

Sunday 12 December 2021

'Do Not Fear Those Who Threaten You With Injury' - Message 11th December 2021

Message: 11th December 2021
Start time: 3:24 am
End time 3:53 am

You will know the right path ahead for the clearing away all that doesn't serve you well will take place.
A few steps alone and the door opens wide for you, with the entrance of celebration of what has been done. 
Long is the preparation for the new way of life and the way you have known before.
You have suffered much time of anxiety and stress with especially not knowing what the future holds.
You had training to trust your God and to listen to His instruction, not knowing the reason why or the purpose for your people. 
Yet all will see the Lord of Righteousness did not abandon His people. 
And as time before, the most unlikely helper to bring this truth came with suffering difficulty and scriptures fulfilled.
I will use you for this purpose because you are my credible voice who does not seek to worship the earthly gods.
I will lead you to the light because you do not want the world of darkness.
And I will lead you to know hope removed, when you see so many miracles in prayer fulfilled; as you thrive with the small miracles and get as much pleasure from small gifts as grand gestures.
My people will not perish if they turn their hearts and minds to me;
But all who serve the powers of darkness will be exposed for what they are.
All who are scared to follow the light and be led in righteousness will not be rejected from the Holy Order of Life.
But all who caused my people to suffer and perish to death will live with what they have done and shame will be upon them.
Those who attack my anointed ones will pay the price for what they have done.
And those who deprive people of their rights in my name, shall know great shame and loss in their lives too.
The loveless have nothing in common with those who love from within the core of their being.
The social climbers for gains without purpose will find the spiritual ladder is not attainable. 
The Lord guides His people righteously and if you do not know what to do, do nothing at all.
Do not fear those who threaten you with injury and loss because they will wake up and wish they were never born.
You are justified to ask in prayer anything you want to know, when a decision must be made; yet if there is no answer clearly told, wait for the Lord.
The Lord will make way for His people.
There will be no war or weapons of hate.
I did not give permission for anyone to murder my people.
You who have learned hard lessons must remember other people will do the same.
You cannot preach righteousness to the unrighteous and you cannot force justice in the court of corruption.
But there will be a change and all you turned to before for help in a place of desperation, will see why you were called.
I know you are impatient and want assurance too.
Look back on this decade and the One who kept you alive and brought you through.
Do you honestly think your life is not without purpose?
Do you remember the words of the Princess that spoke to you?
There are many in these circles who do not seek anyone as there is a world that no one knows outside these circles.
Can you be non judgmental and humble, while being firm to address what needs to be done?
Can you remember all your studies have a purpose and will not be wasted - as your way was shown long ago.
The rebellious children still need somewhere they can go and with wealth there is rebellion to conformity. 
You were young once and did not heed the advice or warnings.
Yet you learned and met people who you were meant to help
Everyone has a right to someone they can turn to;
And to my rebels, you are someone who can help to bring clarity and perspective as you have done many times before.
I open your eyes and I heal your hurt that it is like a different life.
In childbirth a mother experiences pain before joy of her new baby.
You will feel the birth pangs with everyone you help who I will bring to you through my servant. 
You will be a mother figure to many children and they will discover their wings and fly.
Do not fear to address wrongs.
A strict mother who loves her children, enables them to hold roles of responsibility when the time comes.
In the public eye many wear masks and pretend all is OK. 
The Lord looks into the heart and sees who is fake and who is seeking healing within'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

It is time to make a difference

Monday 22 November 2021

'It is time to make a difference' - Message 20th November 2021

Message: 20th November 2021
Start time: 14:07
End time: 14:34

'It is time to make a difference in the way I have called you to serve.
The time of punishment is over and the time of Grace begins.
No one who harms my anointed will get away with what they do.
You suffered and suffer because of cruel acts to injure and deprive you of your ability to flourish; yet I will show you that it is not the way of the world that you will flourish.
You will be inspired for the New World and all the blocks with egos will not understand anything.
Each wants to go their way, yet the way of the Lord few seek.
The Path is narrow and only a few in comparison find the gate because they do not want to leave their wants behind.
You know your leader and yet those who want to lead cannot go further than what they know.
You guide to God, yet others seek followers that they will know and hold onto.
You take the broken wings and teach to fly when your injuries are profound; yet your spirit is free when your sleep.
When you are not preoccupied with what you must do and pressures, your mind is freer and your mind is realising the Lord did not completely close the chapter of your life to end.
My dear you are about to start a new life and there are those who are loyal to me who will support you too.
Your strength is lacking because energy is lacking and the battles you are facing are overwhelming you.
Leave it to me.
Give all your burdens to me and the injustice too, for the traitors where you live think the Lord your God and their God cannot see.
There will be reprimand and there will be a hefty price for what they have done to you.
My children are perishing for the lack of truth and do not seek the Lord's guidance.
The guidance of men whose heart and mind are far from the Lord, lead many astray and many fall.
If you find a man of God whose heart and soul are dedicated to service, he knows and will show you who he is.
Men and women are not meant to be alone neither in suffering, or in a destructive life that damages the soul.
As you strive with your healing and your Spiritual Life is made known, the enemy of yours does not like it.
It is not of your doing but the Grace of your God who will fulfil his promises in you; as you made a promise to serve Him.
You know the way now and the next stage is the right people for purpose making themselves known.
All who saw you with a lofty mission and ridiculed you did not see it is the Lord's Will to fulfil what you saw to be the need in that nation.
You were born to make a positive difference and ease suffering, yet suffered by those who were resentful of what you do.
What a pathetic life to cause misery to someone who dedicated much of her life in study and determination to do good.
Well there will be no wicked Rule when I am done and those who know what I am talking about, dread the day the carpet is pulled from underneath them. 
A great deception and distraction takes place to prevent freedom of the people - Yet the Lord waits.
He awaits for His people to return willingly and choose who they serve.
The Great and Good who are great hearts and minds with pure intention for all are challenged with evil taking place too.
They made decisions knowing the time is short to implement plans.
Yet the Grand Architect of All, the Father of the Universe orchestrates all.
As one destroys, another builds.
As one plants, another reaps and when humanity understand direct giving and seeing the value of all life, the process of uplifting the condition of humanity can progress beyond education.
Too many egos sounding out ethical experts is not good for all.
Amidst all the chaos and confusion, the Lord your God and King of Israel waits patiently.
Return willingly to me my people as I return to you.
I prove to my people that I live yet without me you are like death - without spark or purpose.
You who compete will find you did not grasp the lesson.
Wait upon the Lord and in the right time be led by the Spirit.
The Lord your God hears your prayers.
Sleep peacefully knowing your angels watch over you all my children.
Rest and then work when the task at hand demands your attention.
Share the load' 

Become a Patron!

'Write For Me' (Birthright, Plague, Illness, Disease) - Message 2nd April 2015

While sorting through a huge pile of papers to find something unrelated, I came across a paper with this message. Not knowing if the message is already documented here, yet because of the importance of the content, it is being shared again exactly with the words given and written at the time.

Notice the date in 2015. This is a message to consider again.

