

Saturday 24 September 2022

''I give to you My Servant of My Choosing' - Message 25th July 2022

Message given on a Monday 25th July 2022. 
Start time: 09:30 am
End time: 10:04 am

'One more time.
Hear me My children for I AM the I AM of the nations and of the heavens and all the earth forever more.
And I give to you My Servant of My Choosing that nobody knows because he is not looking for fame, praise or adoration.
The One who glorifies Me will lift you up from oppression;
And the One who serves Me will deliver Justice from the oppressor;
Because the world has not known Him and do not seek Him in truth.
Since old I have chosen the leader of Israel and My holy ones are prepared for the task.
They are not perfect but they will lead My people in truth, mercy and righteousness.
Who is the One who can settle disputes and arguments between you?
There is arrogance and egos who disregard the Lord of Creation.
There is no fear and no care about the safety and well being of a neighbour.
The foreigner is looked at with suspicion and only finds community with other foreigners.
The outcasts are rejected and yet those who outcast have excommunicated themselves from the Lord's Grace and Salvation.
You will not look after your elderly and vulnerable with a compassionate heart.
You call yourselves teachers and many are not.
You mislead my people as being experts in truth and yet you reject the truth of all.
You, my friends are among the ignorant - ignoring what is important and remaining blind to God's Grace's too.
The LORD Wills and whatever He Wills will happen.
It is like this.
The LORD manifests what is not there to appear and be made known.
The LORD lifts up the lowly and humbles the arrogant who compromise their soul.
The LORD seeks a dedicated people who can live in harmony and not endless battles and wars.
You do not take care of each other because if you did there would be no one left behind and forgotten.
You all followed the rules to not meet your family and friends, but did you break the order told to check up on people close to you?
Did you leave your elderly rejected and alone?
Did you break the rules to check up if they were OK?
Let me tell you:
When you were children, many parents did without so that you could have a roof over your head; 
And many mother's gave the food from her plate so her children could be fed;
And no one would ignore an elderly neighbour alone.
Many children ran errands and the reward was peace of mind;
And duty to care about someone else. 
It was to be an extension of family for many people, 
While there were many spinster's alone. 
On losing a spouse meant many remain alone.
Oh the joy of children playing together and laughing with people greeting each other in Brotherly love - is this not what I commanded?
That you love one another -
Love your neighbour as yourself.
I know many of you have difficult neighbours and inconsideration too;
But all are learning lessons as you did too.
The loud music plays while people try to sleep, yet something happens to disturb the sleep of the inconsiderate ones.
The kind one who thinks about others and blesses people with her kindness is looked at with suspicion.
She is My servant too
The homeless one who lost his job because he confronted a wrong that caused injury to others - He is My servant too.
 The lady who picks up litter and brightly smiles and greets everyone - She is My servant too.
She is alone and yet faithful and reaches out to everyone without knowing Me, is my little lamp lighter in this place. 
The elders have had many years of earthly experience in comparison to the young ones.
They are not fools in what they know, but many have been left alone; and even push people away because they do not want to appear weak and helpless.
They will not reach out and ask for help; and many elderly will not ask for food if the store shelves are empty.
The ones who lack compassion and care will reap what they sow. 
The meek generous hearted ones will always find a home. 
Welcome the children who come with their troubles; 
Let them share their worries too.
Comfort when there is a need for comfort and set them on their way with knowing you are thankful for coming to you.
To suffer in silence is a terrible plague in these times. 
My children are loved and My children love other people's children.
This world will change it's ways with loving one heart at a time; 
A loving heart inspires hope in the one who is struggling alone. 
No one is alone.
The Spirit of the Lord is within the loving hearts moving you that you may be receptive to the need and instruction given.' 

Saturday 23 July 2022

'My people, My loves I did not forget you at all' - Message 23rd July 2022

Message: 23rd July 2022
Start time: 9:35 am
End time: 10:04 am

'My people, My loves I did not forget you at all.
You wait and you are distracted by the world.
You want me yet you do not draw near to me.
You live in helplessness and hopelessness in the world's situations.
There are those who rise up to elevate themselves as power and authority when they have none and will not be trusted in the crowned role.
There are the meek and lowly who are crushed by the system of oppression.
On their own they can do nothing at all.
Those who deny me have no role in the world in Spiritual authority, except in the demon hierarchy.
They do not want to evolve. 
The Holy Ones of Israel are not recognised and Israel is with so many people cursing the name and not knowing I Am Israel. 
I Am the Lord of Creation.
I Am the one who saves souls and if you look to Me your Lord and God, then I will reveal my truth to you too.
It takes trust to trust the word.
It takes spiritual ears to listen to the language of your soul that your soul understands as truth.
The Lord lives.
The Lord speaks.
The initiated in the Lord can communicate and be led in the word of understanding promised long ago.
There is no race.
There is no time to run out.
If your heart and mind are right with me, your heart and mind will not sit right with the world.
You will see many wrongs and injustices that were warned about.
The wisest look to the Lord for the right way to deal with that.
The wise know the Lord will resolve the wrongs in a way they do not know because they cannot see.
Half of the world are blind and the other half are given eyes to see.
Half of the world are deaf and the other given ears to hear.
Yet only when ready do the eyes see and ears hear clearly, not before.
There is no race for salvation.
Salvation of souls is when you know you wronged someone and destroy their life, that you not only repent, you seek quickly to correct the matter. 
But where you are the spirit of wickedness is the norm. 
Closed hearts cannot feel love. 
Compassion and care is lost.
The system of abuses cannot hide the atrocities that have been done; and the people who see and know yet are silent, allow these to go on.
The devil has many helpers and may will say they are good people yet all have fallen short of the Glory of the Lord. 
They serve their master of earth for money and do not worship the Lord of Creation.
They do not fear to confront a wrong.
They worry if they will be paid to feed an addiction.
It is the system of slavery and oppression warned about that many are involved in; and if you see the truth or expose it they will hurt you too.
So what would you do when your loved ones are lost and the death toll rises because of the ease to defy the Lord?
You cannot force anyone's free will do to right if they are choosing to do evil; to cause harm and loss to another. 
The enemy of the Lord is your enemy too.
But your Lord fights for you in ways you know nothing about.
The Lord of Creation built the Foundation of Righteousness and all that turned to evil was torn down.
The Lord will build a Foundation of Righteousness again, yet who is serving Him in truth?
Who will save a life without payment?
Who will serve justice without a bribe?
Who will correct the wrong that has cost so much life to be lost?
Who will pick up the broken, lowly and fragile one who can barely carry on?
The Will of the Lord will be done and carried out by the Lord's people. 
The Will of the people who defy the Lord disregard their own destruction.
The Will of the people in the Lord can build God's Kingdom in the world.
The false idols are not in the Lord.
The people are not loved by those who lust for power.
The world is full of infinite possibilities; and the manifestation by forcing the will of another is not as the Lord intended.
You make your choices but choose wisely who you will serve.
The man loses his way by manipulation and lustful desire.
The woman is injured by the man who lost his way. 
The man must return to the Lord and wait for Him.
Do what you must do with pure heart and you will remain blameless

Previous article: The Holy and Great Council, Athanatos/Jesus and the Jewish People

Tuesday 12 July 2022

The HOLY and Great Council: Athanatos /Jesus with Jewish people. Message 28th June 2016

A couple of days ago I came across some notes written at the time with the words given precisely documented with times noted as observed, allowing to include this later on.

Firstly I would like to share some connecting experiences - with each time looking up (using google to search specific scriptures) with validation and consolidated learning this spiritual way.


