to it.

My attention was taken the side of the armrests in particular.

The structure design was a row of pillars (like temple pillars) with an arm rest platform over them as the support.

No one else was seen in this dream/vision.

I did not see anything else beyond this chair that is 'somewhere'.

The pillars were an evident focus point to take notice of.  

I remembered the dream of the gold domed building with the Roman pillars and did not know if connected in some way.  This vision is documented as it was revealed at the time.


This experience was when closing my eyes - not aware of being asleep.  I could see an oval shape that was appearing as an eye - just one eye. The colour was a dark indigo. 

I cannot say what was revealed was looking outside of myself. Also if anything. I cannot negate seeing the inner eye being revealed opened within my being. Clear seeing is clairvoyance. 

Upon opening my eyes. 'Third eye' came to mind with finding this. 

'The Third-Eye Chakra also called the Ajna Chakra, This Chakra is the centre of perception, consciousness and intuition. It is the sixth chakra.

The third eye Chakra is known as the Ajna Chakra. This is identified as being the seat of judgement, emotional intelligence and wisdom.

Your 'sixth sense' regulates the five lower Chakras.

While our two physical eyes see the physical that we may remember the past and the present, the third eye reveals beyond and can  provide insight into the future'

Regarding the City of Gold, Revelation 21 is for these times.

Just related to the eye, I have had a few experiences seeing something as an observer. 

Remembering another dream experience from a different time. Standing outside (in the dream) looking up into the heavens - seeing an 'old' gold coloured astrolabe with the moon cycles around the circumference. (the gold was not bright and shiny as new)

In this experience the vision transformed when then I also saw a blue eye - Egyptian style and 'Eye of Isis' came to mind at the time of waking up.

Learning that Strasbourg's astronomical clock gives time, day, month, year, star sign, moon phases and planets positions. This is located inside Strasbourg cathedral, Strasbourg.

Another dream vision, an observer, I was inside a hidden underground temple. There was an upright triangle seen with an eye formation engraved ahead on a dark grey wall.

And another dream/vision experience -  I was inside a tall building with large glass windows on a bright day. The reception had a bar style top. The wall behind was red with white decor. A company logo was a gold eye shape with (sun) radiating energy lines outwards.

The eye shape was not distinctively obvious. I had associated the eye with the previous vision. At the time I had the impression already may exist somewhere. 'Golden eye' - a James Bond film was named,

One final experience, with my eyes closed, just resting. Immediately seeing the most illuminating golden light mass expanding my visio. This was seen for the first time.

This experience took place with seeing from my inner/third eye. 

Seeking more about this: The golden light is your energy/aura.

Golden light means mastery and divine energy or presence.

If you experience unusual dreams and vision experiences (seeing with eyes closed) write the details down and date experiences too. These are revelations given to you for a reason; even if you do not know or understand why the experience takes place. They might be connecting with your situation and/or events happening outside in the world. Such experiences are bringing awareness for understanding later on. Do not analyse. Document as much as you can remember. Do not change any detail that is being revealed 'clearly' to you. Time will reveal all.

Previous article: the Lord validates His Truth over and over again

Tuesday 15 August 2023

'The Lord validates His truth over and over again' Message 14th August 2023

Personal revelation message with prayer

Message date: 14th August 2023

Start time: 16:32

End time:17:01

'Holy Holy Holy. the Lord God Almighty who is and is to come in the new age of enlightenment for all beings and all creation.

He is the One at the beginning and at the end.

The Lord gathers His children who did not understand the ways of the world or the ways of the Lord.

A great distraction is prevailing in the world to divert attention.

The addictions for gains and exhilaration; momentary highs are not life.

Same as the gentle lift out of danger ie drowning and being rescued onto dry land and given food. clothes, warmth and shelter. 

The West promotes illusion as ideals and the Eastern States came back to question spirituality and its state of being. 

The origins of wisdom givers were not lofty people but lowly chosen ones for their purpose. 

They were not self promoting.

They were not at all valued and respected in their roles; yet the task they were given at a specific time for a specific people had a purpose at the time and times ahead; even beyond their lifetime on this earth plane..

So you know the Lord is the same yesterday and today, nothing new is given.

The Lord Validates His Truth over and over again.