Message: 2nd April 2015
Start time 13:55 pm
End time: 14:26 pm

Write for me dear one.
You will hear my voice so much more clearly when you centre yourself in calm and focus on me in your heart and mind.
Darling one, you are so tired and yet it is just a little while longer before the Father teaches those who go against Him His Truth.
Know you are mine and rest in peace knowing that your birthright cannot be taken away. It was given to you by your mother. 
Your inheritance is given to you by your father and they try to deny this with denying all my people.
Well, their lies will be exposed and the evil ones fall by the errors of their ways.
Remember the plagues. 
They come again with avengeance. 
The Lord Our Father will not tolerate the disobedience of the ruler or the Israelites.
They will be whipped into shape again and punished for their transgressions against mankind and the Holy Law that was changed.
I did not give the instruction for men to Rule over you and the Father did not know the man who rejected Him because he worships some other god. 
Instead of being great and respected to the heavenly calling, he used devious means and favours to give people a hold on him. 
The dependance of gains for favours is how this man works.
He has no real ambition - only agenda and he has no real care for the people - only control.
He wants so much and givens nothing back
The illness industry is growing because it pays well.
The anticipation for big spending is with the creation of more diseases.
The man that controls the illness industry knows only too well.
The man who decides who lives and dies by influence - even mixes up the families of the healers so they serve him and forget the ancient law.
Well the healers that hold me in their heart are helping me - sometimes without medicine when a prayer and hope is needed.
The hospitals have seen many miracles these years that they cannot explain.
Thank the nurses that pray and the cleaners too.
The surgeons who trained to cure do not want to cause ill.
The danger is the money motivation as a priority and treatment for profit.
In the impoverished soul, illness easily manifests and when people are ill and stressed, their suffering might be the cause.
The tablets for depression are candy pills - keeping people labelled and under control instead of healing the cause.
Urination of the water consumption is expelling the toxins from the body too.
The addiction to tablets is unknown to the people, or if they questioned , they would discover that not all the doctors are caring because they are under pressure too.
The fear of a health service that thrives with illness is the profit making decisions for all.
But is for a people to wake up and take personal responsibility now.
I have shown through a chosen child that I will raise up the poor horse and lift up the man who is thrown.
I will raise up the poor people who have been repeatedly denied in my name. 
They say the land is a Christian country - it is not. 
The hypocrites that stand in the church and pray - they might look good on camera, did they allow the homeless person to come in and give them the front seat?
Are they still asking for the people to pray for the wealthy to be kept in health, wealth and long life?
What selfishness there is even to deprive the people of the right to live under the Father of All Souls in your land.
Well the people will wake soon.
I can do no more but wait for my time when my family remember me and there will be some who remember me no more. 
What lessons the people have had to go through to learn the right way. 
There is evil thriving in your land by day in the hearts and minds of the evil makers.
There are also people working, purifying their hearts and souls in preparation for what is to come.
Destiny is written.
Destiny will be fulfilled.
The Father will claim back His children and the sons of God will be many more.
Banish the evil from your hearts and minds by choosing the right way and worship the Lord God Almighty alone.
The realm of the evil one will be no more
Dominion is mine.
I give my people chances to learn and hold back the wrath.
I submit to the Father when he says: "NO MORE"
My anger is real.
My hurt to see the suffering is not without reason.
I cannot go against the free will of another and so when there is plans to destroy what I have built, destruction is invited as consequence.
There is no way anyone can proceed except with submission to the Father of Souls  - for after life is not known and many will perish for the souls lost.
But as I live with Love for my people I will endure in the Spirit forever more. 
Your Jesus did not abandon you - Now you are listening again
And I thank you for sharing my message to all.
Wait for me'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Let the Holy Spirit lead you all the way

Wednesday 10 November 2021

'Let the Holy Spirit lead you all the way ' - Message 9th November 2021

Message: 9th November 2021
Start time: 12:34
Emd time: 12:59

'You will succeed
I will not let you fall down again for the enemy's snare is cruel but my love and mercy is your salvation wand.
You hold the sceptre of righteousness in the pen you write.
Do not wish for more than I give and what you are given to you that is Holy from the Lord, share that all may be blessed.
Many are the imposters that drown out my words; yet you see in your heart to create a space to share these  words with everyone openly.
I know you do not want to do this but you made a commitment to serve me and the way you chose was blocked. 
Now I show you that land of injustice where you live, what it means to be guided by God.
Many are humbled and prepared as you are to listen to the soul guidance.
The Light of God shines from within when the soul is guided by God rightly.
My darling children, listen here and listen very carefully.
Jesus Christ your Lord is the one who showed you all he was neither born in lofty place and he suffered the most humiliating death.
He gave up his life in complete trust, that you his people and his family could know the God who loves.
The Christ who lives, the Christ was born and even if they try to kill him again, they cannot.
It is to their frustration; yet if only they will return, they will see the way of light and truth and righteousness in the Lord.
He will make sinners saints and they will pray for you.
First seek the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul and you will see how he will transform you.
Your life might be a mess. Your home is broken; yet your heart and mind focussed on God, He who is holy will bring you through this.
You who are persecuted and injured by the ungodly - do not attack them.
Turn your heart and mind to the Lord God who loves your soul; not those who cause you injury.
They know what they do when they harm and willing to harm over and over again.
My child, you are a child of God; not a slave of the enemy that hates Christ, the one born.
The great deception began as distraction; yet see who is realising there is something more.
The people who pray and worship your Lord, they do not give up in these.
For the day of reckoning comes sooner than you realise and they who destroyed your life with injustice showed their hatred and contempt for God.
I will use my inspired people to set right wrongs and the day correction is done will be Great Shame who masquerade in my name.
The enemy of the people is not dressed in foreign clothes.
The enemy of the people dresses in lofty robes and expects adoration and respect.
The profane cannot be respected unless those who are profane will it.
And the distraction from the holy goes on and on.
Even in the circumstances today, there are many whose hearts and mind are far from the Lord and when you are distracted in your daily life - Be careful. 
Who is your influence?
Remember who you serve and who you made your promise to.
You were forced to take an oath within a corrupted court as my servant and lowly handmaiden of choice. You did not know what you were doing at the time.
You were led like a sheep to be slaughtered; to be permanently forgotten like so many before and after you.
Well, my Justice will be done and you will se there are people who see and know what is going on.
One day you will see all the suffering was worth it for the price is with reward few can accomplish unless they are chosen by me.
Let your voice be heard clearly through the pen as you write to my people who seek advice and guidance. 
Let the Holy Spirit lead you all the way in your Spiritual life. 
Enjoy your distractions; yet do not get caught up with addictions to try and maintain a mortal lifestyle.
Write passively and the flow will come; and when you find ease from pressure, greater things will come'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

A few more steps and my people will know me

Wednesday 27 October 2021

'A few more steps and my people will know me' - Message 26th October 2021

A few days with heavy heart and soul searching with prayer, this message follows two dreams days apart, not yet documented. One dream people lay dying in beds. The second dream: City of Gold.