'What if' there is a New World Order that is HOLY ....a HOLY AUTHORITY being denied, with God is being defied ever so blatantly, particularly in England. Here n the HEART of England the Lord appeared a few times to children on this land connected to the crown wearer. 

It is here in England Jesus spoke to a small four year old boy and told him his name. 'Jesus' also stated 'I AM THE KING' and asked he will give Pauline a message for him.

This visitation happened in September 2013.

Just after police said 'this land is ruled by dark forces' (2012), Jesus made his living presence known. Another young boy saw Jesus in a local Catholic Church.  His grandmother asked me about this. He told her Jesus was sitting WITH THE PEOPLE. This significance is precise too. 

Years have gone by, documenting my learning experience, sharing personal revelation messages openly/ At first I did not realise a greater purpose. I did not know of any prophesy. Several times during 2013 I saw in interior visions different crowns. Also at different times asking "Jesus what do you want me to do for you? Each time the immediate reply clearly given was ' WRITE FOR ME'

Then one day reading that Yeshua/Jesus will appear in Israel in the year 5773 - remembering this date being part of a telephone number. The year 2012-2013.  The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Year.

In 2013 on Elul (looking up the significance) during a vision,  I was observing within a building - Jesus was standing alone on the floor alone. His right hand was on a white pillar. He was wearing a white kippah, long robe and long cloak over this. There were perhaps three tiers of Orthodox Jewish men dressed in black suits and hats with white shirt. Jesus was looking directly at me.

This experience lasted only a few seconds, long enough to take notice of what was relevant to see. There were no other women present in that particular room to be seen.

In looking up the date meaning with seeing Orthodox Jewish men:


One morning while waking up, hearing Spiritually clearly 'Yom kippur' - two words only to remember and look up that I did not write down at the time. Time passed however, I had forgotten the exact words.  Seeing the words again written, I could seek the significance and meaning. 


Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year—the day on which we are closest to G‑d and to the quintessence of our own souls. It is the Day of Atonement—“For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G‑d” (Leviticus 16:30). (Chabad library)

All these experiences are not with feeling elation and I do not get excited - if anything when first seeing Jesus in dreams and visions, I thought it was to prepare me for death being extremely weak physically. Young children used to come to my door asking if they can draw me a picture...or talk to me. They were persistent to stay with me; sitting at the table. I did not send them away to play outside.

At times individual children spoke of their experience. None had religious input or indoctrination - and I had no idea of what was written about the children in the Holy Bible at the time either.

So let's continue with this message again. In my notes I had written of 'another message given on the same date and this continued - with my mind still focussed on Jesus Christ.' The former message is likely already published on this blog with the date in the title. 

Exactly as I have written noting the times, word for word is shared. 

Regarding the message about the Holy and Great Council:

'The Holy and Great Council Cannot be without Christ  (5:50 pm)

Athanatos - He was dead yet is alive (5:55 pm)

Come dear ones I wait for you (5:58 pm)

I love my people. I love my family.
Let those who hear understand.
I did not change.
The Father did not change.
He is the same forever more (5:59 pm)

I love my people
I love my people
I love my family even the rebellious ones.
Let no one rule this world - not hate fear and terror.
Let the antichrist fear now.
My love is stronger for all.
I forgive the sincere repentance.
I love to teach love and I hate evil.
But I will still love forever more. Selah (6:01 pm)

Let them know is Do it what I ask of you and then you will know the LORD lives.
TRUST in HIM for He did not lie to the people.
He knows the errors made and the fight between the lost children
but you are found now.
Come, come and drink of the water of life.
The stream is not empty.
The water is crystal clear.
The Father loves his obedient children
and the sober minded ones who wait for His word.
Let them be.
The instruction is given ((6:06 pm)

End of message

The meaning of Athanatos: immortal, deathless, undying, everlasting, eternal 

It was with trepidation sharing these messages from the start in the hope that they would inspire faith and prayer. These are my personal learning experiences in this spiritual journey.

My focus has been global peace and healing with there being a mulilayered healing need in our world. I am also with suffering greatly with two cases of legal corruption here in England with refusal to work for justice - learning recently from a woman who said she is a junior judge that there is a block on them being heard. She told me she would help me but said it would cost £10,000. Needless to say i did not pay her a penny with the serious and blatant human rights abuses taking place. 

But again, this also validates scripture warnings...

God is making His truth known that we may Trust Him.

Do not look to me, but seek quietly wherever it is you pray, and if you do not pray, where you can be alone and contemplate from your heart and soul. In prayer I ask God to guide me in the right way and help me to clearly understand what I am meant to know and understand...

In humility without changing anything, it is like this.

May this message bless you all. 

Pauline Maria

Previous article: The Lord Will Judge His People

Saturday 28 May 2022

'The Lord Will Judge His People' - Message 25th May 2022

Message: 25th May 2022
Start time: 14:58 pm
End time: 15:28 pm

'The Lord will judge His people.
I will come in my own time to each of my people and they will know who they belong to.
Those who demand; those who boast will wait til last because my little ones in their quest of survival in this world must be made to feel secure in their soul.
All who followed the Lord of Grace in history were persecuted and killed for their faith was ridiculed.
Fear was the way of truth and love lost its way in the world.
Again fear is the way of truth and love has lost its way; yet the spiritual hearts of truth do not seek to live in fear and pain.
The children of the new generation are not to learn the ways of the past.
The faith in the Living Lord who is merciful to all he chooses to be merciful to, does so in time people notice.
It is not all about you and the next person.
The Lord's purpose in your lives is as a gatherer of people who may sit alone in their time of prayer and contemplation - returning to the Lord in their heart and soul.
It is not enough for you to be doing this in your service?
Is it not enough to pray for my people?
Teacher, they say they want to be leaders and teachers and then reject the right way in this teaching. 
The history of truth is documented.
The Lord has come down from heaven to His people and returned to heaven again.
The angel of the Lord has come down from heaven and spoken and then returned to heaven again.
The truth that comes from heaven is known in heaven.
Why are you arguing about this between yourselves?
Go into the way you were shown and serve accordingly.
Pauline I told you to write and you are writing.
The Spiritual message of truth does not need to be read by everyone.
The Spiritual essence as a conduit of Spiritual Truth just has to receive the energetic transmission and all who are lovingly spiritually connected receive it.
The Lord is love and loves His people and the Lord is outpouring His love on his people.
Feel His love with your being.
Feel the comforting Holy Spirit move within you to take notice of the Word and what is revealed to you clearly. 
The outside messages to the people are scripted and the people who rely on mechanical deliverance of any news, must also know there is more to the story presented in the media.
The Lord gives all that is necessary to know in a moment that you may learn to trust Him wholeheartedly.
When the Lord says 'Go right', turning left is in defiance.
When the Lord says 'Turn left' and you turn right you will not discover His reasoning.
The Lord is training you in righteousness and obedience to His word.
He will tell you who to help and who to be careful of.
Be gracious as you are a vehicle of graciousness.
You have been raised to see all people as having value and yet not all are gracious to you.
Let people exit your life accordingly because your intervention and lessons you will both learn has come precisely for this reason.
You will be harmed by some who are not careful with what they say or do; yet perhaps they have something going on and hurting too.
The one who is angry might not realise he pushes people away and it is easy to build a shield that protects pain.
The one who has been hurt deeply and disillusioned with life and people will come across as being distrustful to all.
The one who is depressed by circumstance might be alone in his misery and yet may he never be left to think he is alone and forgotten.
Pray for the ones who are hurting brothers and sisters because not everyone asks for help.
Not everyone can handle the suffering in silence and yet hold back to speak to anyone.
You can speak with one as a counsellor or pray for the many and the Lord will shower His Grace and healing light to those who need it.
Yes I know you are weak and limited and yet you would not be able to do, if you were strong and dynamic energetically.
You have to be still to hear the still small voice of the Lord within your being.
Outside the world loves noise and some of my people love nature and tranquility.
If faith is brought forth by the closeness of nature, near misses of precarious incidents or life saving miracles, so be it.
You have seen it and you have known prayers being answered too.
Those who curse you and scold you do not know the Lord.
Many are curious. 
Many suffer and pray and discover the Lord and His Grace in this way.
Be a light for your truth and learning.
Soul healing is more important than physical exhilaration and competition.
My Lady of Grace is to be graceful and receptive of need in her people.
Be gentle and kind on everyone.
Be gentle and kind to you too'