The Lord chooses specific people for specific tasks even if they do not want to do it.

There is a role to serve ad a purpose in this too.

Who can deny the Lord God Creator of your heart and soul?

Your heart keeps beating - how is this so?

The Lord brings you to rest because if you were active, you would not be doing what the Lord requires of you; 

And the Lord prepares the way for everything and everyone in the Grand Orchestra Symphony.

It is not a matter of who believes or not for as long as you have life by the Grace of God, you can be an instrument of the Lord for the greater good of all.

The lofty arrogant believe they are important; yet they distract from what is most important.

The world promotes false idols ...

And as people progress in their success and prosperity the danger is becoming greedy for more and arrogant too.

To make mistakes in a humble place people may laugh and even mock an inspired idea.

The child who dreamed to travel and go to university when the entire village had known basic education - were they wrong?

The educated one does not forget their roots or reason to put in the determination to succeed. 

One educated person can serve to educate others. 

The upliftment of the condition of humanity is with many helpers.

Many leaders are leading from behind or in the shadows; not seeking fame, praise or even to be seen.

Do not idol worship for the time will come and you will be disappointed and disillusioned too.

The time to correct your thinking and adjust your processing might be with wounds.

Be careful who you serve and pledge your loyalty too.

Families turn on each other ....

Best friends can become enemies too.

That is not to say do not trust family and friends, but be wise and mindful that not everyone wishes everyone well.

Temptation comes to trip people up and steal ideas  - as many business concepts were stolen and built by someone else.

The song written by one man and shared with his friend would become a global hit, while the originator did not earn a dime from it.

The Lord knows.

The Lord does not forget.

The person who tried to help was exploited too.

The one person who was inspired to help in a new lease of life and purpose in a song written would see and discover the ruthlessness of greed, lust for power and control.

The lowly creators and originators all have a profound purpose.

The Lord is sifting the wheat from the chaff.

If you think back carefully, you had a role that was not quite as expected serving the Lord.

You might seemingly be injured and suffer losses ...

But the Lord gives you His Grace and Mercy and money cannot buy what is being given to you.

As your eyes  and mind open to truth - understanding comes more easily.'

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'Listen to the voice within your soul that knows' Message 14th August 2023

Personal revelation message with prayer

Date 14th August 2023

Start time: 15:51

End time: 16:22

'Be still my child

Listen to the voice within your soul that knows who you are

Your Creator hears you

Your Creator strengthens you

Your Creator comforts you

Your Creator gives you life over and over again when you think life will not endure.

Trust in the Lord your God for He knows best.

He knows your heart and mind.

He knows your needs too.

The enemy scowls at you every time you get strong and there are many who resent progress through fear of being left behind.

You have to act now in your role

You are equipped with what you must do.

Let no one put you off.

Keep learning the skill needed to complete the project in your heart.

You worry too much about the people who are unable to reciprocate energy that is with replenishing yours.

Darling one it is your time to be investing in you.

When you help one person an hour is given and sometimes more.

What if one hour of your time can help 10, 100 or 1000 people even more?

Can you not see all your studies and understanding were made for this course?

Help others help themselves and give them the tools and understanding that they too can be equipped to encourage others in their healing too.

Pauline, the magic ingredient in healing is love with compassionate care.

The ingredient of spiritual ascension is pure heart; with pure intention with non attachment.

There is a sense of Duty in the role of a healer and spiritual guide as both in some way are interlinked.

The hurting child is in sorrow

The wounded child bruised

The traumatised child becomes stuck because of the reinforcement of the (detrimental) damaging event and what was said.

The first time someone says or does something that is injurious, one becomes injured and bruised.

With the mental and emotional crushing of reason that is to realise you are not the cause of injury to be inviting injury.

You are the one who was in the way of anger that had not found its rightful place. 

Many people are injured because someone was unable to control and process their emotions and thoughts rationally - to hit out at a stranger and then block out or justify their actions.

A small child is not responsible for a grown adults shortcomings.

Many adults are healing today childhood wounds that they could not put in their proper place.

You were not to blame children.

You were not to blame.

The pressures or circumstances adults find themselves in a time of tremendous uncertainty - without faith brings sometimes adverse reactions.

Woe to those who deliberately cause the innocent ones to stumble and prevent their progress.