Message: 26th October 2021
Start time: 10:50 am
End time: 11:18 am

New Jerusalem Arise
Arise my child for the new world is before your feet.
The Lord your God goes with you in this difficult time.
Do not fear
Do not give in.
A few more steps and my people will know me
A few more steps and you will see more clearly the reason for everything.
You are my loyal servant in Christ for all run away and do not confront the evils in your land.
O they escalate and all are silent.
I will lead you from darkness into the light of holiness and Glory of the Lord if you choose to follow me with all your heart.
I will place a crown of righteousness on your head for you have followed this quest unto the point of losing everything dear to you. 
You have followed in faithfulness the Lord your God even when you did not see.
My child, My children - Submit to me your Lord and God who waits patiently.
He will wipe your tears clean and He will wash your sins away if you repent wholeheartedly.
My child, My children - Wait on me for the Lord your God is slow to anger and yet vengeance is mine says the Lord.
They do not want unholy rule and yet rule with unholiness
They do not want the protection of the Lord, choosing weapons of war and might instead.
You preserve your bodies for who?
The Lord preserves the souls of the righteous and no one can boast.
You want to be free and yet your soul is set free to return to me at any time.
Talk to me - I am listening.
I Am that I Am from eons ago and did not change.
You want to represent me and serve me; then bow your heads in seeking self righteousness?
Stop boasting what you are not.
You are all like ants who work as you are told. 
Your influence is who?
The Rebels think they are doing something useful by rebelling yet they are wasted in their lives and lost. 
If you serve your Lord and Master, that is your influence. 
Many reject the Lord and when their master falls, so will they fall.
Many people perish because there is no value of life and there is no value for the soul.
The great source of energy keeps people alive and the electrical charge makes hearts start again.
Who keeps the hearts beating?
You rely on being charged and you will not know the one who gives life to all. 
You rely on pills to monitor a body function; 
You do not rely on your creator of all.
You do not look at the reasons you are ill and so choices are given to you.
My dear you struggle with some knowledge and discover some more.
Everything is connected.
If the doctors do not look at the whole body, the mind, emotions and the manifestation of works that stunt or cause someone to escape their painful reality - they cannot offer a cure.
The dependency of drugs in this world now has caused so many problems.
The addiction to the medication to sleep does not invite the taker to address why they do not sleep.
Too much worry and stress has a detrimental effect.
The Lord will take this away that you may sleep peacefully at night if you give it to Him.
He will calm your mind and heart if you wholly trust and ask of Him.
You will have to deal with certain things in certain times; yet to worry and concern yourself all of the time is not helping you or anyone.
The Rebels rebel and there are many who have got attention by adversity.
No one works for justice in your land and people perish. 
The people perish who reject the Lord. 
The people who do not know the Lord have no fear of consequence, or remorse for what they do to my people.
They have caused so much misery and my people return in prayer.
My people who are saved from the perils of evil bees the Lord God's Holy name and they continue to inspire prayer.
My people pray for My people;
And My righteous ones suffer more because they are Mine
'Look at her' they say 'and God chose her'
'Look at the loneliness, poverty, famine and people dying in the world. Where is God' they say 'who allows this'
The Lord allows evil so that His people can rise and bring forth the goodness in their hearts - to break the cycle.
They wait while the Lord waits patiently.
Even Jesus healed on the Sabbath without payment - who will do the same in your land?'

End of message.

New Jerusalem is identified in Revelation 21
Other scriptures, Isaiah 62 ((Isaiah 62:3)
Crown of righteousness 2 Timothy 4:8

It is written: 

Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

My children wll always be welcome back

Friday 15 October 2021

'My Children Will Always Be Welcome Back' - Message 15th October 2021

Message : 15th October 2021
Start time : 10:20 am
End time : 10:44 am

'As I hear your prayer, I listen to your heart.
You are my child and my children will always be welcome back into the arms of your loving merciful God. 
Come to me with repentance;
Put down your swords of anger and rage.
Come to me like little children that need protection and love from His Grace and Mercy I am.
The Lord forgives the sinner who sins, not that he will continue sinning.
Did the sinner change?
Who is to blame?
There are many blaming and condemning my people when all need to correct their ways.
The Lord waits for the clean hearts; for the tormented and broken, for the frightened ones who have been downtrodden and live in fear. 
There is no justice in your land as I see fit;
And there is no remorse for condemnation of the Lord Almighty and His ways.
Well they will learn eventually, for one by one, all will see the Power that cannot be prevented by man.
One by one they will see the devastation to the nations and then will cry out and it will be too late.
Turn from your wicked ways NOW my children;
And Rulers, humble yourselves in disgrace for what you have done.
Did you not forget that I am the Lord your God and I am the Almighty?
Did you forget also the world does not belong to you whatsoever.
You are custodians and guardians over my land and my people, but you are many consumed with lust for power and greed.
Remove the Royal dignity from those who deny me as they bring the whole reputation of the Holy Sanctuary to shame.
My people are perishing and there is no regard for my people at all.
The top of the pyramid without love and the want to protect the souls and life of my people, must not be a block to all who return to me willingly.
They have forgotten the Lord their God 
And in this Christmas time it is the same as many others in your land.
Like in the ancient times, only a few returned and preserved holiness;
Only a few remember that this time the innocent were killed - all to stop the Kingdom of God.
Yet the Lord your God will not be stopped.
He has his back up plan.
My people who are aligned with me in truth in their heart and soul are spiritually connected.
Many of you are scattered.
Many held as prisoners in the land you dwell in;
And yet this is time to remember - your body houses your soul.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Your body is the house of your Holy God and there you are, wherever you are - you can talk to the Lord of your soul who loves you.
Be strong in the Lord in humility.
The battle the Lord your God will fight for you.
Keep yourselves safe from
harm and provocation.
The Lord can open up the earth and swallow the enemy - you cannot.
Power is given to preserve and protect.
Those who abuse power to condemn, prosecute  and kill my people are condemned.
They will not be forgiven who blaspheme the Holy Spirit of The Lord of Grace.
And those who refuse justice will know the return of this on their own heads. 
Many will weep and cry out to the Lord who harmed and murdered my people by their decisions.
One day their day will come to take their last breath
Be kind my people, even though many of you know bitterness in your situations.
Be careful of the enemies snares - But I have got you and your heart alignment in me - I preserve your soul.
Forgive them and if you cannot, ask me to deal with them - for I am the Judge who decides all.
Forgive yourself quickly so you can heal and not be harmed any more.
Do not touch my anointed people you rulers of iniquity and rebellion.
You are warned - Stop it now or I will not forgive you at all' 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