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Nothing is hidden from everyone all of the time' - Message 23rd May 2022

Message : 23rd May 2022
Start time: 3:39 am
End time: 4:06 am 

'Living in the truth of man is different from living in the truth of God.
Man lies to himself and keeps what is hidden in darkness.
Woman displays herself who has much to hide and be ashamed.
The accused is in hiding who is persecuted and left for dead;
Then the one who is at risk of losing their life is not in a position to defend theirself to the ones who want him dead.
The Lord does not lie.
In Him there is no darkness.
He cries for the lost souls and wickedness of this generation.
You cry in sorrow for you cannot see what is hidden from your eyes and you are protected from seeing what would be shocking as a witness.
Nothing is hidden from everyone all of the time.
And all are tested for what they will do and say in this generation of rebels.
The Satanic regime is what it is and while you will not compromise your soul for the wicked one, you are injured by those who serve the evil one.
Choose your company wisely.
Some of the Aristocracy pride themselves on being upright and meticulous in their conduct at all times.
Yet those without strict breeding did not learn the expectation of graciousness to all; that would not bring the Aristocrats into disrepute and distrust.
She who climbs the social ladder with her beauty in her youth needs much more than physical attributes and wealth to gain respect of those who strive to maintain honour and decency.
Respectability has been covered before.
The misguided ones see wealth and fame as desirable qualities regardless where this has come from; and what had to be done to be in the eye of the media for attention.
In the polarity of life, there are those who are the targets of condemnation and shame fuelling hate, resentment and divide as a distraction.
Very few people have led a perfect life without mistakes in judgement and even regrets that could have changed the course of their life.
Everyone makes choices and some people suffer experiences to open their eyes to a reality that is silenced.
There is a world of darkness and sinister goings on.
There are levels of existence and what people do to get ahead will depend who they give their loyalty to.
The Lord forbids you to take an oath to serve those who harm my people;
And the Lord will block any liaison with anyone who will hinder your path and purpose.
You saw with your own eyes and listened with your own ears the manipulation of words and intention.
Very easily overnight your life could have been transformed overnight to be a miserable existence with one who does not see your worth.
The social climbers have no regard for the Royal Priesthood family and the hypocrisy of being Royal brings all the Royal Dignity title holders to shame.
The discipline of respectability is with grace and graciousness.
To be kicked down and lied to by one who lies to their own self is a symptom of the times that could bring a revolt from the people.
The Queen is loved by many by their conditioning and trust.
There are those who have no regard for the Lord or even selfless service.
You will not choose one who condemned you to be in a position of trust and respectability; 
And one who is disloyal to you does not merit your trust.
While you will be gracious, there will be those who will be raging at you with weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Who knows the plans of the Lord?
He changes His mind by the acts of condemnation to His people.
The Lord is a saviour of souls not a destroyer of good people who never intend to harm anyone at all.
The Lord has preserved those who destroy so they learn their lessons.
Have faith in the Lord even though you do not see clearly everything;
Yet what is revealed to you will be revealed clearly.
Too much will be too overwhelming when you have a mission and purpose to fulfil.
Then you will know why '

Previous article : You are Mine; I Claimed You Back at No Cost

Saturday 21 May 2022

'You are mine: I claimed you back at no cost' - Message 21st May 2022

This is a personal revelation message shared of my Spiritual learning journey. As with all before, this is an ongoing testimony demonstrating one way how the Lord is validating His truth with his People. 

This message immediately followed prayer; word for word is written.

Message: 21st May 2022
Start time : 13:55 pm
End time: 14:20 pm

'You are mine
I claimed you back at no cost after what they have done to you without mercy, repentance or remorse. 
There is a wicked generation that exists like nothing before.
There is suffering that exists like nothing before.
There are people perishing to death and no one can help them.
That is what the lord of this ungodly world has done that he might rise up indiscriminately. 
Oh my people perish without knowledge and you hold onto One who many regard as a myth.
Your love and tears cry out to the heavens and the Lord have mercy on you for your heart is pure.
A sinner by name and saint by nature; yet the Lord came for the sinners to show that there is mercy and forgiveness when there is repentance from self destructive ways.
I did not want you to be caught in exposing the diabolical acts of the system if you had gone down the path of employment in the system;
And while you study to learn, it is enough to show you know what you are talking about in the land that has a court discrediting professional training.
Many have cheated their way, or have found favour to be in prime jobs, but the dedicated ones who will not be compromised will not bend and reject their Lord. 
They know the way to salvation of souls and not one will be compromised.
See I told you I will prepare you and all you need to do was write this message as a testimony of truth.
Your spiritual journey is your own and your learning according to your ability to understand.
Few trust blindly the Lord and His divine plan and want to change the words given.
If I instruct you to do something and you know it is from the origin of the Holy Spirit of Truth, it is with reasoning that the rational mind cannot comprehend.
The rational mind analyses and rejects what it does not want to know.
The subconscious mind absorbs everything; and from all the information given and what you have seen revealed, you will gain a clearer understanding of your purpose later on.
If you were willing to step into the public eye and help people as you were guided; with the opportunity to be a leader in your field, you would not have so much difficulty today.
You were filled with self-doubt and hesitation that created a time of repercussions; when the need was greater than your confidence dented but you did not see that.
You did not realise you needed to take the steps to be sure of what you were doing was and is your purpose and preparation.
You listened to people who did not want you to succeed and unfortunately learned hard lessons about human nature in need.
The people who will promote your progress, see your potential and even your purpose. 
One who will ridicule and condemn you has much to hide and does not want you to shine brightly in a darkened world.
So many people seek fame and adoration, yet you do not.
You still have a purpose and a role was given to you to fulfil.
Trust in the Lord your God as you are on track now, despite weakness.
I will return to you your smile and you will see how many lives are touched because you exist. 
A woman of faith even in humble circumstances can still make a positive difference.
Pray for my servants who love and sacrifice their lives for the benefit of others.
You are not alone in this mission but you are separated for a while longer.
Your people will reveal who they are when they reveal their true heart.
The pure hearted ones will see the Lord in all His Glory and the Father will Bless His Children.
Your mission is almost complete.
Write these words.