Woe to those who deny my people their rights even to live in peace without stress and worry.

Woe to those lawyers who pervert justice and the corrupt judgement for a bribe and favour that shows contempt towards the Lord your God.

You who think you are lofty in status while you know of people perishing yet you do nothing about it - what will you do when your day comes and you cry out to God in desperation for help?

My lowly broken ones are not lesser beings than the arrogant wealthy who trick and trip people up so they can gain. 

My people will know the right way in the right time an it is not to be controlled by any of you, whoever you are or present yourself to be.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit a new world will be built and a new day will dawn by the Lord of Grace.

Allow my people to know the gentle way of the Lord and that He is approachable by all who seek Him in Spirit and Truth.

The Lord awaits His people.

The Lord gathers His people.

The Lord Reigns.'

Peace be with you

Pauline Maria

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Tuesday 27 June 2023

Dream, The Late Queen Elizabeth II smiling etc 27th September 2022

Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022) was Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms from 6 February until her death in 2022.

Much loved and respected by so many people around the world.

With sorrow, heartache, losses and divorces in her family, grieving and dealing with these difficult times were in the stoic way our Lady Elizabeth know how.

'Never complain, never explain' were words the Queen held and practiced - while if she had spoken out more openly, perhaps she would be regarded differently as a human being. 

Some say Lady Elizabeth was 'Chosen by God'. Look what is happening ...even her family are exposed as being flawed mere mortals too. The Role to Preserve the Kingdom for Jesus Christ yet who considers that? Who truly cares about the population and our spiritual welfare? 

I could not ignore what was happening in 2012 asking a police officer  why the police refuse to work for justice in this land - His reply 'There is no justice ...This land is ruled by dark forces'

Calculated injustice was being done in Queen Elizabeth's name. She has ensured that lawyers are not exempt from prosecution, even if police and lawyers disregard this vital action.

A few times over the years the Queen has been seen in my dreams. One time she was with a crowd of people explaining how she can go out to the shops without being recognised. People laughed with snootiness. She was then photographed wearing her mac and scarf while out. 

The Queen, to me was an approachable figure...I noticed media images when she beamed huge smiles greeting young children.  She is a shy person I was told. Very Reserved I thought. 

Just before Covid Lockdown, locally, an elderly neighbour and I got chatting. She told me she used to work at Windsor Castle, with the horses...She spoke of Princess Ann when a young girl and also a very cheeky Andrew who used to stick his tongue out.  Respect for the Queen was evident.

Soon after this connecting with a female relative of the Queen in friendship. She had asked the Queen about me; who remembered my paralysed mother with clarity; even how old I was around 12 years at the time. My mother affectionately referred to Lizzie, the young lady recalled.

My Greek Athenian born mother was offered an honor yet did not accept. Her courage and zest for life as a woman paralysed from the neck down from a freak car crash was noticed. Her private work was to encourage and inspire other people...She knew who she was by birthright, but doubted her purpose once she became paralysed. My learning was consolidated with this experience too.

Why and how did the Queen remember so clearly? 

We form emotional bonds with heartfelt sharing and experiences that move our heart. Genuine affection is not denied when experienced by two or more people. Our hearts do not forget.

The passing of the Queen marked a time of sadness touching people n different ways.. The loss of her husband not long before...a grand age she had reached, she was in her twilight years.

THE DREAM - 27th September 2022

As if standing in front of me wearing beautiful Royal blue hat and coat dress, the Queen was beaming a big warm smile.....It was as if were outside somewhere...then I woke up.

Remembering Lady Elizabeth warmly as a woman who knew her own mind and heart. She, like my mother commanded respect probably moreso by position. The Lady by Grace.

Being reminded that I am my mother's daughter. As a woman of faith who has been tripped up, tricked and injured profoundly,  it is impossible to overlook what they did to Jesus Christ.

When a newly qualified barrister said 'you are a nothing and nobody who will never get justice, unless you are a somebody with a lot of money' - evidently judicial overhaul is overdue.

What is happening all this time is validating the holy scriptures.

When people boast/confess the most violating crimes against humanity - boasting in arrogance of the harm, loss and 'millions of people are denied justice in this land' - God hears too.

There was a block to progress...silencing me for reasons I could not comprehend but the Queen knew who I am and my name...This was validated and her razor sharp memory too.