When you are ready mature love will come 

Wednesday 15 September 2021

'When you are ready mature love will come' - Message 14th September 2021

Message: 14th September 2021
Start time:13:35 pm
End time: 14:03 pm

'When you are ready mature love will come and not before.
The world is full of lust and desire, not longing for a connection with another sacred soul.
The world has fallen to a den of iniquity and preoccupation of gains instead of sacred giving. 
The world is deemed a place of disrespect and disregard, unless meeting social acceptance.
You are lowly so not worthy of respect.
You are needy and so deprived even more.
You are offered a carrot and when you reach - it is snatched away.
Women are not meant to work along men in a competitive world.
The nurturers by nature are prepared to be much needed nurturers in the world.
The mother who feels she is worthless because she does nothing in the world, is the woman who can dedicate her time and energy to her children.
She will have friends who understand her and support her, or not at all.
A sister in Christ would be supporting her sister with Christ's love and wisdom - not from a book.
She will speak and act with Christ in her heart.
She will be the helping hands.
She will pray for her friend and seek the God of Wisdom to guide her in times of need and decisions.
There is separation from prayer unity and soul recognition.
There are men boasting of being Christian and the ego takes over instead of humility and gratitude of being saved.
No one realises the Grace of God given in the Salvation of Souls because the ego is still boasting and wants to be the voice above all.
Humble yourselves before you are ashamed of how you missed so many opportunities to serve Christ your Lord and bring people to faith.
When you complain of suffering, yet remain steadfast in faith, the Lord's Grace keeps you despite all you are going through.
When you mention you feel unwell and people disregard you, they are not the nurturers and healers you need around you.
There are people claiming to be healers and have powerful gifts. 
There is no healing without the Grace of God.
If you are given one gift you may not have recognised the other. 
I said: Gather to Me; not to yourselves and keep people hooked onto hope.
You want to be a Saint yet the Saints were not recognised until they were at the end of their earthy life and sanctified by the Lord. 
The Saints of the earthly life do not seek fame and do not attract adoration. 
The Prayer of a Saint sanctified by the Lord is because He has permitted this and not of your own choosing.
You doubt what you can pray for at times in your life; yet everything even life itself is given for a time and season.
If it is the Lord's Will, you will live.
If the Lord is Willing, the child will be born.
Babies born to show off in a time such as this, sets a standard of arrogance where the child may or may not grow to fulfil a meaningful life. 
The children who lost hope, want to be celebrities because they see glitz and glamour with happy faces.
My children are lost with the media hype.
If the teacher has no faith,  the children are not inspired and encouraged in faith.
Yet one child in faith who is poor and lowly in circumstance can inspire faith in the whole class and community.
That child might not be lovingly accepted and treasured as a child God chose for His purpose. 
My handmaiden has a role in preparation for the Lord who did not abandon her.
She does not need to boast;
Yet all who are called and chosen in this purpose are warned to be brave when calling out in prayer, for the enemy does not want the Lord's presence to be known now or before.
Be humble and lean onto me.
I have got you and I have chosen you; and you and you,
You are not one in a billion - but many are chosen in their purpose.
Be humble and accept this role I am giving, despite anxiety for the future.
Your Lord and God chose you because you can do it.
Be kind to others and to yourself.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

My children, return to me and I return to you

'My Children, Return to Me and I Return to You' - Message 13th September 2021

Message: 13th September 2021
Start time: 5:19 am
End time" 5:45 am

'You will know what to do when the time is right and not before.
Gather to me.
 Gather all the evidence of understanding because the time of harvest is supposed to be the time of blessing - while the evil one has helpers harvesting many souls.
My child, my children, return to me and I return to you.
The Godless nation do not return for in their arrogance they remain blind in the Lord who does not give His gift to traitors.
The Lord seeks Justice in righteousness and in arrogance justice is denied over and over again.
The land of arrogance obstructs Justice, which is a serious crime; yet they persecute and prosecute the innocent and they use trickery and deception to trip people up.
But the Lord has seen it all.
They drink the toxin of insanity and they believe they are sane who are not.
They sleep with the enemy and betray their own sister and mother and grandmother who was righteous too.
They hate righteousness and Justice in righteousness because murder and violence is a choice.
They feel powerful not realising the evil ways lead them to their own destruction; and no one needs to do anything at all.
I call for Justice in your land and they arrogantly refuse you and reject me.
Darling do not take things personally.
Even in your own family the ways of treachery are exposed.
They avoid the truth and what has been said to cause distance, so the truth you know will never be exposed. 
Your grandfather was wiser than you realise in a generation of divinely guided people.
One daughter wise and the other stupid.
In another generation one is wise and the other is foolish.
It is the guided ones who doubt and are ridiculed by the fools who gain their moment of adoration.
And what person will condemn their own sibling after they have lost everything and died?
The sons of the righteous ones live on; yet the ones who dance on the graves of the righteous ones are condemned. 
There is no shame - no remorse.
The Lord your God is reaching His people again.
Do not assume in any family all are righteous because they are not.
Do not bow to the idols or serve those who show no remorse for wrongdoing in violence to men or women.
You are justified to walk away and keep away from those who have condemned you with no justification at all.
You are caught in a trap of so much wickedness - Yet focus on Me, my dear.
Speak the guided truth so clear and let those who are of the Lord your God reveal themselves clearly too and they will.
Your family are not who you think.
Your role in this life is not as you planned.
Your influence with love and concern has toughened you spiritually, for by yourself; on your own and for yourself you have no strength at all.
You are weak and yet you are strong spiritually.
You were blind and now you see more clearly with your inner eye.
With your intuition child - listen to your senses and trust what you are not to ignore.
Every challenge sets you back and then you grow.
You are not a manual worker or a slave.
You were given divine wisdom to share with my people.
Not all are my people because they reject me and they who reject me, reject you too.
Let them show themselves for who they are, because this is the test that they did not expect at all.
It is too late now.
Everyone has shown who they are
Judgement is falling upon the earth and there is no escape from consequences.
Your insecurities and doubt, delayed your service in the way I chose for you.
The legal system sabotaged your plans.
My daughter in Christ, I chose the lowly handmaiden before and the same again.
You are my royal handmaiden and when the time is right you will be given a gift.
Think carefully and accept:
What comes from the Lord will always benefit His people. 
Be strong in the Lord and He will carry your soul high above the tallest mountains. 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