Identifying scriptures with the times

Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? (Matthew 13:55)

At that day you will know that am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. (John 14:20)

Name Day St Helena and St. Constantine with Prayer

On this day, commemorating the Name Day of Saint Helena and Saint Constantine, equals to the Apostles. We are reminded of the Crown of Thorns and the great injustice of the Lord.
Constantine is best known as the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. Constantine had a vision while praying seeing a cross of light in the heavens. Afterwards the vision was validated when Jesus appeared and “commanded him to make a likeness of that sign which he had seen in the heavens, and to use it as a safeguard in all engagements with his enemies.”
In these precarious and perilous times foretold, may our prayer petition be to bring an end to all the wars, human rights abuses and injustice that is taking place all over the world. Amen.
'The Lord's Prayer' - 'Our Father Prayer' is written and instructed by Jesus for people to say.
In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen
Be mindful whenever tempted to proceed prematurely, or pressured to do something that goes against good conscience. God is in control when you took an oath to serve him accordingly.
Remembering always this: Thy Will be done Lord (not my will) Amen.
It is also written:
Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart,
And so find favor and high esteem
In the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:3-6)

Previous article : The Great I Am is Here with His People Now

Next article You are mine, I claimed you back at no cost

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Saturday 23 April 2022

'The Great I Am is Here with His People Now' - Message 23rd April 2022

Message : 23rd April 2022
Start time 11:33 am
End time 12:04 pm

'In my sleep I am awake and in your sleep, your soul is awake.
No one is sleeping permanently who is in The Lord of Creation.
It is a choice to be plugged in and switched on in the Light of Truth and holiness, yet many choose to reject it.
The evil one thrives with distraction and the ones from all lands who seek the Lord in their heart and mind are not ignored.
The persecution of the Christians is out of ignorance and one must not provoke anger and hate if you are in the Lord as a gatherer in faith.
Lead all to me and I will do the rest for the Great I Am is here with His people now.
The people who find him in their hearts and souls are because they are prepared and ready to receive him. 
One cannot serve two masters.
One cannot be unequally yoked.
The people who return to righteousness must correct their wrongs.
They must show repentance.
They must show mercy and reciprocated understanding that misunderstanding has taken place.
When errors of judgement take place with the earthly judiciary, this is a very serious matter indeed.
For all are accountable.
In those who refuse to correct their corruption with bribes, one only needs to look back in the course of history to see what will happen. 
There is rage and war against the Lord and His anointed one.
There is injustice, oppression and poverty of souls because many have fallen away from the faith.
When the people reject their God, they invite that which hurts their heart and soul - a people who cannot flourish in spiritual desolation.
In Christ you are united and yet disconnected are those who form little groups to be separated from all who are in Christ.
The gatherer of souls in their Spiritual protection is with knowing the enemy rages at the door.
And it is when a child in Christ is lost out of the fold - is injured or rejected and abandoned, then the enemy finds easy prey to injure more.
The child who has been violated even in greater years does not feel worthy of love and protection of God because they were rejected before.
They were ignored by the ones who claim to be in Christ, yet they did not allow the Holy Spirit to lead them home.
A helping hand and hands that hold other hands, are hands that can pray together and for one another.
Remember this.
A momentary act of service is for a moment or few, yet the one that you were sent to find might not see God in truth.
The abandoned do not shout out they are abandoned.
The hurting do not say the truth of what really hurts their heart and soul.
The world is being turned upside down in experience for many who cannot find the words to express their truth to you.
My darling ones, the one who is quiet and alone, may say they want to be alone, or put up many barriers to be close to anyone.
They might fear abandonment and rejection.
Yet what they do is create an environment where people cannot get close and what the fear they have created for themselves.
Loving prayer and remembering the suffering alone with love, compassion and care - without knowing the circumstances can melt even the icy hearts.
Prayer can break down the walls of self protection that is feeding the pain when all alone.
He will not approach anyone for help and support who is suffering in silence.
She will complain of a life that is lacking in something that will indicate something is wrong.
The Rule of Life is to love one another and not let anyone feel rejected in a Christian society especially.
There is no competition in Believers; yet there are those who hear the Holy Spirit guiding them to return to the Lord God who is home.
When separated from God there is misery to the soul and when reunited to the Lord with miracles and prayers answered, there is joy again known.
The joy that many of you are yet to experience is with the Spirit of Divine Love and showering of Divine Blessings on you.
Open your heart to the Lord and He will do the rest.
Do not force your Will with anything anymore and do not say what you do not mean.
Loved ones, siblings in Christ, you are learning a different way than before.
Let love be sincere and let your service be conscientious.
The Lord waits for his people to return
One by one they come; knowing once they have stepped on this path - what was before is no more.
A new life is given with renewal of love and hope in those who are joined together in the Lord.
And those who are not, must decide what they want.
The price for sincere love is sincere hearts and the Lord will do the rest.
Be faithful and you will see your Faithful God.'

Sunday 3 April 2022

'The Lord Almighty speaks, yet not all listen' - Message 3rd April 2022

Message: 3rd April 2022
Start time: 12:25 pm
End time: 12:57 pm

'See the precision of the Lord'

'Lord be with you, Lord be with you all
Now hear my children in your hearts and souls.
The Lord Almighty speaks, yet not all listen.
The Lord Almighty breathes, yet not all understand.
The Lord Almighty shakes the earth and then you see it, but you do not know who does it or why.
What will it take my children to return to me the Lord Almighty, that no man can save yet the Lord's Grace is given again and again?
Your human parents punishes for their limitations and lack of patience. 
The Lord Almighty gives chances upon chances to rectify your ways.
Why do you follow the way of war, when the Lord instructed you to love one another?
And why do you look to want more, when you have enough today and a shelter to keep you?
Why do you want when you do not have, that when you have it you want more?
A never satisfied generation are born.
Go out in nature and observe the waking up of nature in Spring.
The birds are singing - do you hear them?
Did a sparrow come and say 'hello', a robin or a tit.
The magpies are greeted and the pigeons feared as an annoyance, but do you not know they remind you of messages to your door too?
If people do not speak, nature does and all you need to do is listen.
How did these creatures build their homes and feed their babies?
The mother did it.
She stores her food.
She preserves her food to give to her children.
She tends to her little ones until they are old enough to fly.
Mothers, let your attention be on your babies that they be nurtured and fly in the world; and teach them the wonders of God's creation.
Not every child has someone they can call Daddy, but all have a Father in heaven who loves them very much.
Come to the Lord in humility and He will not allow you to make the same mistakes over and over again.
Seek the company of those who love the Lord and your life will be filled with loving grace.
Be grateful for the Blessed love that is given by God for you will be a better spouse and parent that your children learn from.
If you alienate yourself from love, then the grace of the Lord is given doubly to make up for being alone.
Many are monastics not willing to give up this life because the Holy Blessings are far more valuable than earthly Blessings and human relationships in the social world.
The monastic understands the monastic.
The nun, the nun; and while there are certain tasks to be carried out, if no one else offers to do them, the skills are given to those to be able to carry them out.
One will get help and yet build your home in the Lord and not the sharks of the world who seek to rob and cause despair. 
The Law of Correction will come to all eventually.
The woman who lost her home, found a home with someone else
And the geographical movement of people in perilous times will bring grace upon these people.
The Lord seeks Justice and Mercy, yet there is justice denied, hard hearts and no mercy inflicted in suffering.
The Lord gives Grace and Mercy to his humble ones.
There are many pretending to be holy and the Lord speaks to them they say, yet they do not admit it.
By the fruits of their messages hear what they say and let them reveal it.
She who refused to work for justice is spiritually confused.
She is seeking to be respected without earning respect in her role.
She is seeking gifts and gratitude while depriving people of their rights.
She manipulates while she has learned the way to socially climb to be important in the world.
Neglecting Duty to all people in their greatest need, there is nothing to boast about.
The Lord seeks Justice and Righteousness at no cost for the losses are great already and again denied are the obligations in the Lord.
Have Grace my child and remember you are a Servant of the Lord and called for your purpose.
Many are selected, few are chosen.
Many will try to climb and many will fall.
Even if the criminal gets away with serious crimes against my people - the Lord looks on.
His time will come.
Everything in the Lord comes in the right time and in the right way.
Expect a delay as there are many things that must come together.
Let love find you for the Love of the Lord and His Chosen One are hidden in His heart.
He knows his purpose now too.
You are a helper to the one who loves your soul.
Bless you'

Previous article. In the year of Our Lord many miracles will come

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Sunday 27 March 2022

'In the year of the Lord many miracles will come' - Message 27th March 2022

While waking up hearing the words 'In the year of the Lord' a few seconds later the continuation of a message. Picking up a pen by my side, the following message written is word for word exactly as given.