My dedication and commitment to study was with preparation.

While we are alive we do not have all the answers....

We do not know the plans of God but England has been chosen by God as a location for a reason. In the restoration of faith; as with attempts to unite people together in peace - when done with self serving agenda, this cannot succeed as God Wills it to be to the benefit of everyone.

Queen Elizabeth spoke of the Imperial Family to whom we all belong.  

The big beaming smile of Lady Elizabeth was seen clearly after her passing.

It is not knowing if our dearly departed know more of the continuation of the unfolding of the divine plan, with Love and Mercy. It is not known what secrets are carried beyond the grave.

But one thing for certain, there is one secret that has remained hidden, perhaps for the protection of those who might not be ready to know and understand their purpose in this time.

The Late Queen Elizabeth II was often identified as being stoic. 

'You must practice daily the habit of going into silence and putting your mind at rest. This is a method of replacing a troubled thought with one of peace, a thought of weakness with one of strength.' - author unknown. 

'It's been a long time waiting for me' - message 24th June 2023

 Message with prayer focus on the Lord

Message date: 24th June 2023

Start time: 10:10 am

End time: 10:41 am

'It's been a long time

It's been a long time waiting for me.

Hear the voice of your God within your being.

Your heart and soul know who are true to you and who despises you.

Focus on me your Lord and saviour for I am the one who gave you permission with grace and mercy after suffering for so long.

See the enemies of mine in your country and those who despise doing right no matter how desperate the situation. 

They rob you blindly of your rights not knowing one day they will feel remorse only because they have been wronged when they least expect it. 

The loveless land is desolate of tender hearts so I bring tender hearts to you who love purely,.

I bring you neighbours who are mindful on caring and compassion too.

I will show the hard hearts who think nothing of the well being and health of others that they are part of the great problem and darkness that befalls in the world.

If they decide hate and greed their choices will reflect this.

Pure love does not fraternise with hateful people whose words and intentional energy is with spite.

The ones that exploit my most vulnerable people in their care will not know what hits them when the door is closed tightly - slammed shut in their face.

You cannot cope with toxic arguments of people who do not want to change or do right for their own sakes.

You will be injured and suffer more by enduring situations that are poisonous to your heart and soul.

Rest my child, rest.

Rest away from loud and raucous people who do not acknowledge even the gentleness within that is their right navigator and guide.

What have you in common with people who are living their lives trying to impress and boast of drinking and drug taking. 

Did I not warn to be sober minded?

How can you hear the voice of the Lord in your heart and soul if you reject the Lord?

Tell them this.

But many where you live reject me and their hearts are far away from me because they do not want to listen to reason.

Many will choose partners without love for gains and control.

Many have no love or value for the person sitting next to them and then get angry when things go wrong,.

Control and exploitation of one another is not the way of soulful connections.

Value each other with love and mercy

Be patient with one another.

Choose your company wisely for you will pick up habits and evolve and fall accordingly. 

If you have a friend who wants to see you happy with love and to prosper in life - they know the best of you is yet to come.

If you have distractions from your tasks at hand and being weighed down by the lessons all must learn. you will be tested in patience and setting boundaries.

Give your time to those who do not ridicule the way of holiness.

You are cleansing and purifying your heart and soul of hurt and bitterness that is justified too; as you do not understand the bigger picture of your life.

The playfulness and smiles while unaware people are watching of those who place themselves as superior beings cannot see that the wisest of wise is not for their counsel.

The Lord does not entertain the arrogant. 

The Lord lets the arrogant entertain the masses until he decides no more. 

Oh the lofty goals and egos gow in the want to be important and superior than all; yet their ego must go and be cloaked in humility instead.

The false idols are not your masters and you are not their slaves.

The boldness to set free a population of oppressed people who are enslaved with debt and fines for control - Who cares about the Lord?

Who cares about their soul?

Keep the company of none that rob and harm my people for gain and those willing to kill each other to feed their addictions.

Be pure in your intentions.

Advise when you can.

Warn when you must to prevent another in danger or harm and then be silent.

Many choose the fallen lifestyle because they reject God and many pretend to be happy who are not.

Be you.

Be true to your heart even if you are happy or not.

Give space to allow healing for all.


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