We are at a turning point of this foretold time

Saturday 4 September 2021

'We are at a turning point of this foretold time' - Message 3rd September 2021

Personal revelation message

Message: 3rd September 2021
Start time: 12:29 pm
End time: 12:54 pm

'Hear me my child
We are at a turning point of this foretold time.
Those who are mine come willingly to the Lord your God and those who rebel, rebel.
This has happened before.
In the defiance of the Lord your God, you show contempt for all that is not holy; yet when you are returned you are washed clean. 
I gave you my word as you gave me your promise.
You write and share what you are given; yet many promise and are not forgiven.
They take the word of the Lord God Almighty for granted and they cannot see what He is unfolding in front of their eyes.
Spiritual life is not a destination.
This life is a process of ever ending new beginnings.
The energy flows and you my children must see this to want this; and in wanting this must accept what is given.
I give you a piece of bread and to someone else coal. 
To someone else, the light to ignite the oven.
I give the wheat and flour to someone else and the yeast made to someone else.
Yet I provide the water.
You all must use your hands and work together for the bread.
I am the provider of all and all of you have been given special tasks.
If only you can see their value.
If only you can see how you are as important as the next person in my eyes.
And if only all can realise their egos have no regard or recognition in the Holy Order of life.
Come to me in your nothingness.
Come to me in your lowliness, your brokenness; your insecurity and being lost.
Come to me as you are; not as you think you must be.
The egos puff up their chests and inflate their minds, strutting as if they are on parade for all to admire.
Look on the street - the lowliest of people are mine.
They who are sad and depressed in their thoughts and situation.
They who have been abandoned by those given charge over their care, young and old.
Do you think I look on those who cause harm, suffering, difficulty, loss and destitution with favour?
They expect to be paid to deprive my people of their right to survive and thrive.
But the land where the Lord is forgotten, has many where people do not care anymore.
The young who are rejected may grow up lost; and yet the older ones who know the way of selfishness will lead to abandonment of the Lord's grace and presence.
The Lord is with the lowly and broken hearts, young and old - yet the rebels did not know God.
The many who think God is a myth, do not try and educate.
How can you prove what they cannot see; and how can they understand what they are incapable of understanding?
You speak a different language and how how easy it is for you to recognise someone who speaks the same. 
Woe to those who condemn my people, who plan injustice and deny people MY rights given before they were born.
Woe to those who imprison my people in enslavement of debt and forced to comply and obey ungodly laws.
The hypocrites preach 'You must do this and if you do not you will pay the price'
With social distancing, much bed hopping was taking place and the infidelity exposed on the world stage. 
You will learn this way is not your way and the way of solitude is a graceful way, instead of conflict and turmoil.
Many struggle alone and many struggle in their relationships.
Do not want what you don't have and think twice before you accept something that will change your life.
Relations of need and desire are not destiny, they are choice.
Love is uplifting and pure love with love as a way of being and the ways of love will be made clear.
As you take off the clothes of your past life, new clothes are given;
And as you open your heart and mind to the Lord's grace and favour - He will open the doors and hearts of all who are your tribe and spiritual family.
You are not alone and you never will be.
You are loved and once my people return to the way of love; this world will change.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The life you live is not as before

Thursday 29 July 2021

'The life you live is not as before' - Message 14th July 2021

Orthodox Mystical Spirituality. 

Personal revelation message.

Message : 14th July 2021
Start time: 10:52 am
End time : 11:22 am

'The life you live is not as before. 
You have everything you want and need.
You are equipped for the work of the Lord.
You are calm within your faith in the one true Saviour.
So many pretend to serve and serve me, yet their hearts are far away.
You gravitate towards understanding who are mine; and they understand you as an enigma because you do not fit into the ideal lens of my chosen.
People forget, the Father did not choose the lofty and He has humbled the wealthy and broken their arrogant spirit. 
It was intentional; yet in arrogance all lose their way.
Can my people be aligned to a prince with no love for his people?
Can my people be aligned with an unrighteous throne?
My people are humbled.
My Princess is humbled.
Nothing unusual with the lessons being shown.
All sell themselves short in glamorous temptation and luring my lost sheep to follow them.
My dear, you were following no one and that is why you stood out from the rest.
You sit in a land of idol worshippers, none who care enough to step down from their station.
They want to be seen and idolised and it is not simply for vanity.
It is a game of power that has been shown to wipe the arrogant smiles from their faces.
My dear one, you were humbled and knocked down by a people of a lowly station.
They did not evolve spiritually and in their drunken stupor, many do not want to rise and know a different life because it is easy to knock others down.
The plummeting society is no longer great and never was in truth,
Without God the Father, there is fight for ego hierarchy.
There is the pretence of faith and the Church that rejects the Holy Spirit of God is void of God's presence.
These people are many who do not want me my dear; and I want or need nothing from these people.
I took nothing from these people and seek nothing from anyone.
My role was chosen and divinely given with preparation.
I renounced everything Pauline and will continue to renounce the ways of the world so my people, my family can be saved from this terrible evil.
Choose wisely who you keep company with for the righteous of heart are few.
The faithful company are few and with prioritising loyalty to my people.
Who are truly my people anchored in God the Father are few
My Father, God the Father entrusted his people to me and my spiritual welfare warrior is injured nursing his wounds.
In faith, many seek me and yet do not find me because they give up.
They keep calling and knocking, yet their lives are not ready for the Lord.
When the pupil is ready the teacher will arrive and not before.
He who is wise did not seek to be wise to show off.
The world is in dire crisis and the egos who have solutions with reducing populations are wrong.
The egos who want to control the world and people are wrong.
The police and security are wrong.
They are all sheep following their leader that is all.
When the heart is on the Lord God Almighty, He is not abusing and oppressing His people. 
He is not violating women and the weakest of people.
He is not asking men to gather in armies and show a power of strength.
Who is rescuing the damsel in distress?
Who is working for justice in your land?
Who is able to stand up and confront evil before it escalates?
They talk with no action.
The man who is secure in his faith does not make a noise.
He speaks his truth with reason anchored in the Lord.
Wait for me.
Wait for the Lord God Almighty to guide you in truth.
To all people who want to be leaders and teachers in the Lord of Spirituality, the Lord of All Souls be humble and empty first.
If you do not rid yourself of ego, life will do it.
The most powerful people are not with wealth or position of power. 
The people keep them there and if the Lord opens their eyes and minds, their loyalty will switch elsewhere.
Who is popular today is not tomorrow; and who is popular tomorrow is not known today.
It is a game of manipulation and distraction.
The Lord listens to the humble prayer and hearts of his lowly people; even those who have been humbled.
Be receptive to the truth of the Lord Your God  eternal.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The time has come for my people

Thursday 15 July 2021

'The Time Has Come For My People' - Message 7th July 2021

Message: 7th July 2021
Start time: 4:25 pm
End time: 4:51 pm

'The time has come for My People to know the truth and when they realise the heavy price they paid for rejecting Me.
Who can put wrongs right?
They murdered my people so they could be paid; and people took what was not theirs for gain.
Masses of people are without jobs and the government could pull the plug on everyone to show exertion of power. 
But I will destroy those who murder my people; as they have seen no one survives who lives by death for power. 
The demons within wait; and they are unaware they willingly come under the influence of the most unholy and diabolical entity. 
You were once contaminated by this and hurt by those who took pleasure in hurting; and the injustice boasted about.
What is that about?
The lawless one is long foretold and the people worship the unholy.
No one serves me in your land to correct the wrongs.
Not one of them.
They all live to serve the image of respectability and status of a nation.
Look at England.
There is boasting of greatness too.
You are an oppressed people for as in history, those who are not born to rise and rule have risen by manly tool - while the sacred and holy light is extinguished instead.
Your people do not seek the Living Lord and do not worship in Spirit and in Truth.
They seek to follow a leader who is not aligned with Me in truth. 
Since the ancient times people pray alone and many humble and humbled people still do since.
Yet there is no Community in Christ.
There is gatherings in groups. 
If the leader has no light within him and his heart and soul are not divinely guided in truth, he keeps his followers in darkness.
The One who finds you sought you out and my faithful servant in other lands prays for you too.
You have community in faith and communion in prayer internationally. 
Yet who knows the truth other than the Lord, Your God.
Those who sought to condemn you are condemned.
My people are not serving the devil and his helpers.
The traitors of my people masqueraded as respectable - are not.
The woman who is ambitious to be the spiritual pinnacle of power - has no union - communion with Me.
The Lord Your God and My God, the Father of all, has known and made known the truth before.
Now you can see why things did not work out as they could before with the wrong choices.
The purpose of responsibility must be with the right people.
Your grandmother did right morally and with integrity to show the character of the family.
Yet the wayward child loses his way.
The jealous daughter became resentful that she would steal her way and her own sisters inheritance too.
Yes she is jealous and resentful; not knowing God, in judging her too.
If a woman or man will steal their own siblings inheritance and break the law to do it, why should they be entrusted to preserve the Holy Law; and be a Prince of Princess heir to preserve their people.
They even broke up their own families.
As there will be none looked up upon, unless they are faithful and pure in their intentions with everyone.   