Message: 27th March 2022
Start time: 9:30 am
End time: 10:06 am

'In the year of the Lord ... many miracles will come.

In the year of the Lord the people of the Lord will return to the faith with seeing the faithful at work; in prayer and service to the Lord.
Goodness will come to all who serve the Lord in truth in positions of authority.
Love will flow easily between sincere hearts.
Times and seasons may change, yet the Lord does not change.
He sees what goes on and His promises are made secure.
The Lord does not take lightly those who refuse to serve Justice to His righteous ones and they serve me the Lord Almighty over all.
If you stiff necked people do not change their wicked ways and justify their wrongs in arrogance and contempt to the Lord.
When their day comes, He will not listen when they need Him the most.
The Lord gives time for people to repent and reason to repent.
Many will but some will not until it is too late.
It is not at the end of your life to repent, but now in this moment; and in this moment change your heart.
For the goodness of all, the Lord is patient with you all.
How can you want to be a leader of people if you are busy trying to impress?
Serve Justice rightfully and in humility as the Lord expects and then you will impress all who matter the most.
You who cause poverty, suffering and oppression are in the position to change this going on.
Do not neglect your duty in the Lord, or the Lord will neglect you in the way that matters most to you.
Do not try to impress anyone to be someone you are not.
You are a soul incarnated at a time such as this.
You have knowledge, skills and understanding to use, to prevent a war that will escalate if you do not act quickly.
The Lord is not mocked and many want to rise up in power for gains; yet the adoration of the Lord is more of a gain in reward than 10 million people.
Come to your faith sincerely and be sincere in your heart because there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
The Lord knows your every thought and intention.
The Lord instructs you to do Justice quickly and you ignore it over and over again.
The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified for the injustice of a bribe took place.
People trusted with responsibility and the spiritual protection of people on the earthly realm did the opposite.
They had chosen a way of darkness and caused death, when the Lord God Almighty forbid killing anyone.
You sit many of you in professions, knowing my people are being murdered so that you can continue to earth your wage.
Do you not know the many of you can stand up and demand Justice is done and you do not want your hands stained with blood by association.
The evil one thrives with fear of the people and fear to comply to policies that are against my people.
"Set my people free" said the Lord to Moses
The Pharaoh would not.
"Set my people free" the Lord said to Moses and still the Pharaoh did not.
Set my people free from oppression and suffering from unrighteous rule and unjust decrees. 
Yet today, the people who work in this system enforce the rules.
Dear one, I know you are scared at times and anxious for the future, yet place everything in the hands of the Lord your God.
Just be who you are and take the steps for your recovery and healing. 
Be gentle on yourself and fear no one but the Lord your God, for He is your Creator and you are His handmaiden.
If you are strong, the slave drivers will steer you to serve the evil one.
You are weak physically and have to trust the Lord in this as He uses you in this powerful role to influence all who struggle with persecution and difficulty because of the regime.
The authority that defies God will not rise again.
The Judges the Lord has set up will stay.
The Godly ones will be a voice of reason and humility.
The lawyers who scratch their hands for cash and robbery will be robbed and short changed.
Each cannot see what is ahead of them.
The cities destroyed in endless wars is a reminder to all.
Never take anything you have for granted.
The Lord can shake the earth and open it up.
Everything can fall inside and who can stop it?
Repent from wickedness you arrogant ones.
You are not more important than anyone else.
Jesus prayed for those who wronged him, yet today many of you still nail him on the cross.
Let one be righteous and strong in the Lord, that others may turn their way of error.
If they do not, the consequences will be great for all.
The wicked will be cut off.
The oppressors will be brought to their knees.
Justice will be done in the Lord.
The meek shall inherit the earth. 
And people will wonder how this is possible?
The Lord will do it to save you all from a worse fate than you can imagine.'

This message offers the opportunity to revisit what is written in the Holy Bible

For example seek to find what is written
People returning to the Lord
The Lord does not change,
Stiff necked people,
Set my people free
Jesus was crucified
Bribes taking place
The lawyers and perverting justice,
Repenting from wickedness, 
Oppressors brought to their knees,
Justice will be done in the Lord
The wicked will be cut off
The meek shall inherit the earth,
The Lord will save you

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Rage and lust for power came at a price

Thursday 10 March 2022

'The rage and lust for power came at a price.' - Message 10th March 2022

Before writing this message, I said the Lord's Prayer and asked what I need to know and share about the situation with war in our world. 

In each of these revelation messages, word for word is written.

Message: 10th March 2022
Start time: 3:21 am
End time: 3:50 am

'You will hear from the Lord your God when you are ready and not before.
Tell my people that.
If they turn from their wicked ways and hard hearts the Lord will bless the goodness in their hearts.
Yet as wickedness, hate and murder in their hearts, they are a cursed people - a cursed generation foretold. 
So many battles and games to cause divide and hate.
It will end.
It will end.
It will be brought to an almighty end if it is not stopped willingly.
The Lord God forgives and shows Mercy, but to those who show no regard for Justice and the life of the people why should He show Mercy and Grace?
It will not happen.
Nothing will happen as anyone expects and yet what happens will be foretold - that you know is written in the annuls of the history books.
The Astrological alignment coincides with many events; and the planned distraction with agenda might fool the people, yet the Lord is not fooled at all.
Each to their own and each will rise and fall according to their gains and grace of favour.
The money is being moved and the wealthy seek to hide, while there is big investment in this time.
You rape and pillage this earth for profit and you murder the people to reduce numbers for gains.
It is worth it - the death toll on your soul Madam?
Is the fake tears you cry with no remorse for what you have done?
You arrive with gifts and smiles seeking honour and praise while people perish to death and are shot at.
In your land where you live, people are cut off that they cannot survive... 
And it really does not matter if those who can deprive the most vulnerable people who were already depressed and conditioned to take sides.
My people perish through fear and lack of knowledge.
The evil one escalates the hearts of men to fight in a battle they can never win.
The Holy Spirit will work within those with sincere faith to be strong and give up the fight.
No man filled with the Holy Spirit can kill another man in cold blood.
It is a test dear ones.
It is a test to compromise your souls.
And in the time of insanity and irrational thinking people react and do irrational things.
If you lift up your hearts and minds to the Lord God Almighty, you will remember The Commandments given that did not change.
Thou shall not kill my people and you are sent to kill your family.
The poorest of children exploited to satisfy those who seek power and gains.
And there is blame, blame blame.
Where is responsibility and accountability for choices?
In every land there are problems of a grave nature; yet some work tirelessly to iron these out.
Your England, they treat people as such insignificant inferior beings and the ego that rises with preoccupation, hides so many wrongs. 
The damage is done. 
The tearing of families apart foretold and the indignation of the Lord in us all who failed to hear the warnings given.
He will not release the Golden Veil of Truth, neither will the Lord give His wisdom to all who abuse.
It is what it is.
If you cannot care for the people and refuse to set wrongs right - will the Lord set things right for you?
My humble helpers seek the ways of the Lord day and night and many pray day and night.
Many meditate on the Law of the Lord and know death is not the way.
Yet fear is the way - to Fear the Lord God Almighty alone.
His warnings are given. 
His promises are given.
A time for war and a time for peace follows. 
Do not make the same mistakes.
Make no oath of loyalty to the traitors of the Lord and His people.
The witch will not wear the crown.
There will be an overturning and turning a page to a new chapter.
With love life will be born.
With love the new world can flourish for all people.
The rage and lust for power came at a price.
The want of more never satisfied.
Who is truly in love without selfish ambition.
Let them stand up and inspire the right way - to go forth in love unity and sacred matrimony.
She rises with love - not selfish ambition.
My Chosen servant suffers and He must wait patiently for the Lord.
It is time for healing now
Let it be.'

It is important to include, at no time from the start of these personal revelation messages - no names are given for the antichrist, or even identify a person. The Holy Bible identifies this.

Also with reference to a Madam, and a witch, again no mention of who this identifies with. The Lord has shown over and over again - He knows the truth within everyone's heart.

The Lord knows who is sincere and who is not. 

Sharing my learning with trepidation in humble service to the Lord ... In the hope one day there will be Global Peace and Healing.

Thank you for your support and prayers. 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

'The seriousness of the prevailing situation is lessened with love.' - Message 2nd March 2022

Message: 2nd March 2022
Start time: 8:45 am
End time: 9:12 am

'My heart is full of sorrow for the rebellion one strikes again and again on my people who are helpless in their situation.
They will be led to trust others who cannot be trusted.
And the difference is a people of faith whose hearts are filled with love will (stand) together even if they part from their husbands.
Love and faith brings strength.
This is why the enemy of my people seeks to divide and weaken the status quo.
This battle is not just territorial.
It is a show of might and people taking sides.
It is taking what is pure in the hearts and corrupting minds.
It is taking stability and creating instability; 
And it is threatening the people who cannot see the foreigner has just as much right to life and liberty as the ones at home. 
If one person suffers injustice, everyone suffers when there is refusal to correct wrongs.
Good hearts contribute to help the defenceless who were forced to leave everything behind;
Yet are hearts truly open to embrace brothers and sisters in their arms?
There are many people with families in your lands, with homes to go to; and many want to open their homes that people can stay.
If the foreigner or widow have nowhere to stay, who cares for these people?
It is one lesson in war and another to watch people in peace.
One day it is one people and another it can be another people with worlds torn apart and nobody knows the future.
The future is unclear.
The ones who help and love from their hearts want to see all their love and help being given, not a charity sweeping a percentage for wages.
Give and it will be given with love and faith undiluted.
And give from your heart as you feel you want to be helping others. as this is your choice to help.
If you choose to comfort and clothe others, do so and know there will be clothes that are going to be worn and even remade to fit a grateful generation;
To give a morsel of food to one who is hungry and comes to one in need the most is to bring forth what is within you.
It is a choice.
A people who reject, neglect and abandon the locals are with hearts of stone.
The grateful hearts are those who have nothing that they can call home and far apart from familiarity - who would smile at them?
You have seen so many personalities of selfishness and heard hearts with some idea how foreigners will not be seen as welcome by everyone.
Be kind anyway as you always have.
You are different in your ways, that the cliques cannot debate as they see you as a foreigner too.
Be empathic to pain and loss as many can relate to this.
It will be a short time until adjustments are made again in your living.
Keep an open mind and heart with everyone and let people reveal who they are.
You are in no position to do grand things as you hoped. 
You pray and never underestimate the power to pray and influence to pray and faith.
Dear one, you are not welcome by everyone. yet you welcome the Children of the Lord in your heart and home. 
The children know you are a light of faith in their souls and those who come to this land where you dwell in prayer, magnify the prayers to the Lord.
Christ will not be denied by these people. 
Your spiritual family are coming home to a place where they will be made known for who they are.
The seriousness of the prevailing situation is lessened with love.
And with hearts filled with love there is hope.
There is waiting for the return of husbands; and the Lord who promised you all He is coming back. 
The Lord's people will be comforted in prayer.
Worry not my child as you are in a place of lawlessness and cold hearts.
They will be forced to change their ways.
Kindness and care is the currency today of value and all who are kind do not take pleasure in causing suffering to anyone. 
A stranger can care and a friend can become like family long lost; yet not forgotten.
Be that family member whose heart loves and the one who cares enough to say "hello" and make people feel welcome.
You have been a foreigner in other lands and you know the future is not always clear; yet the purpose of the visit was not seen either.
Be empathic because you know the language of your soul.
Be intuitive and guided by right guidance when it is given to you.
You know who to listen to.
In prayer your Lord knows you.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

'You will see people in office come to humility' - Message 1st march 2022

Message: 1st March 2022
Start time: 7:36 am
End time: 8:04 am

'Hear me dear one
Daughter, you are chosen for a purpose you may not understand as of yet but you will.
You are one piece of a vast puzzle to preserve the Kingdom of God, as a fallen one forgiven of sins and serving according to your calling in the time.
All that masquerade as serving me who do not will be removed from their positions.
Grace is given to the lowly and not to the arrogant hearts with no value for life or justice for the people.
The time is coming to an end where no longer will you be expected to ask, as you will be given.
Yet all who pretend to serve justice in law and do not deprive my people of their rights and commit crimes against humanity on their own.
All are held accountable who refuse and use excuses not to serve the Lords in correcting grave wrongs to my people.
They want to be important and sit while war rages in the world unable to see they are the cause.
They do not want to take responsibility, yet all who wrong my people in the courts, commit murder in their souls.
They cry out of their wants and expect lofty roles in office, yet when they refuse arrogantly to correct the crimes they claim to rectify - something is wrong.
My dear, place no trust in anyone who masquerades as being more important than you - whoever they are.
They who walk in utter humility in serving the Lord are not in arrogance in their roles they are given.
So many years passed and you were tested severely.
You chose a different path to serve in the upholding of the law, so you were not in a position to best serve the Lord with determination.
You suffer greatly at the hands of the enemies of my people and have seen the most terrible crimes  being kept hidden from the blind.
You will see people in office come to humility in service as they feel the weight of responsibility on their shoulders.
They will not shout about it.
You will see a change and sense something that was not there before.
Your team of helpers are not the most obvious people and the mission you are given you are not entirely alone.
Keep going my dear until your last breath as service to the Lord is for life, not for a time, purpose or agenda.
You were given time to rest and your body weak because of the circulatory system, yet the spiritual essence is not your physical body. 
The Holy Spirit given to you is to guide you into correction, yet not everyone is listening to the Spirit of Truth.
The moment there is agenda to help someone and keep them from progressing to fulfil their destiny, Grace is lost.
Grace is lost in your land of pandering people to a system of wealth and oppression.
She who took her oath to serve justice and assist justice did not and her officers are traitors.
Her courts are corrupt.
The fearless Judge does not pander to crimes against humanity from whomever these have come from.
There are no royal privileges now other than oath taking agreements.
The defiance against the Lord is ignored.
The church is filled with perversions and hearts that are cold.
The Spirit of the Lord cannot be found in the heart of one who does not love His people.
The Sprit of the Lord is not found where there is corruption of the law.
The Spirit of the Lord is not found in the hearts of those who seek loftiness and self importance.
The Spirit of the Lord is not given to those who oppress my people, whoever they are.
The Spirit of the Lord is given where it is given to guide my people in righteousness and truth.
Yes all were sinners and unless they repent they will negate this gift of Grace.
The world is filled with darkness and yet the light prevails.
The world is filled with confusion and yet clarity prevails.
When all are worshipping different gods and seeing themselves as having all power and knowing it all, their arrogance reveals stupidity most of all.
Come to the Lord in lowliness and sincere heart.
The Lord knows who you are and the plight of your suffering.
The Lord waits patiently for the return of His people.
One by one they come to Him in prayer.
Who the Lord forgives, no one has a right to oppose His decision.
Grace is given to whom the Lord gives His Grace.
Say no more.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Injustice from a judge is not without accountability