My people are being murdered in your land by a system that do not believe the consequences will fall on their head. 
The people do not know me nor seek me in truth.
I can walk in your land unrecognised. 
You were brave to speak out and confront the courts and government, but there is no change to be considered as taken until they correct the wrongs done to you.
There is obligation in the law and the people being protected from tyranny enshrined in history.
I am the King of My People and you belong to Me as an Orthodox Christian - an ancient believer of the God of Isaac Abraham and Jacob.
I did not ask to be King. 
My Father sent me to reconcile His people to Him through Me.
My work is not over.
My soul never sleeps. 
The Lord God Almighty awaits your prayer and will guide you in Spirit and in Truth. 
We are eternally connected. 
All my people, my family and family by adoption are invited to return to God now.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Hear the word of Your Lord clearly

'Hear The Word Of Your Lord Clearly' - Message 24th May 2021

Message: 24th May 2021

The opening of this message began at 10:35 am and resumed 10:36 AM and ended 11:06. The message was interrupted at 10:44 with the telephone ringing.  Word for word it is written:

"Walk in my shoes."

'Hear the word of your Lord clearly in your soul for we are one and you are you, and I am the I am that your soul knows.
Sweet children, come to me in your innocence. 
Do you not know I am the forgiver of sins and I do not judge you by your fall?
I know you fall over and over by trusting man and the woman who misleads your heart and awakens passions that you cannot resist the temptation. 
Do you not know the souls rightfully aligned with the Lord Almighty will not do this to you - because they will not spoil their soul.
My heart aches for all who have been mislead and are hurting now, for the age of innocences has gone and the age of innocence must return again.
My child, my sweet children, You have all fallen because of the wickedness in the world.
And unless you were held and preserved in chains so no one could be near you, at some point the influence of evil would get to you.
You are to know the world but not be part of the world.
To live in this world but not to do what they do to get what they want and fuel temporary passions.
That is with violating each other. 
You are not animals of a primitive nature. 
Your heart when hurting and violated enters a stage of some healing and ( telephone interruption) 
It is with this the evil one knows. 
He can approach you because your guard is down and you are unaware.
You are unaware because your intuitive senses are questioning something else; and you are unaware because of the shock of what you have been through does not prepare you.
Your shield is wounded and if the right temptation comes; even to lean on someone who is not helping the healing and rebuilding the moral value and spiritual protection - it will show as numbness.
In times of violations, feeling alone and hurt is because of isolation with being alone and hurting. 
It is a protection way to put the heart and mind in order again.
Time to heal to become strong again.
Yet time passes and healing delayed, because without love the soul perishes into abyss.
Without feeling love, the soul cannot sing.
Without love, the man cannot function in the place of Holy Presence and His Sacred Union with Me.
The Lord of Creation cannot do His work in him.
The man of God loves his woman.
His soul is merging with hers in divine union.
One soul, two bodies; two souls come together as one.
In his separateness of Divine Love, and yet if his heart is blocked with pain and injury to his heart, he will hold back.
You who understand, lead the man in prayer and encourage him. 
Do not force my child to feel something he does not. 
Woman you are so powerful and yet more powerful is your unconditional love driven by nurturing and caring and not passion unfulfilled. 
The animal kingdom take their place in the territorial markings, and man interrupts their natural habitat. 
The animal kingdom breed with their own.
The human generation who have forgotten the principles of mating, have forgotten the exchange of love in intimacy as a Sacred Act. 
I did not promote fidelity in promiscuity and I did not promote celibacy for life for these are body ways. 
Your soul is dwelling in your body and your body houses your soul.
To allow the contamination of your soul, your body is to be purified, but your soul in its purity is no more. 
So who can change this?
No mere mortal can cleanse the Holy Sanctuary. 
No one can enter the Holy of Holies at Will.
The Lord asks you to purify your hearts, minds and souls with prayer.
And it is He who will purify your heart, mind and soul.
The body has symptoms of illness and the plague has come to warn all.
You are not invincible
You are scared of dying but you do not seek with passion what is pure to live a holy life - with love that is pure.
Your sacred union is near and far.
There is the reminder in front of you such love is possible. 
So prepare my children and love your wives as the Lord loves His Church.
She who has been purified by the Lord, in the preparation was given something that she will know.
She walks gently and in humility now.
She who is broken and facing Mercy in the Lord has known remorse. 
She is not shouting and preaching inflating an ego.
No, She came to me willingly.
Will you do the same?'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Pray and the Lord will bless you with this

Sunday 23 May 2021

'Pray And The Lord Will Bless You With This' - Message 23rd May 2021

This morning, woke up 7:17 am with hearing singing 'Amen, amen amen'
Hearing exactly as this in 'The Blessing'. With the time noted, scripture can also be identified that may compound this revelation.

Revelation 7:17 it is written:

'for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

Message: 23rd May 2021
Start time: 10:18 am
End time: 10:45 am

'I will make all things right in your life.
Trust me because I am the Lord Almighty and One with all my people.
So my children, turn to me with all your heart and let the wellsprings open and overflow, for the Lord of heaven and earth will listen to you now.
Let the rebellion stop now.
Let the heartlessness stop now.
Let the jealousy and hate stop now.
There is no competing for me.
Your Lord and God waits for you to come with all your hearts clean, so that I may purify your hearts and souls with my Holy Spirit. 
Dear ones, do you forget I am the one who can do all things and nothing happens before the right time?
Dear ones, do you hear the birds sing?
Do you know who wrote their song?
Do you know provision is given when there is least expected?
And those who rob my people will be robbed of the Lord's Blessing; for my people who have been persecuted and suffered so much will be blessed even more by the Lord of Grace.
Even in His Mercy, He forgives sinners.
But if you continue to murder my people by your ways, you will be cursed in the river of fire that will sweep your land.
You will be burned in your heart and soul of all your rottenness; and you will never know to be satisfied in your life.
You who hate my people will never know love and will not sleep peacefully at night; because your fear is being hated and you know retaliation can come at any time.
Take no life for granted and do not look at the lofty because the Lord looks at the lowly, the meek, the broken, the destitute and those left for dead by those who prevented their ability to live and thrive.
My people do not serve the enemy of my people and they will not do ill deeds to place my people in harms way.
To silence you is to silence me, but they will be silent about the Lord your God because they do not know Him.
They will all know when the Lord, Your Saviour switches on the light within and this comes with love.
As you love you will be loved; and as you show mercy you shall be shown mercy. 
Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will raise you up.
Humble yourselves in front of the enemy and the Lord will fight for you.; for His army of angels have a cause in your life.
Humble yourselves in your meekest and weakest state; and the Lord will banish the enemy if you let Him.
Do not retaliate and fight evil with evil.
Bend your ear to hear the Lord's guidance and wait for Him - for he will always lead the righteous in truth; and the wicked will not get away with what they do.
My children, you did not have anyone to defend you in danger, because mere mortals are scared.
Mere mortals seek weapons to fight other weapons.
The Lord is Lord of all creation and when you pray, hearts and minds can be transformed overnight. 
One day war and destruction; the next day peace.
Who can do this?
How can calm the storm?
Who can bring the people to see the Lord is One with His people; 
And hurting angry people are justified too.
But who sees the lesson and reason for all this?
Can the Lord gather His people without helpers?
Does He need people to speak on your behalf to Him?
Can you not see the curtain has been lifted and the doorway to heaven open?
The Lord sees and knows everything that is going on.
In your most humble broken state, the Lord sees your tears and you will know joy - all who return with sincere heart.
You will be hated by those who do not know the Lord, but let me, Your Lord and God deal with that .
Pray that their hearts and minds be turned from wicked ways, and for all to live in peace and harmony again. 
Pray and the Lord will bless you with this.
Let the Lord's Will be done in your life and He will do it.
If you relinquish the ways of man, you will discover the divine.
May the Lord Bless you and your children with His Love and Mercy