Monday 21 February 2022

'Injustice from a judge is not without accountability' - Message 21st February 2022

Message: 21st February 2022
Start time: 13:12 pm
End time:  13:40

'Be kind to all even if people are unkind.
Be a teacher of kindness by genuine care even if you have bad days, not everyone is aware of theirs.
You know your limits and limitations, not everyone knows theirs.
You have seen the Light of the Lord, not everyone has eyes to see He is theirs too.
You have privileges given to you that many in power want but do not have.
The abuse of power and positions of gains is why they fall short of the Glory of God.
My humble handmaiden, you were brought low, yet the lofty ones with royal status do not come to your aid.
They will not want to get their hands dirty with association of wrongs the system has created.
The days are coming like before with prayers asked that the Lord shine his face on the one who is old,  yet what about the poor people in the land who need the Lord the most?
The blind cannot see the Lord is trying to open their eyes and something is wrong.
What is considered wealth and treasures hold no value for the Lord.
He who raises himself in lofty arrogance is nothing to the Lord;
And she who was lowly and exploited chose to stand that all who were oppressed and abused will not be silenced or go away.
You are in a helpless situation without the help of one to resolve your situation that you can be free to be in a better position financially and in your health by circumstance.
The damage is done. 
Years lost already and the arrogance with corruption of the court exposed over and over again.
They who sit in wealth and comfort are pricked in the way that impacts them the most.
None can relate to the poor person who is alone and stripped to the bone and core of their being raw with violations exposed.
The abuse of power in your land is going to come to an almighty end unless they choose to stop it now.
The exposure of lies is nothing compared to what still remains hidden from the people.
A glimmer of insight proved to you that there is much more going on.
Brawling tiara wearers and tantrums in the palace is not showing reverence to the Lord or to the kingdom they serve.
The disgrace of behaviour is exposed and will be made widely known.
The circus will escalate as egos clash on the world stage again.
It is a power game that feeds into the distraction of what is going on.
Many will gather to help with the clean up and there will be many that help.
But there are multitudes of people who suffered great wrong by a system of denying people their rights.
Pauline this is biblical prophesy foretold and warnings are written in the Great Book of Testimony called The Holy Bible that the fulfilment of scriptures is given and written;
And the warning that the Lord is Lord over all.
The injustice from a judge is not without accountability.
The one who claims to help and offers to help in a life saving situation, only to change their mind - must realise their time will come.
The sanctity of marriage is pure yet there are those who distrust what is trustworthy and trust what should be looked at with caution.
If the warning signs are given and you were to ignore them, if you trust someone who has let down others, you are to blame.
The friend must see this for their self and not seek to blame anyone else.
The decisions made hastily in love and investment of finances with risk do not always pay off.
As the good that can be found in unfortunate circumstances,
Siblings of spiritual experience, as brothers and sisters you should guard yourselves seriously with the enemy striking in whatever way to cause divide.
The prayer focus lost and work sabotaged, nothing gets done.
Progress is halted.
Put your egos to the side and then you can serve the Lord wholeheartedly in your roles.
Do not assume a lofty status to look down on anybody.
Your role is to lift humanity not the opposite.
You were crushed because you were seen as a threat.
Many suffer with the choices they made.
Many rejected the Lord in your land.
Who will hear their prayers when they cry out in desperation?'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Wednesday 16 February 2022

'The Lord is a Transformer of Souls - Message 15th February 2022

Message: 15th February 2022
Start time: 11:26 am
End time: 11:59 am

'The Will of the Lord be with you in the Glory of Light evermore. Amen.
It is with the Lord's Grace that He calls and imparts His knowledge to whom He Wills with not one dot or iota changed, for the Lord is a God of precision.
There are no mistakes with Him and in Him.
The Lord awaits His people to turn from wicked ways in their heart.
The mind is cold like stone and none work for justice in your land.
There is no correction of wrongs.
There is no admission of guilt to me your Lord and God.
They hide their face with shame and their hearts forget my name as the one who saves their souls.
They do not want help to walk the right way because they walk the wrong way when they err in judgement and cause devastation to people's lives.
You are misunderstood because you do not follow the trend of conformity to rules and you are too weak physically to jump through hoops.
They do not practice what they preach and there is no help for those who need it the most.
The system of paid people to pretend compassion and care is not compassion and care.
The neighbours do not speak.
They hide away and cannot bring themselves to see the dying world they all created.
A void is living without life; without care and compassion and without touch of another human being.
It is the animal kingdom that keep the human existence real.
The husband who speaks to his dog rather than his wife did not appreciate his wife at the start. 
The wife who punishes her husband with silence and no words of love, did not love her husband.
Two people get together to be together and not alone - is this love?
Is love possible at all?
Well it is actually possible for two people to love each other at will and with determination to make it work.
The one who lives thousands of miles away is no different from the doorstep neighbour.
Here is many lonely people trying to keep going and the world of loneliness know it.
Take heart my child for the children of the Lord are many healing and throwing away what does not serve them well.
Take heart my lonely ones because there must be a clearing away of the old until the new way is known.
As one door closes another opens.
A glimmer of hope in your hearts and you hold on.
Hold onto love and love heal your hearts from the heartache that caused your heart to be stone.
Soften your being with whatever tenderness you can show to yourself.
Be kind to yourself and you will be kinder to other people.
Do not put your guard up when there are walls to tear down.
Do not lose yourself in the words of a stranger who does not care for the love of the people or for the God who is watching over all that is happening. 
The lowly handmaiden speaks with a broken heart and soul that dwells here with the hope of waiting and learning patience too.
How many wait for the Lord's arrival?
His kingdom is lost to the distractors of truth and there are many who cannot see the world as you, with a people who are scattered and faithful too.
If it were not for the praying people, who would know of the Lord?
He is not a fixer of whim.
The Lord is a transformer of souls of rebellion to souls that are with pure intention.
The lost tribes lost their way and blind from the light and distraction.
They want because they are bored from the limitless life of possibility.
They choose to be with a desire of a moment, instead of seeing a lifestyle everlasting with love, togetherness, prosperity and hope in the Lord - the provider of all things.
The family who do not love, something went wrong.
Hearts of stone must soften.
Multitudes of lonely people alone not knowing the plan of the Lord is written.
Can He who is the creator of your soul; a being of light not lift you to see a little brightly.
Of course.
The Lord of all creation can do all things.
The Lord waits for His creation to live with love again.
Love and you will be loved.
Hear the Lord the lover of your soul for He knows you above all.
Be patient my dear in all things.
The Lord moves you to write and speak when you need to.
There were many who made a promise to serve Him yet justice with a price to enter the courts is justice denied and your losses ignored.
You are not alone.
Respect is yours.
Your Lord shows mercy to you and His children who repent in the Lord.
Trust the one who loves you most of all.
And bless you as you go forth today,
Do so mindfully in the conscience of the Lord's Will in you to serve others in the music of love and healing.
Grace given to you to bestow others.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You are given free will to choose - choose wisely

Thursday 10 February 2022

'You are given free will to choose - choose wisely.' - Message 10th February 2022