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

'God Did Not Forget Your Promise To Him' - Message 3rd April 2021

Message : 3rd April 2021
Start time: 5:23 am
End time: 5:52 am

'Hear my voice faintly in the distance ...
So many people do not know that I live and have lived and died and came alive again for my people. 
My family are spiritually united as one; and my family by adoption are by choice and communion that is holy and pure.
My spiritual family are rightfully aligned with me with my heart; so they are rightfully aligned with the Lord God Almighty.
He who is the Creator of all did not want to leave you as orphans; 
And the Holy Spirit is given to you that we are connected spiritually until the end of time.
All who reject God and the Lord of all creation, they did not hear of him.
And they would reject you and all who find the right way - to Fear God and not the man of rebellion and sin, for his soul is poisoned with hate and vengeance.
The Lord wants to set His people free, but now many work in the enslavement system and they cannot see any way forward - except to do what they are told; and continue to injure my people. 
The system in society is sick and thrives by making people sick.
Yet the system of solutions will give toxins to the brain; that leaves people further doubting the path of liberation and peace in the Lord who loves His people.
The Lord of this world, the Prince of darkness does not love the people - He does not even love himself. 
A shift is taking place and a divide created.
The enemy of the people does not care what happens, or will happen to anyone at all.
He knows his time is short and he knows the great rebellion is foretold too.
Where are the intercessors of prayer for all those stuck at home and left to perish to death?
There are many commanding leadership yet without the Lord's permission.
And there are many drowning out the still small voice of the Lord who stills the hearts and minds of his broken and forgotten children.
What you went through and others is with scripture being fulfilled;
And what you were to see and know of that rebellion nation, you had to take notice of or you would have never spoken. 
You are weak physically, yet your body is the vessel for your soul 
You fly free when you are sleeping and the soul never sleeps.
The love and longing in the aching heart is a yearning preceding growth.
You are leaving something behind for a future unknown.
Your heart aches for familiarity; yet the Lord called you for His purpose.
You were warned and foretold.
The higher you climb the spiritual ladder, what no longer serves your life will go.
You will strive and meet new people and they will welcome the faithful woman; in faith and in marriage of the sacred union.
The world as you know it is with people being moved;
And eventually you will move, but will you be ready when He calls you to His mission for you?
My sweet children, come back to innocence in your hearts; and return to God the Father as a preserver and protector of your purpose. 
As you prepare to navigate this journey - the way has already been made clear. 
Already preparations are in place and the timing for all to come together harmoniously is with willing hearts and souls to follow the guidance.
This is a solemn time for the believers and then there will be joy in resurrection commemoration.
And then where will be sorrow in circumstances and joy in a little freedom.
But there is no joy in the man of lawlessness.
Sweet children, turn to the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not harm anyone with intent.
Do not cause suffering and loss;
And do not expect the loveless rebels who defy God are not without punishment and being reprimanded. 
They will suffer and feel the pain when their time comes to feel what they sow.
Disgraceful is the man who oppresses and abuses women - and there are many abusers in the land where you live.
The lawless one hates women.
He rejects righteous teaching from the Father
The woman can busy herself with many things or nothing at all.
The man who can focus only with limited view will analyse his purpose and whom he is loyal to.
God did not forget your promise to Him?
Did you remember?'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

You dare with arrogance and contemptment

'You Dare With Arrogance and Contemptment' - Message March 2021

Message: March 2021 - Date not recorded
Start time: 16:23
End time: 18:52

'We all know what happens by the actions that speak louder than words in that hateful nation of yours. 
Yes there are good kind natured people but many are not - not caring, not compassionate, not willing to help or lend a helping hand unless there is some reward.
Oh my people, for what have you been led to be enslaved to and look upon another with suspicion and distrust. 
You trip up the frail and weak and you rob the poorest of people.
You punish the weakest and helpless and you scold the orphans, who were made this way by circumstances of their own choosing - they did not.
My friends, how can you be a friend of mine and say you love me when you have lived with hatred and jealousy for the apple of my eye?
Not one of you are perfect and I am not perfect; yet you seek to inflate yourselves while disregarding good works of the lowly who seek to be guided by God.
You place people above you who reject me and defy the Holy Order; and you look to those who are lowly with contempt. 
But did you cause their lowly fall?
Did you go out of your way to lift someone up?
Did you reach out to someone who fell on the ground?
Did you leave a morsel of food for the hungry?
Did you offer water to someone who was thirsty?
Did you give of your heart as a human, a few moments of your busy day to show you care?
Because it is in the uncaring condemnation, rejection and abandonment that has caused illness, poverty and destitution too.
How dare you claim to be working in a government of the Queen, they say is 'set aside by God' and cause death.
How dare you rob my people blind.
In their confusion they fear!
How dare you dish out injustice in the mockery of the Lord Your God - You are children of the devil who plan this;
And you who boast of eating while others starve to death;
That you would rob people that you could survive without care; and even depriving people of their rights to life and to live in peace and prosper.
You dare with arrogance and contemptment. 
Well if you do not turn from your wicked ways then the Lord will not hear your prayer when destitution falls on your head;
And if you do not show mercy on other people, mercy will not be shown to you at the end of days.
You did not heed the words of the Lord Your God and seek to be guided in the right way. 
Did you agree to wrong others, or did you decide to injure the most vulnerable - because you can?
My people are perishing because they rejected the truth and my people are being murdered by a system of abuse.
The murderers were before in the course of history with the attitude 'the strongest will survive' - yet if they killed me, do (you) not think there is heartlessness to kill you too.
What is gained under the influence of evil came at a loss of the Grace of God and soul salvation.
Be happy in small ways and be humble in your circumstances, no matter how high you climb the social ladder of success and society.
Be humble.
Be sincere and the right people who are rightfully aligned with me will be your extended family.
Renounce all that is evil and keep your distance from those who will expose their intentions.
Mix with the good, gracious and generous loving hearts for the Lord loves the one who loves when they have nothing else to give.
Your prayers are not always answered as you wish and your will cannot be compromised in this.
Remember, it is the Lord's Will to gather His people back to Him.
You returned and returned back to inspire faith and prayer.
My child, faith must come from within not without.
If people are serious, they will get on their hands and knees in desperation and yet is this enough?
The Lord seeks sincere souls and waits patiently.
Be a part of my holy mission and not part of the unholy empire.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Do not return to the pack


Saturday 20 March 2021

'Do Not Return To The Pack' - Message 19th March 2021

Message: 19th March 2021
Start time: 15:38
End time: 15:58

'I cannot comfort the comfortless when you turn your back on me.
This is how it is my child and tell them this.
You are alone and yet you are not alone.
You look to be with one and yet you were rejected by the pack who did not make you welcome. 
When you are alone and coping with progression spiritually in prayer focus and what your mind leads you to say and do at the time, the pack listens to their leader and teacher.
When the leader and teacher of the pack resents you for seeking the high road to talk to me, your Lord and God is this her right to do?
She keeps people safe in her mind but does not want anyone to do what she would not do.
She does not want to climb, but there is exposure to sin and envy in accusing you - yet what will you do?
Are you expected to sit at her feet and be scolded and ignored?
You did not climb because you sought me.
I sought you and called you out of the crowd that were not nourishing you.
You asked for nourishment with permission to be nourished.
You did not take what is not yours.
You were told you can have as much as you want and in time you look to how to cultivate nourishment of your own to share. 
You are given nourishment and you give nourishment in abundance with so much more, but not all can see. 
Not everyone wants what you give. 
Your people are dying by their multitudes and many taken their own life. 
Do you follow and trust the leader that did not even make sure you had food?
They are at ease with causing death and they would do this again as this is what they are asked to do.
The Devil has many helpers, and yet those who seek the Lord with all their hearts and mind to be guided at all times in truth are few.
I know you want to escape that vagabond nation, but to place your trust where there is no trustworthiness is the lesson.
Your heart aches with grief and your soul longs for the connection that only one connected with me can give.
You are told 'Love your Lord and God with all your heart and all your soul' because on the lonely spiritual path there are few who truly seek me.
Your prayer 'And lead me not into temptation' covers a multitude of sins;
But let no one condemn you for seeking me and hearing my voice because this comes at a price you were willing to pay. 
The traitors condemned you to death and while you do not live a wholly fulfilling life, my chosen counsellor rejected by those who hate me and reject me.
Look at that nation of mentally numbed people and drunkenness to numb their senses, while pretending all is well when it is not. 
The hard heartedness is so evident, masked with politeness and if you reach out to people with little energy, it is not as if they cannot see you struggle despite keeping going.
An old man of 80 says he can cope, but he is surrounded by neighbours and not one offers to go to the shop or thinks to bring him something he might like.
They look but another excuse not to communicate.
You see what is happening with other people - so do not take things personally.
Some of you learn to live alone and not ask for help from anyone when in need, but the treacherous government that made it a law to keep people apart, yet sent other people in at a price.
Where you are all enslaved by this evil rule, their hypocrisy is justified. 
They cannot see who inflicts harm, injury and trauma by depriving people of their fundamental human rights.
Many will perish to death.
The enemy of the people knows cruelty to the people.
The people who live with love in their hearts and souls do not change.
Even if the well is running dry, the Lord your God fills you and sustains you with His love.
You are calm, but take no nonsense from anyone.
Do not hesitate to confront anyone who puts you down to ridicule you because they feel resentment.
Try and live peaceably with all people and heal where there is a healing need too.
Do not return to the pack.
Lead people to me - that is why you are chosen.
My most unlikely helper has suffered much.
God will reward you with his Grace and Mercy'  

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

I am waiting for repentance and remorse

Monday 1 March 2021

'I Am Waiting for Repentance and Remorse' - Message 1st March 2121

Personal revelation message following prayer.

Message: 1st March 2121
Start time: 3:13 am
End time: 3:40 am

'Hear O one child alone in these times.
All who abandon you do not realise the strength of your soul. 
They care when they want something from you and you reach out to people in need, I do not forget.
My child you are a handmaiden shaped by me for a purpose you do not know.
Your heart has ached and the loss you have suffered  has left you alone without an anchor to hold on to.
Lean on me my child. Lean on me for I am faithful and all who are left out abandoned as orphans are entrusted to me in this time.
The love you felt and lost opened a doorway in your heart for light to shine through again. 
You inspire love when you feel love.
You inspire healing with feeling pain within.
You share this healing journey with tens of thousands of others in this unique way of being. 
The Pharma solutions are not safe.
All that takes my people away from me is affecting you too.
The life you were given so productive in determination to make a positive difference, yet over and over again blocks and traitors exposed for what they are. 
I called you out from the darkness into the light that you may see clearly a way that I did not give permission to teach.
I set you high in the Throne Room in the heavens so you could realise you are not of your own free Will. 
Your promise was made long ago and yet while you forget, the God of your heart and soul did not forget at all. 
The unrighteous have no regard for the people.
The indulgence of want of energy, attention and political gains knows no ends.
The television teaches and limits; expands and enlightens some truths that exist in the world of creative expression. 
The mind of man is controlled by his thoughts and what he witnesses to learn from. 
He reacts as a human with urges; and with need for affection and love,
He is lost without comfort in his soul.
Yet there are those driven by passionate exploits, never satisfied and hunger for more.
Eventually life gets tired of all that held; meaning is lost
The Lord sustains life and as the sustainer of life, He is the preserver of souls in all creation.
Can the world exist without the men who lack love?
Can the world be sustained without prayers and graceful works?
So my child, who are you to worry about that which is not good for you to know, when your gift is something else.
You are a mystery; an enigma to some and utterly misunderstood by many who rejected the Lord over all. 
Live for me and breathe for you, for as the days are difficult now.
You have endured the tribulation for far too long. 
Be careful of being bitter in your words to those who hate me; for all they do in their insecurities is already written and known.
My child, I want you to rest and take your problems away form yourself. 
Give them all to me; and all who caused you suffering they will not escape so easily. 
You protect people while they led you to hurt without thinking. 
My child, many want to hear my voice but cannot because the light is not switched on within their being. 
I am waiting for repentance and remorse; and taking this life seriously.
My dear, many before you were called and chosen to write to bring a people to the Lord of Grace and Mercy.
Many know of you now and in India people pray for you today.
Be a Servant of the Light even if you are held in the shadow of the wings of the Almighty One.
Bring people to faith.
Encourage prayer.
Meditate on My word day and night as it is given to you.
My sheep hear my voice and I did not change throughout the ages.
Forgive and be forgiven.
Love and be loved.
It is time to.' 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Meditation vision - Woman above cloud and huge heart