Message: 10th February 2022
Start time: 13:41
End time: 14:16

'In the beginning the Word became man and man understood without God he was nothing.
He was born in a new generation to bring the kingdom of the heavenly realms into the heart of the universe where you dwell.
The Lord Almighty did not preach rules and orders that would devastate the soul of life. 
He gave guidelines for life that still remain today.
The Lord asks and people listen.
The Lord commands with instruction given.
The hearts of the Lord's servants are guided clearly, not to the Will of the Lord, yet the enlightened being to build the world rightly.
The future generations would know the lord from his ancestors and his family will fear the Lord instead of people.
As history has shown the people rebel and fall and return again.
A wasted life is not with doing anything at all.
A wasted life is defying in the Lord and destroying what was built before. 
A new generations are born of builders and refiners of life, until there is no more destruction, hate and war.
My power is not measurable in human ways.
The ego inflates and is nothing among the few who save people in their roles of responsibility. 
There is ignorance to who is who and whom I have chosen as the eyes look one way, with questioning minds, they are blind to see the most obvious.
He who serves me in truth s selfless in a matter of urgency and he does not act without clear guidance to.
He waits patiently for the sign of guidance and then he continues after knowing the message. 
The Lord will prompt your soul to remember and show you what you do not know - that your eyes will see and understand more in the world.
The dilemma is here.
The one who seeks power has none and the one who relinquishes power is bestowed. 
The lowly places are where the hearts pray; for the Will of the Lord is understood in lowliness and brokenness. 
They want and then do not want in the throw away society.
Never satisfied, the want of more leaves an empty hole. 
The world is not yours to own but to preserve so my people can live freely and go about their business as they are guided to serve.
The widow who lives alone without support or help has a greater need of the Lord's care and attention in her abandonment. 
The widower who married the love of his life is not interested in anyone else. 
His life is with contemplation and his head is fixed on the Lord with his wife's destination.
Where will he go when it is time?
Will they meet again is on his mind;
Love continues to be strong and yet he is alone.
Let him cherish the memories of his love because love is all there is.
I despair in a world who destroyed creation and the hatred that rises in your nation.
You must live a quiet life in safety and not become a warrior with weapons among the masses.
It is enough you have the power of prayer and hands to decide
Who will be the bigger object of your desire to help and bless?
Bless all who bless you without hesitation and if your enemy turns from their wicked ways, then bless them too.
For the way of the Lord is not with destruction of the soul of His people. 
The destroyer for the tempter and compromise the very heart  and soul of the Lord's servant. 
The tempter destroys trust and loving bonds
The tempter causes divide among spouses and nations of people.
The tempter does not hide what he does to you to lead you away from righteousness.
The tempter is sent to test so do not fear as they have no power over the soul of the chosen ones - and tribes of Israel must return. 
The Lord waits patiently for His people yet the people are distracted by the tempters snares.
The Lord seeks your hearts and faces, yet you turn away yours.
You hide in shame when you know what you have done, yet the Lord waits for your return.
Your heart aches for all that went wrong, yet the Lord waits to correct your ways.
The Lord will make your path straight and he will give your life meaning if you let Him.
Give your life with purpose serving the Lord and you will never go back to mortal thinking.
The Courts of the Lord are Righteous and Just.
The Courts of man are full of criminals.
The Lord's children chose to rebel and reject Him causing loss, fall in shame and devastation in the nation.
Trust in the Lord anyway because the Lord is Just and He will set wrongs right in His way when the time is right.
You walk in brokenness and no one helps.
The Lord helps the broken in ways people do not see.
The ego blinds the mind, yet the light shines within.
Many will compromise their soul for refusing to help my people in their greatest need.
Many caused death of the body, but the soul goes on eternally.
Do not grieve my people, your Lord knows the pain and suffering you go through to survive these dangerous times.
Seek the Lord with all your heart and mind and He will strengthen your soul
Navigate your life with remembering the Lord every day and think: Would the Lord approve of this choice? 
You are given free will to choose - choose wisely.
The Lord be with you always in peace.
Walk gracefully in humility.
Love your people

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You live with the spirit within you

Thursday 20 January 2022

'You live with the Spirit within you' - Message 18h January 2022

Personal revelation message following prayer. 

Message: 18th January 2022
Start time: 18:09
End time: 18:44

'Hear me dear one
The Spirit of the Lord is within you to dwell on earth or you would not be alive today.
You live with the Spirit within you and so it is with my people.
If they come back to me in their hearts and minds, the Spirit of the Lord will guide them righteously.
In your land now there is shock and upheaval for the lofty and arrogant ones are brought low.
It is a difficult task to be in a position of power and remain humble with all.
There is no loftiness in the Lord.
There is arrogance which distant hearts from the holy righteous way and people led astray.
You were told long ago in your experience the lofty will fall and you fell. 
The arrogant ones think nothing to destroy you.
You fell so low you needed help to keep breathing and did not give up.
Your purpose is with knowing your weakness and yet the Spirit within you was strong. 
You were dead yet living in the Spirit of Truth.
Now if you lived in a land of faithful believers, many would have come to your rescue and prayed for you too.
The prayers come from strangers from other lands that know of the suffering of one chosen for this mission.
Dear one it is with blindness and ego that seeks to climb a ladder of important association; yet the most Noble hearts are aligned with me.
The focus is on waiting and then acting on what must be done and then waiting again.
You are a vital instrument of change and you must never underestimate the power of prayer. 
You are in your role seeing purpose and what must be done, yet you cannot do it.
It is not for you to do.
Be mindful of your mission and purpose of faith restoration that comes with what is revealed.
My people need to write their dreams and take notice of personal revelation.
The Holy Spirit is reaching hearts and minds with the same message in this time of preparation.
This is a new chapter and the old chapter will come to fruition to see that everything written and given was not in error. 
You trusted to document your learning journey so not to lose it;
And you wrestled to write books on these matters with living among a people who reject me.
The demons are angry.
Keep your focus on God in the heavens and the Lord of the Holy Spirit in your heart.
Your souls are not without purpose my children.
You had to be prepared before you will understand; and you had to be willing to understand before you could know your God in person.
And you had to be willing to give up the idols who go against me in defiance; and trust the invisible force of love and light from the heavens.
As you pray, the Lord hears your heart and He will strengthen you for your purpose. 
But if you seek to be fit to compete with others and combat to win a prize, you will not know the Holy Graces.
The Lord gives His Spirit to guide with love, mercy, strength and righteousness. 
You must not train for war with weapons that cause bloodshed.
Pray that your hearts can understand the enemy; and see that those who lost their way and caused pain and suffering to others, will not get away with what they do.
Those who use and abuse women who are the nurturers in this world did not respect their mother. 
Those who hurt men in a game of love and hate cause wars.
The honour of a woman has caused life and death to be fought for and claimed.
The honour of a mother is not with war, but to honour her name and bring your children and grandchildren to claim her love. 
It is dishonourable for a woman to deprive another woman the love of children that continue the generations.
You think love is everything and it is, but abuse of kindness and grace to manipulate and blackmail damages the child in the end.
The division of families was made and foretold; yet the reason for this was to unfold.
You would never have achieved what you have with your family who still live.
They were planning a wrong by temptation.
You suffer losses and yet with all your training I give you Wisdom of the ages.
No one can buy that Grace and favour. 
Leave the past in the past and let the chapter of this new life start on the new page.
Many are coming out of the wringer after being kept in a false sense of security.
A period of adjustment will be said to be liberating - it is not.
Care must be taken not to follow the political narrative.
These people are learning their lessons too.
Do not blame ignorance and remember all who are employed have someone over them.
When the righteousness of the Lord is with service, there is no injustice or war.
It is peaceful where you are for now.
Trust in the Lord your God.

A noticeable theme is seen with number 18 18 18

1 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 8 = 27

2 + 7 = 9

Number 9 represents completion.  Number 9 symbolically represents a culmination of wisdom and experience, also endings and new beginnings. Time will tell what will be.

Peace be with you 
Pauline Maria

See to it that you hold no grudges to anyone at all